Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 201 197: The Magical Deer Fetal Powder

Wang Tianxiao listened to Mi Liang's conversation, and found that this person's knowledge and style of conversation were completely different from his appearance, so he found out that this person was actually a junior college student.

In this era, the college entrance examination has just resumed, and the number of college students is quite small. After they come out, they are all assigned jobs. I don't know how this person has fallen to this point.

Although the village head can also shine, but with this kind of talent, there should be a bigger stage suitable for him.

With curiosity in his heart, Wang Tianxiao talked a lot with Mi Liang, and gained a lot of experience and knowledge from him. It seems that although his clothes are not very well-dressed, there are precious treasures inside.

The people above were talking, and the two of them were whispering below. The time passed quickly, only to hear Zhao Yunxiang suddenly say that the meeting was over, and the people below clapped their hands and started to stand up and leave the venue one after another.

"Let's go." Wang Tianxiao said.


The two followed the crowd out of the meeting room. Wang Tianxiao smiled and said that if he had the opportunity to go to Mijia Village in the future, he would definitely find Mi Liang to drink.

In Mijia Village, under the leadership of Miliang, many families are making tofu, which is famous nearby.

According to Miliang, their goal is not only to supply the people of Qingquan Town, but also to sell tofu to Qingcheng, so that everyone in Qingcheng can eat tofu made in Mijia Village.

It can also be regarded as the most primitive villager cooperation, where idle labor and productivity are gathered together to form a climate.

Gradually, it became the brand of Mijia Village.

At first, Wang Tianxiao was worried that if the electricity was connected to Mijia Village, the people here would not be willing to pull electricity, so it would be difficult for him to achieve the goal of using electricity. After chatting with Mi Liang, he realized that his worries were purely groundless.

Although Mijia Village is a small village, they are trying their best to develop the bean product industry. The power is very important. They wish to send electricity to it as soon as possible, so that they can be used for lighting and driving blowers.

This is much more worry-free.

As for the problem of the telephone pole, he didn't pay much attention to it, and it wasn't something he should worry about.

Under the general situation, there are some people who are more eager than him.

The rest depends on how the government solves it, and whether Zhang Wenyuan can catch the slowly starting train.

When he communicated with Zhang Wenyuan last time, he didn't specifically tell Zhang Wenyuan what kind of advice and information he would get, and he didn't need a hammer to beat the drum. He believed that Zhang Wenyuan could tell the difference.

If you take the initiative to ask for benefits, you will destroy the tacit relationship with Zhang Wenyuan.

With his current capital, it is actually a little strange for him to be able to get close to Zhang Wenyuan. Even though he does have more "foresight", many of his foresights are relatively illusory. It is really rare for Zhang Wenyuan to accept it and really pay attention to it. .

On the one hand, he attributed this reason to Zhang Wenyuan's keen vision.

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly thought, is this also the convenience of rebirth, is it a BUG?

Otherwise, in reality, people of his status and Zhang Wenyuan themselves have a certain level of division, so no matter how they get together, even if they meet, they may not be able to handle each other well.

Hard to say.


April passed slowly.

Seeing that the threshold of May is only a few days away, a great event is ushered in at the station.

The doe is about to give birth.

Strictly speaking, the pregnancy and calving periods of this deer are not consistent with normal deer. Generally speaking, deer will give birth in July and August, and it is rare for this type of deer to give birth in April.

If she didn't give birth according to the season, it would be difficult to persist, but under the careful care of everyone, especially Liu Yuan, she not only persisted until the time of giving birth, but was also very healthy.

This made the people at the station very happy.

As the doe came to the station, she gradually became familiar with everyone.

The character of the deer is docile, but the female deer happens to be pregnant with a baby, which makes her appear even quieter.

Although Liu Yuan is mainly responsible for the care and feeding, because he often takes the doe out to bask in the sun, everyone has become quite familiar with it.

After coming and going, I also like this calm mother deer very much.

Even surpassed the three fawns.

