Dashan Makes a Living 1984

265 Chapter 261: Snow Wolf Reappears

Because Wang Tianxiao and Cui Wanshan had guns in their hands, they had to carry a little less stuff on their backs. After all, they had to deal with sudden battles at critical times.

So more materials are on the backs of Liu Yuan and Wang Tianxin.

Everyone helped to take down some food and drink, and started to eat with hot water.

"Brother Cui, how soon can we find the bear?"

"It's hard to say, I haven't been on Xiongxiazi Ridge, I'm not familiar with it, and because the terrain of Xiongxiazi Ridge is higher than where we are now, I don't know the composition of the vegetation on it, the terrain, etc. Affecting the habitat of bears."

"There are so many tricks, so tell me quickly, my brother doesn't know anything."

"As long as you ask for advice, why do you want to belittle your brother by the way? You forgot who was your enlightenment. Now that you have a better master, you will immediately look down on me as an old-fashioned way?" Wang Tianxiao Gently patted Wang Tianxin on the shoulder, jokingly said.

"Hey, brother, didn't you say that people want to go to high places, I'm trying to make progress, you should support me. Brother Cui, tell me quickly, what do you mean by the living environment you mentioned just now? "Wang Tianxin said with a playful smile.

Cui Wanshan watched the two brothers quarreling with each other, and also smiled foolishly.

He had heard Wang Tianxiao talk about his younger brother before, and he actually knew that the relationship was not very harmonious, but it seems that the relationship is much better now.

He was also happy for Wang Tianxiao.

When he came to Yang Ziling this time, he found that Wang Tianxiao's personality was more cheerful and lively than before, and he was also much more stable. This is the change of a man as he matures.

As a good friend, he is sincerely happy.

"Okay, let me give you a general introduction. There are two main types of bear dens, one is a tree den, and the other is an earth or mud den..."

"What is a tree nest? Do you live in a tree?" Wang Tianxin couldn't bear his temper and couldn't help asking.

"Of course not. How can bears live in trees? Bears are already so fierce on the ground. If they can still climb trees, then there is no room for other animals to live."

"Then what's the matter with the tree nest you mentioned?"

Of course Wang Tianxiao knew what was going on, but since my younger brother wanted to ask Cui Wanshan, let Cui Wanshan explain.

"The so-called tree den means that bears dig out a hole in a big tree and hibernate in it. Then we call this den a tree den. There is also a kind of bear that hibernates in a cave, which we call It’s a ground nest. The specific kind depends on what the local environment is like. I’ve seen both of them.”

"So that's the case, that bears will hibernate?"

"The details are more clear, but I heard that only black bears hibernate, and I have never seen other bears. I don't know if they also need to hibernate."


"Only black blind people can hibernate."

Liu Yuan said from the side.

"Uncle Liu, how do you know?"

"I knew it."

"Well, I don't know if you are bragging again, anyway, I can't believe some of your words now, and it seems that I have done such a big thing before."

"Then you kid don't believe it?"

"Haha, believe it, how can you not believe it, I will definitely believe what you said."

"Do you believe it or not?"

"Forget it, Uncle Liu, don't worry about being a child with him, save some energy, we have to climb the mountain later. Looking at the cliff in front of us, we definitely can't go up from this direction, we probably have to go from other places Around."

Seeing that Liu Yuan and his younger brother were arguing like two children, Wang Tianxiao hurriedly dissuaded him.

It is true that old people are like children.

No matter what happened in the past, there is no need to argue with a child. It is meaningless. He has not experienced your era, so he must not feel it. Even if you speak vividly, he will think you are bragging.

This is the summer insect can not speak ice.

A truly confident person never needs others to recognize himself.

Believe it or not, he will not change whether he has done it or not.

"Well, Lao Wang is right, we will take a detour later."

Cui Wanshan looked at the cliff that was covered by heavy snow, "This location is too steep, even when the sky clears, we may not be able to go up, let alone the road is slippery in snowy days, let alone even thinking about it."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now."

