Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 260 256: Instead of beating him, buy him candy?

Wang Tianxiao didn't stop him at first.

He thought the guy was just putting on a show.

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

This man, he is really beating children.

His fat palm was drawn to the child's face, how did the child feel.

The nose was broken on the spot.

Zhao Tianxing didn't give up, and was going to continue kicking?

"Etc., etc!"

Wang Tianxiao couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly pulled Zhao Tianxing's arm from behind, "Why are you beating the child?"

"Who will let the disobedient at school, bully others, grow up, see if I don't beat him to death, this little bastard."

Wang Tianxiao frowned.

Sure enough, every bad boy who bullies others has a family with serious problems.

The last child had no parents. Although this child has a father, he is an incompetent and violent man who only knows how to do things to children.

It has never been difficult to really educate children well by doing things with them.

Everyone has a reverse psychology.

The harder you hit, the stronger the child's desire to fight back.

He dare not oppose you, dare not use force against you, but he can explode this desire to do it on others.

Maybe it will get worse.

That's why children bully lower grade students who are younger and weaker than themselves in school.

This is a kind of inheritance from the father to solve things by force.

"Children bully others outside, you bully children at home, what's the difference between you, don't you know, children learn from you.

Every parent is a child's learning object, and every child is also a mirror of their parents. Many actions, behaviors, and psychology shown in children come from their parents. Don't you know this? "

"What does it have to do with this? What's wrong with me educating my son? If he's disobedient and I don't beat him up, why should I buy him candy?"

Wang Tianxiao ignored him, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, rolled it into a corner, stuffed it into the child's nostrils, and raised his head a little.

He also used the spare part of the handkerchief to help him wipe the blood off his face.

I sighed secretly.

This child was born in a very difficult family.

Every child, at the stage of growth, will have a process of groping with the world.

Sometimes it's a light touch, and sometimes it's a hard bump.

Faced with different situations, parents must know how to give their children enough patience to carefully observe why their children behave like this, and how to better solve this problem.

But many parents are simply impatient.

The education method they inherited from their father is that if the child is disobedient, then smoke.

One meal is not enough, just two or three.

If the child gets scared, then he will be honest.

What's more, there are some parents who don't feed their children when they make mistakes, and want to completely conquer their children through this sense of fear.

Children are different from children.

Some children may become obedient from then on, at least before they grow up, and then after they become adults, they will not have a close relationship with their parents at all. As long as they go to work in other places, they will not bother to make a phone call, let alone return Home to visit parents.

There are also some children, it doesn't matter how you beat them, if you hit yours, I still do whatever I want, and I belong to the optimist who is particularly stubborn, and such children have little influence.

There are also some children who are extremely extreme in dealing with domestic violence and cold violence. If they are mild, they directly confront their parents, or if they are serious, they even choose to commit suicide.

The relationship between parents and children requires patience and method the most.

Many parents only wake up suddenly after losing their children. It turns out that their own requirements for their children, the so-called good for their children, are not what their children want at all.

It seems to do a lot, but it is actually a cage that restricts the growth of the child. In the end, it just hurts the child and turns the child into a processed product of his own failure.

Wang Tianxiao has always opposed the use of violence against children.

Even in his previous life, when he was often forced by life and was very uncomfortable, he would only sulk himself and would not impose this kind of pressure on his children.

A child is a child, and if you put so much pressure on him, he can't do anything about it.

On the contrary, it will make the parent-child relationship very bad.

Although not talking about the open parent-child relationship like in the West, or being friends with children like some educators say, Wang Tianxiao feels that at least a stable and peaceful family should be given to children. In this way, when the children grow up, they will be full of expectations for the family and will not despair of marriage and love.

Knowing that people want to get along with others, they must learn to love others and treat them sincerely.

These excellent qualities are the important qualities and morals of a person throughout his life.

With these, even if the child grows up to nothing, he can still find a suitable living space in the world.

The so-called life is not to find a way to get along well with the world.

It is a kind of self-consistency.

Wang Tianxiao was able to understand these principles, and it took a lifetime of experience to accumulate them.

As for the man in front of him, he didn't regard the child as his equal at all.

Perhaps in his eyes, he gave the child food and clothing, and let the child go to school, that is a great gift to the child.

If you use him, you must listen to him.

If you don't obey, you will be beaten.

There is no problem that can't be solved with one blow, and if it doesn't work, it can be solved with two blows.

Wang Tianxiao secretly groaned, he originally asked someone else to apologize to Hongwei, well, now that he has changed his partner, the man frightened Hongwei after such a savage operation.

But he was depressed to death.

He pulled the man to the seat next to him and sat down, and said with a wry smile: "The child made a mistake, you have to tell the child what is wrong, and you have to educate him slowly. Why beat the child?"

"I don't think this kid needs to be cleaned up. I worked hard all day to send him to school, and it's not all because of him. He's good enough to cause trouble for me everywhere. Today I insist on making him retreat."

With that said, this guy even wanted to beat the child.