The three fawns are two females and one male. After a few months of growth, they have grown a lot now, especially the male deer grows the fastest, and it is slightly smaller than the female deer. After a few more months, it will reach seven It will be able to serve as a big job in August.

Now that the doe is about to give birth, everyone at the station is extremely excited and nervous.

Liu Yuan almost eats and sleeps with the doe, and the other three deer have also been separated, and are no longer locked in the same room as the doe, giving her adequate rest conditions.

Of course, Wang Tianxiao is also a person who pays special attention.

From the beginning, he expected to develop a small or medium-sized deer farm. This doe is the first pregnant deer in his deer breeding business, which has extraordinary significance.

With this experience, he plans to build a deer farm after the autumn harvest, and develop deer breeding into an industrialized thing.

As for whether to continue to expand the scale in the future, it depends on the actual demand of the market.

We Chinese people pay special attention to a large scale when doing business or other things, so we often use large scale to make propaganda.

If it is raising sheep, it must be within the scope of ability, the better.

This is because sheep have a wide market with strong demand, and the people of the whole country consume hundreds of millions of sheep every year, no matter how many individuals raise, they can completely digest them.

But raising deer is different.

The deer is full of treasures, and it is true that it has very precious economic value, but the problem is that these values ​​are concentrated in a small area.

Places that need it are willing to buy at high prices, but more places don't need it at all.

That is to say, there is a price without a market.

In this context, it is obviously meaningless to increase production one-sidedly without looking at market demand.

Under the careful care of Liu Yuan, the doe gave birth to a calf in the early morning of the next day.

Mother and daughter are safe.

The production process was quite smooth, and there was no dilemma of whether to keep the big one or keep it down.

The number of deer in the field has reached five.

One male deer, four female deer, very safe and healthy male-female ratio.

If this state of development continues, even if the deer are not purchased from outside, the number of deer herd will reach more than 50 within three to four years, and Wang Tianxiao's goal will be initially completed.

But Wang Tianxiao felt that this speed was too slow, so he planned to add 50 heads at a time, and the breeding and antler production would be carried out together.

After the production of deer blood and other things stabilized, he was going to try downstream products.

In this day and age, people have no awareness of health care. He is going to make a deer health food. It is not a junk health product that sells dog meat like a certain wine and lives purely on advertising. He will try to restore the ingredients of deer as much as possible, so that Everyone really and truly benefits.

The efficacy of deer has actually been greatly developed in later generations, but it has not become a mainstream health product, mainly because it is too expensive.

Take deer blood powder as an example, an adult male deer can only draw a few kilograms of blood a year, and when it is dried into blood powder, there is even less left. People take it by grams.

Just imagine how expensive it would be to sell such a thing, so many things on the market are selling dog meat with deer blood powder in it, but there are also other ingredients.

Its name is to neutralize the temperament of Deer Blood, so that people will not be able to absorb it. In fact, everyone in the industry knows what it is.

The health care product market is not as strictly managed as pharmaceuticals, and with the addition of these unscrupulous developers, it has gradually been completely ruined.

When people mention health products, they basically regard them as scams, and few people will really enjoy the benefits it brings.

When the deer was born, it naturally became everyone's new favorite.

Liu Yuan's favorite jewel.

He even put an end to people's visits on the grounds that everyone went to see the deer and affected the deer's sleep, and kept the deer firmly protected in his own warmth.

Wang Tianxiao also felt relieved to let him take care of him, so he would have less to worry about.

If Liu Yuan has always been interested in this, when the time comes when the deer farm expands, he can be in charge.

The deer and he both looked for someone to rely on.

In the mountains and fields, slowly some medicinal herbs that are not very strong, or genetically mutated, have begun to bloom.

So the people at the station began to get busy.

These early blooming flowers should be pulled out in advance, although they are also medicinal materials, and they are also a very positive part of growth, in fact, this does not bring them good luck.