Wang Tianxin was still very anxious.

"Tianxin, why are you still blah, I told you when you came out, you must calm down after you come out, hunting is not a joke, it's not a game, you waste energy like this, if you really meet When it comes to a bear, how do you get a life from it?"

"Don't you all have guns? Can you still watch me being bullied? If it comes to me, you just have to spare your hands to kill him directly."


Wang Tianxiao was not in a good mood, and even said to his brother a little seriously: "Let me tell you again, hunting is a very serious and dangerous thing. If you don't have this awareness, don't follow me next time. I can't do it every time. You are so lucky, just to protect you, you don't have a plan in your heart, and sooner or later it will lead to a catastrophe."

"Second brother..."

In fact, Wang Tianxin has always maintained a joking mentality. He really doesn't know the seriousness of the problem.

It's just young people who like to make jokes and play tricks.

It's not that Wang Tianxiao doesn't know what he's thinking, but Wang Tianxiao feels that people's character and habits are subtly influenced.

If you are relatively lazy and casual on weekdays, it will be difficult to suddenly become stable and understand the rules when it is critical.

Habits are not so easy to change.

At critical moments, people often subconsciously do things in the most accustomed mode.

If the one who is most used to in daily life is lazy and casual, this shortcoming will be exposed at critical moments.

Therefore, the reason why many sports have to be practiced repeatedly is to let the muscles form memory.

Out of instinct, you can play a good competitive state.

There are very few people who really rely on talent.

"Okay, second brother, I know I'm wrong, I'll be more honest, okay, don't be angry."

Seeing that his younger brother admitted his mistake, Wang Tianxiao eased his face, and said softly: "Tianxin, you have to be obedient. I brought you out because I hope you can learn something. Then how can we learn something? We must be humble. Right, you have to respect your opponent first in order to see his shortcomings clearly.

On the contrary, if you are proud and complacent from the beginning, it is easy for your opponent to catch your flaws. After all, it is a contest of life and death. Bears can survive in nature for millions of years. Naturally, they are good at surviving. We have no right to despise him. "

"Well, I see."

"That's good," Wang Tianxiao nodded in relief, "I'd rather start talking about you more, than if something happens to you in the future, I'll be sad for you."

"Brother, I know, I know."

"Boy, don't think your brother is too wordy, let me tell you, I've been in the mountains for so many years, I don't know how many people like you who don't know the depth and height of the sky and the earth are broken.

The reason why your brother said this to you is because it is good for you, so don't be ignorant of what's good or bad. "

Liu Yuan also laughed beside him.

"Okay, okay, you are all right, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely take it as a warning in the future. Don't be rude, don't be impetuous, and try not to make mistakes!"

"Haha, the attitude of admitting mistakes is fine, I think it's fine."

Cui Wanshan stood up and looked ahead: "The snow seems to be getting lighter this time, and we have almost rested, so let's move on."

"Okay, let's go."

In response to Wang Tianxiao's voice, several people stood up, put their backpacks back, and continued to move forward.

The road ahead is indeed getting more and more difficult to walk. It is said to be walking, but it is actually a bit like climbing.

Seeing that the altitude of the road ahead is getting higher and higher, it is becoming more and more difficult for the few people to walk.

Cui Wanshan is still full of energy.

Liu Yuan is also growing old and strong.

Wang Tianxiao felt a little bit strenuous, but he managed to persevere.

The least powerful one was Wang Tianxin, who was the most energetic person before.

He will not be as lively as before, just moving forward mechanically with heavy steps, his eyes full of resentment, as if Qianlu has a deep hatred with him, and he is just waiting for him to conquer it.

Wang Tianxiao knew he would be like this, so he always followed him.

At first, I wanted to share some of the things he was carrying with me, but after thinking about it, I might as well cultivate his spirit of enduring hardship.

When hunting in the mountains, physical strength and endurance are very important basic qualities.