Wang Tianxiao had no choice but to hold him back, "Alright, alright, if you really want to educate your child, you can go back and fight. I have never seen a father like you, and you don't even imagine it. Your solution to things is force, and that child will follow you." What you learn is that you like to bully people with force, let me tell you, if you continue like this, not only will your child not learn well in the future, but it may even get worse and worse."

"How dare he!?"

"He has nothing to dare. You can be stronger than him for the rest of your life. Let me tell you, there is a limit to everything you do. You can educate your children and punish them appropriately. But if you keep being so rough, you will definitely regret it in the future. Control I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret it."

Wang Tianxiao pulled the child to his side again, looked at the handkerchief stuffed in his nose, and the fearful and resentful eyes on his face, and said to him helplessly: "I don't care about today's affairs, but you have to know that you beat someone up." No, do you hear me?"

The kid nodded.

Wang Tianxiao didn't know how much he had listened to, but he couldn't say anything.

This child is also a poor man.

What can I say when I meet such a father.

I can only ask for luck.

Wang Tianxiao couldn't control these things, he could only secretly feel sorry for the child.

Under such high-pressure management, it is basically impossible to grow into a very gentle and calm personality, but will become easily agitated, inferior, impatient, irritable, etc. Anyway, these are some personalities that are not good for growth.

"You take your children back home."

Wang Tianxiao didn't want to continue talking to this father, he despised this kind of person very much.

Anyone who likes to vent their anger on those who are weaker than themselves is impotent anger.

Just look at this father. The reason why he treats the child like this is not because the child dare not oppose him, even if he opposes, he cannot beat him.

Would he dare to do this if he met a slightly stronger person?

Really worthless garbage.

Seeing the man grabbing his son by the ear and leaving cursing, Wang Tianxiao wished he could spit at his back.

Who is that~

At this time, he finally waited for the last person.

Is a middle-aged woman.

He was holding the child among the three, Wang Haoyu.

That is, the child of the friend who said the father and the principal.

The woman holding his hand looked like she had a little money, and she was wearing gold and silver, wishing that others would not know that her family was rich. She came in and started yelling, "What, what, what happened to our Haoyu, what's the matter?"

Wang Tianxiao didn't speak at first, and let the woman continue to babble.

After the woman finished speaking, she waited for a long time, and saw that Wang Tianxiao was just looking at him indifferently, holding a child in his hand, and didn't seem to intend to talk to her.

Then he twisted his body and came to Wang Tianxiao's side, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Are you Wang Haoyu's mother?"

"Yes, that's right, Haoyu is my precious son."

"Since it's your son, it's fine. The problem now is that your son not only led someone to grab my child's candy, but also blocked him from going to the toilet, which caused my child to urinate on his pants and created a psychological shadow on going to school. I think you are also a person of status, my request now is very simple..."

"Isn't it just extorting money? Tell me, how much do you want? I know you people have nothing good to do. It's just for money, but you still need a bunch of reasons. It's not too shameful. Tell me, how much do you want this time?" money."

When Wang Tianxiao saw that his words were interrupted, and the woman said a lot about money, he laughed out of anger.

"So, do you think it's a matter of money?"

"No, I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it. You can get some money if you admit it now. If you don't know how to flatter, you will get nothing in the end. I'm afraid it's impossible for you child to go to school here." .”


Wang Tianxiao laughed lightly.

"What are you laughing at?" The woman asked puzzled.

Wang Tianxiao looked at Wang Haoyu's high spirits next to his fat and fat mother, and couldn't help but find it funny. The problem of this family is the most prominent. Three kids, three family situations.

One is more difficult than the other.

"I've never seen such a brazen, arrogant and ignorant person like you." He said lightly,

"What, you scolded me!~"

"I'm just helping your child to scold you. Don't worry, you will definitely wait until this day. At that time, your child will point to your face and scold you. Why do you give your child an ugly face when you should be educating yourself?" The unsightly way of education.

You copy all your ugliness to the child, and you think it is good for him, but you don't know that the child has been completely polluted, and you are hopeless. "

Seeing the woman's face turning blue and red, and her mouth moving a few times without saying a word, Wang Tianxiao couldn't help but want to laugh again.

He knows that women are not being told to be speechless, nor are they reflecting.

But she was too stupid to think of how to deal with it.

So the brain crashed for a while.

As long as she waits for a while, she will definitely be able to continue firing, but the method of firing will not change.

This kind of person really has nothing in their head, it's just a mass of paste. No matter what they do or say, they will randomly pull out a bunch of things from the paste and say it.

Once you pull it out in a hurry, you will look like a fool.

"Okay, you, you are trying to scold me in a different way, right?"

"I don't mean that. I said that your child bullied my child and did something wrong, so I hope your child can sincerely apologize to my child, and you have to realize this mistake. Is this request clear? "


"Ask you, is it clear or not?" Wang Tianxiao asked again.


"That's it, what do you think is the problem?"

"Question...?" The woman hesitated, and her brain finally started to move, "Isn't it just money, how much do you want? Let me tell you a fixed price. I'm still busy after finishing it. How can I spend time here with you?" .”

Look, it's back to the money again.

Sometimes wealth is a kind of prison for people. Once a person has money and tastes some of the sweetness of money, he feels that money can handle everything, and gradually becomes a slave to money.