At this time, the medicinal materials have a short growth cycle and premature flowering and maturity, so the medicinal effect is very poor. Although it is not completely useless, the effect of the medicinal materials in the normal cycle is very different.

Therefore, this kind of medicinal material should be pulled out separately, which is equivalent to removing the fake and inferior varieties in the group, otherwise once they pollinate with other varieties, it will affect the quality and purity of the entire medicinal field.

Through such continuous screening, what is left at the end is the most tenacious species in life and the most suitable for the growth cycle.

The main task of screening and pulling out seedlings is still the responsibility of the Wu family, Mi Xiaoqing and Li Guanping.

Li Wangtianxiao initially thought about letting Li Guanping learn something else, but later found that he was also reluctant to leave Mi Xiaoqing, so he simply changed his mind.

After all, Li Guanping was one of his own, and he was honest and honest, so Wang Tianxiao thought that if he was really interested in these things, he could also be in charge of the management of the medicine field.

There are many things Wang Tianxiao wants to do in the future, it is impossible to tie himself to this kind of thing forever.

Wang Tianxiao, who has experienced the 21st century, knows that planting medicinal herbs is only the front-end work, and the more front-end, the lower the economic benefits it can bring. The real money is to produce these raw materials into end-end consumer goods.

Technology is what is really valuable.

Agriculture, industry and commerce seem to be parallel terms, but Wang Tianxiao thinks that it can be understood in another way. All industries start from agriculture. When the basic resources of agriculture are abundant, industry begins to develop. When industry develops to a certain extent, commerce will emerge. .

He will also go in this direction.

When agriculture develops to a certain level, it will move closer to industry.

Farming does not mean that you cannot make a fortune, but you cannot fully realize your greater ambitions.

Wang Tianxiao's ambitions are also constantly changing. From the time when he first came to this world, Xiaofu Ji'an's thoughts are gradually thinking about making a career and getting closer.

Since Wang Xiaolan talked with her mother last time, the relationship between the two has improved a lot.

In addition to working in the mountains recently, she has been holding a notebook to write, write and draw when she is resting.

Wang Tianxiao snatched it up and took a look. It turned out that he was writing a novel.

Wang Tianxiao didn't know whether the writing was good or not, anyway, it was quite interesting to read, there were some long and some short, and most of them were written about various experiences when working in the south.

Wang Xiaolan was a little shy at first, worried that Wang Tianxiao would laugh at her when she saw it.

But Wang Tianxiao himself is not well-educated, so he has always envied these people with ink in their stomachs. Not only did he not laugh at her, he even bought a lot of books for her.

Including Youth Digest, and readers also called Reader's Digest, Liaoning Youth, Legends of the Past and the Past, etc., and bought many novels and essays by great Chinese and foreign writers, and selected essays for him.

Wang Tianxiao vaguely remembered his son saying that the most recent great period of literature and art was the Republic of China. At that time, there were many masters, so he bought some of the works of those masters he didn't know.

Hand over dozens of books to Wang Xiaolan, and tell her that if there are not enough books, she can continue to buy them.

It is good to learn knowledge, and educated people in the future society will eat more deliciously. Wang Tianxiao himself is like this. He hopes that children can become educated people as much as possible.

With Wang Tianxiao's support, Wang Xiaolan's confidence has increased a lot, and the idea of ​​contributing a manuscript began to grow.

Encouraged by Wang Tianxiao and Li Yali, she finally plucked up the courage to send her first contribution letter to Reader's Digest.

She herself knows that the possibility of publication is very small, but she just hopes to get some opinions from the editorial department, and then continue to learn and improve, and finally realize her dream of being a writer.


Wang Tianxiao handed over a large altar of sealed deer blood wine to Zhang Wenyuan, then took out a small dark brown bottle, and waved it in front of Zhang Wenyuan in front of the sun.

Zhang Wenyuan didn't know why, so he asked curiously, "What's inside?"

"nice one."

"Don't be tricky, just say it."

"It's deer tire powder."