Whether it's chasing an injured beast or being chased by an unstoppable beast, physical strength will be used.

Experience can be learned, but physical strength cannot be taught by others, it needs to be honed a little bit.

The reason why Cui Wanshan has such good physical strength is that he has been touring the mountains for many years and slowly exercising.

I walked for another half an hour. I don't know if it was because the uphill road was slow or there was really no road. Anyway, I couldn't find a way to turn up the mountain.

But Wang Tianxin couldn't hold on any longer.

He yelled that he was tired, put his backpack on the ground, and then lay down on the ground with his arms stretched out, forming a big character, unwilling to move no matter what.

Seeing him like this, everyone shook their heads and smiled wryly.

All expected.

"It's not bad. I think it's quite amazing to be able to carry so many things on my back until now."

Cui Wanshan is an honest and kind person, so he has been encouraging Wang Tianxin.

Wang Tianxiao is the older brother, so naturally he has stricter requirements.

The old man Liu Yuan kept attacking Wang Tianxin, just like he was standing there.

The two people, one old and one young, had a very close relationship at first, but for some reason, they gradually became such happy enemies.

The relationship is still good, but they just like to bicker with each other.

Wang Tianxiao still didn't think it was appropriate, after all, Liu Yuan was the elder, but it seemed that the two of them didn't do anything special.

Moreover, Liu Yuan himself not only didn't feel anything, but also seemed to enjoy it.

Then let them go.

Wang Tianxiao himself is serious, that is his character,

People have different personalities, and there is no need for everything to be the same.

"Okay, let's take a rest for ten minutes. You can give me the bag in the next day, and you can hold the gun for me. If your bag is heavy, Uncle Liu, share some with Lao Wang."

Being able to transfer the package and touch the gun, Wang Tianxin naturally had no objection, and Wang Tianxiao also had no objection.

On the contrary, Liu Yuan himself was dissatisfied, "There is no need to change it. Back then, I carried a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms and climbed four mountains in one go. This is nothing, it is not worth mentioning at all. Double the weight, I will Not even a frown."

Wang Tianxiao was a little embarrassed by Liu Yuan.

He vowed to start exercising after returning home, running from the mountain road to Mijia Village every day, and then running up from Mijia Village. After practicing him for three months at a time, I don't believe that my physical strength will not keep up.

Seeing his insistence, Cui Wanshan said with a smile, "Old Wang, you don't have to feel too embarrassed. This thing is done through practice. You are busy with various things every day, so you don't care about physical training. You will use it in the future." Just use your brain, and you won’t be able to do this kind of drudgery over time.”

"It doesn't exist. You are laughing at my lack of physical strength now. You are obviously provoking trouble. You wait. I will work hard on my endurance when I go back. Next time we climb the mountain, let's try to see who can climb faster in the end."

"Why are you still acting like a child, acting on your temper?"

"Just say you bet or not?"

"Okay, since you want to play this kind of game that you must lose, then I can't refuse. If you want to come, come, I will give you three months to catch up, do you think it is enough? If not, I can extend the time to one year, or even three years."

"In less than three years, it will be three months. After three months, we will stop at the running field at the foot of the mountain and see who wins and loses!"

"No problem, I'm afraid that you will be unwilling to be killed by me when the time comes."

"It's too early to tell who will win."

Cui Wanshan came over and put the things that Wang Tianxin had carried on his back.


Cui Wanshan stuck the long spear in his hand on the ground in front of Wang Tianxin, and gave Liu Yuan and Wang Tianxin each of the two sabers he had made.

He and Wang Tianxiao both had guns. It stands to reason that it would be difficult for the bear to get close to them, but in case something went wrong, they could intercept the bear with a knife and keep the bear away.

These two invasion knives were originally intended to be used by Cui Wanshan for his own Wang Tianxiao, but later two companions came, so there was no other way, so he had to give them the invasion knives temporarily, at least they could be used for self-defense.