This woman is obviously that kind of person.

Money has completely corrupted her mind, and she can't think of any other solution.

"Okay, since you want to talk about money, let's talk about money, let's give it 10,000 yuan."

"How much, 10,000 yuan, why don't you grab it?! What did my son do, I need to give you 10,000 yuan, are you crazy?"

"Too much?"

"I've never seen someone with such a big mouth like you."

"Well, since you think it's too much, I'll give you 10,000 yuan, and then I'll beat your child up and make him urinate in his crotch. What do you think?"


"Why not? Didn't you say that 10,000 yuan is a lot? I'll give you 10,000 yuan... Oh, do you think I don't have 10,000 yuan? Did you see the motorcycle parked at the door? It's my motorcycle The market price of a car is at least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. If you really know the goods, you should be able to tell.

How about it, which way you choose now, if you choose money, you can still get 10,000 yuan. "

"you you……"

"Don't want me, you." Wang Tianxiao's eyes suddenly became indifferent. He stood up and stared at the woman condescendingly, "To tell you the truth, when it comes to money, I don't have much, but I can still get a million. Got it, so don't think about taking money to make me go back or something.

I don't want to embarrass you, as long as you realize that children need education when they make mistakes, and if they hurt others, you have to apologize. I am educating your children for you. If you don't want your children to grow up to be upright, then I don't care. No, but you must apologize for hurting my child, otherwise, do you think a person like me can let it go with you? "

"What do you want to do?"

"You can try it. Aren't you thinking about whether my child can continue to study in this school? Then let me tell you, my child will stop studying. What about your child? What are you going to ask him to do? Except for a little Money, what else can you rely on, if your money has no advantage in front of me, then what else can you do, what else can you do?"


"So, you're not going to apologize, are you?"

Wang Tianxiao turned around and led Hongwei to go out. When he passed by the woman, he said coldly, "You can try it and see what I can do."

After speaking, go straight out.


The woman was startled by Wang Tianxiao's indifferent voice.

Especially when Wang Tianxiao passed by her, she felt a chill.

At this moment, she was really scared.

Because she doesn't know what a person can do when he doesn't even need money and he still has a lot of money.

"Wait, I asked him to apologize to your child, just to apologize!"

The woman pulled Wang Haoyu's arm and pulled him beside Wang Tianxiao, "Come on, apologize to uncle..."

"You should apologize to him."

Wang Tianxiao put Hongwei on the ground and made him face Wang Haoyu.

"Haoyu, look at him, he did something wrong," so I want to apologize to you, you can choose to accept it or not, you can choose to forgive, or you can choose not to forgive.

However, you always have to remember that in this world, no one can easily bully you, not anyone. If you can solve it, you have to solve it yourself. If you can't solve it, you must tell Erda.

Wang Hongwei nodded, at first he didn't dare to look Wang Haoyu squarely, but with Wang Tianxiao's encouragement, he slowly stood upright.

Accept Wang Haoyu's apology bravely.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have robbed you, and I shouldn't have stopped you from going to the bathroom."

Under pressure from his mother, Wang Haoyu apologized honestly.

Wang Hongwei nodded and looked at Wang Tianxiao.

"Hongwei, do you accept his apology?"

Wang Hongwei nodded.

"Then you forgive him?"

"En." Wang Hongwei still nodded.

The child's heart is soft and kind. Perhaps in his eyes, it is not bad to be able to apologize to him.

"Okay, since I apologized and your child also forgave me, let's turn this matter over like this?"

The woman wanted to take the child away again.


Wang Tianxiao stopped her.

"What else are you going to do?"

Wang Tianxiao ignored her, but lowered his head and asked Wang Haoyu, "Did you bring any toys to play with today?"

"Well, I brought it."

"What did you bring?"


"Take it out, and I'll see if it works."

Wang Haoyu took out a stack of cards from his pocket.

This is a kind of game props unique to this era, also called game cards.

It can be played by two people or by a group of people. Each player takes out one card and puts it together by tapping the ground or the game card itself to flip the game card.

Make a rule in advance, for example, out of ten game cards, two must be left in the end, then if anyone happens to leave two game cards, then he can win all the cards at the same time, roughly such a game.

There are many series of this kind of card, basically all kinds of TV series, cartoons and so on.

Because of the different printing quantities, some patterns are very easy to obtain, while others are difficult to obtain, so those rare ones are very precious.

Whoever can get one must treat it as a treasure and be reluctant to take it out to play.

"Which one do you like the most, the most precious?"

"It's this Saint Seiya."

"Okay, give me your Saint Warrior card."


Wang Haoyu was still not wary, he was a child after all.

Wang Tianxiao took the card, looked at it, and then tore the card in half in front of the children.

Wang Haoyu was stunned for a moment.

Then he burst into tears with a "wow".

His mother was also stunned for a moment, and then yelled at Wang Tianxiao: "What are you doing!"

"I didn't do anything. I just wanted to let the children know that there is a price to pay for making mistakes. The punishment for making a mistake this time is to lose your favorite game card. If you make a mistake next time, you don't know what it is."

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