Seeing that Zhang Wenyuan didn't understand for a while, he added: "It's the powder ground after drying the deer placenta. Last time you..."

"Oh, so this is it."

Zhang Wenyuan was very happy. Last time he told Wang Tianxiao that a certain client and his wife had been pregnant for many years and could not conceive a child. When he heard the news, he naturally took it to heart and told Wang Tianxiao.

Wang Tianxiao knows that deer fetus powder is very effective in treating infertility, but it is actually difficult for him to determine to what extent the specific effect is good.

So he promised Zhang Wenyuan that he could try it.

Anyway, at that time, he thought that his deer was about to give birth, and a deer fetus just happened to come down.

No, after it was dried and ground into powder, it was sent to Zhang Wenyuan.

The relationship between the two is already extraordinary now, so they didn't discuss the price. Zhang Wenyuan took out two stacks of ten-yuan bills to Wang Tianxiao, and Wang Tianxiao didn't refuse. He put them in his bag and put the bag on the side of the sofa.

He came to Zhang Wenyuan today, not only to give wine and deer tires, but more importantly, he wanted to hear about Zhang Wenyuan's advancing speed and whether there were any difficulties in the process.

After the two sat down, Zhang Wenyuan briefly talked to him.

Because the missing director of the prefabrication factory has not been found under the joint handling of various departments, considering that the pursuit of utility poles is related to the happiness of the people's lives, all parties discussed the need to renovate the prefabrication factory.

In this era, the laws were not very sound, and many problems were exposed during the period of rapid economic expansion.

Faced with this prefab factory, it was decided to seal it up directly, and then new personnel would take over. The original boss would continue to issue the wanted investigation assistance notice from the Public Security Bureau, which can be regarded as a quick adjustment of the direction of problem solving.

Everyone knows that this solution is a bit sloppy, and it doesn't necessarily fully meet the legal requirements.

But that person has disappeared without a trace, and he will not be found for a while, and the matter cannot be delayed like this. Finding a new person to take over is the most effective strategy.

It is said that the new pick-up candidates need to be screened, but in fact, this kind of mess is not welcome, and it is still a field such as prefab factories that cannot see the future, and a lot of funds are needed to take over the order, so the announcement After it was released, no one was willing to make a move.

Zhang Wenyuan was long overdue.

He was willing to try it almost when everyone thought it was hopeless.

But he is a standard businessman, and he did not bargain with the reform team when he took the opportunity. In this special era, most people might wear a hat when doing this, but Zhang Wenyuan has a profound background and is well versed in business negotiations, so he forced the reform Not only did the leaders of the group not trouble him, but they also highly affirmed his participation and were willing to take the opportunity to give some policy preference, which can be said to have made a lot of money.

However, having a good start is just the beginning. If you really want to make money, you need to fully implement your ideas.

Wang Tianxiao and Zhang Wenyuan are very clear about this.

"Congratulations, it only took so little time to successfully win this factory."

"The final transaction has not been completed yet, because the former boss has not returned yet, so the situation here is still relatively complicated. At most, I can only temporarily borrow the equipment and facilities in the factory. If he comes back suddenly or is captured, there is still a need to go. process. But if he doesn't want to..."

"How could he be unwilling?" Wang Tianxiao smiled lightly, and said a little cruelly: "From the moment he thought about doing this kind of thing, he has already gone to the point of no return. With his guilt, I'm afraid he can suffer ten times. Gun. If there is no accident, there should be no chance to visit his factory again. However, you still have to be careful, and you must sign an agreement with several government departments. In case, I mean, in case there is any trouble, It’s not enough to become a backer.”

Zhang Wenyuan didn't know what a back-and-forth man was, but he could probably guess its meaning. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, no one can give me eye drops for this kind of thing. Just take over the mess. I'm still a little confused, I don't know where to start, after all, I used to be in the catering service industry, and this is a completely new field, and the industry is like a mountain."

Zhang Wenyuan showed a troubled expression, Wang Tianxiao could see that he was not being polite, but really a little confused.

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