"Get up, Tianxin, let's continue on our way." Wang Tianxin shouted.


Wang Tianxin stood up like a carp, but almost slipped because of the snow on the ground.

Wang Tianxin only believes in Wang Tianxiao now, don't look at him arguing with Wang Tianxiao, but in reality, he won't confront his second brother tit for tat.

If the second brother thinks it's wrong, it must be wrong.

It would be best if I could think about it at that time.

If the second brother said that he didn't agree with it, he wouldn't turn his face against the second brother. Instead, he would explore by himself, speak with the facts, and see who had the problem.

However, after thinking about it many times, it seems that what the second brother told me is correct, but it is a heresy that I came up with, and I can't stand thinking about it at all.

Therefore, the second brother is now his most staunch supporter. Any word that someone tells him, he will either go in the left ear and come out the right ear, or don't take it seriously at all.

It doesn't matter anyway.

Don't look at him asking people for advice everywhere, but in fact he doesn't really think of people very seriously in his heart.

Just because he has a second elder brother Zhuyu like Wang Tianxiao in front of him, there are others in his eyes.

Whenever he sees that others have some ability, he will think, is this person as powerful as my second brother? It seems that he is not.

After sharing the weight of the package, Wang Tianxin was much more relaxed.

He was about to spread his legs to speed up, but he was stopped by Wang Tianxiao, telling him to keep his pace as stable as possible and not to swing from side to side, as these would consume energy, and he would exhaust his energy ahead of time.

Only then did he imitate the others, trying to keep his body swinging as low as possible, and moving forward in the same direction.

After walking for a short distance, it really didn't seem like much strength was used, and it seemed quite relaxed.

While walking, Cui Wanshan suddenly said to Wang Tianxiao, "Old Wang, it's nine o'clock."

Wang Tianxiao glanced over and didn't notice it at first. After careful identification, he discovered that there were two snow wolves standing in the snow.

I don't know whether their fur has turned gray-white, or is covered with snowflakes, anyway, it is not so easy to identify.

The two of them stood side by side, staring at this side quietly, neither moving nor screaming for their companions.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"It should be Snow Wolf."

"Where is where?"

"Didn't you say it's in the direction of nine o'clock, can't you see it?"

"Which direction is nine o'clock?"

Wang Tianxiao suddenly remembered that his younger brother had never touched a mechanical watch, so he didn't know what the pointer meant.

"That's the direction, look carefully."

"Where... ah, I really saw that there are two, right?"

"Well, I only see two for the time being." Wang Tianxiao squinted his eyes, looked at the wolves again, and found that they were walking side by side, so he said, "It should be a pair of wolves, one male and one female."

"How can you tell that there is a male and a female?"

"By standing, you can see that the two wolves stand side by side. Wolves are a race with a very strict hierarchy, and their wolf kings have high prestige. Once they become wolf kings, they will definitely not allow other people around them who can compete with them. It goes hand in hand.

Under normal circumstances, when a wolf king appears in the group, other male wolves must be separated from the wolf king. Even in such a situation as traveling, it should not be a place where a male wolf can stand.

In this case, there is only one male and one female. "

"It should be a lone wolf that hasn't formed a group yet, so don't worry about it."

Cui Wanshan said.

"It should be. The number of wolves appeared is more than this. Calculated in this way, the appearance of snow wolves at the west peak of Yangziling last time was not an accident. I don't know when Mengbaling actually had snow wolves."

"It's just that some people are idle." Cui Wanshan turned his head, not looking at the two wolves, "Some people always want to try to introduce other local species into Meridian Ridge to see if they can adapt to the environment. For example, the great bustard, Originally, they were not in our living environment, but someone brought them here, well, the ones they brought were all dead."

Wang Tianxiao thought of the big bustard brought back by Liu Jun at the station, and he had a deep understanding.

Different from the tenacious survival ability of human beings, creatures in nature are less adaptable to the environment.

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