Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 269: Chapter 265

If something really happened, Wang Tianxin and Liu Yuan, the old and the young, had almost no fighting power, and had to wait for protection, so they would definitely be more passive.

"Everyone pay attention to it, and if you encounter a tree with a diameter of two or three meters, look more. If there is a tree hole, it is very likely that there are bears hiding in it.

We don’t need to hunt bears that are too big, the risk is high, and the bears in the smaller tree holes will be relatively small, less experienced, and easier to hunt. "

"Well, that's it. Anyway, what we need is bear oil, and we don't expect to sell bears for anything."

Wang Tianxiao admired Cui Wanshan's calmness.

No matter what you encounter, you can always find the most direct way without doing anything redundant.

After the four of them walked into the woods, they found that there were still some small animals in the woods.

Mountain hares and some mustelids.

After running over, there will be rows of small footprints on the snow, and small snowflakes will be taken up and flying around.

There are also birds on the tree, which look like crows, but are lighter in color than crows.

It's hard to determine the species.

The same animals or birds may have different external characteristics due to different geographical environments.

Wang Tianxiao only knows some relatively common birds.

The four of them were groping in the forest, but their speed was not very fast.

Sometimes it seems that there is a flat ground in front of you, but when you step on it, you will find that there is a deep pit underneath, so there is still a certain degree of danger.

I had no choice but to have a stick in each hand, and test the ground in front of me while walking, a bit like a blind man's wayfinding stick.

"When will we find it?"

Wang Tianxin got a little impatient to leave.

This is completely different from the thrilling bear hunting process he imagined.

It's like trying to steal a chicken from someone's house.

"Don't be impatient and be patient. Don't you know that those ligers may hide for several days and nights in order to hunt. How long have you been gone?"

Wang Tianxiao said to his younger brother.

"Well, I know."

"It's like this when you do everything, just... wait!"

Wang Tianxiao suddenly stopped everyone.

"What's wrong, bro?!"

Wang Tianxin regained his spirit immediately.

Cui Wanshan also looked at Wang Tianxiao suspiciously.

"Look at that tree in front of you."

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and suddenly found a hole in a cypress tree tens of meters away.

"Don't move, I'll go take a look."

Holding the gun, Wang Tianxiao approached the trunk lightly, walked around from behind, put his ear on the trunk and listened.

Soon, his face beamed with joy.

He walked slowly back to the team.

"How about it, Old Wang."

"In stock!"

"Ah, really?"

Wang Tianxin was ecstatic. After walking for so long, he finally found the bear.

"I can hear it very clearly. There is a sound of breathing inside. It's not particularly strong. It probably has been hibernating for a long time."

"Great, I finally found it, so what should we do now?"

After finding Xiong, the three adults were calm, but Wang Tianxin was the most excited.

Cui Wanshan looked at Xiong's tree hole, then at the surrounding environment, and began to arrange tasks.

"In this way, Tianxin, you and Uncle Liu retreat a few tens of meters, find a bigger tree, hide behind and watch, Lao Wang, let's confirm the nearby ground conditions.


Wang Tianxin saw that his brother agreed very readily, but he had no business of his own, and was still a little unconvinced, and was dragged away by Liu Yuan's arm.

"What are you pulling me for, old man?"

"Don't get in the way of other people's work."

"What's the matter with this? Since the bear is in the tree hole, it's fine to stick the gun in and kill it with two shots."

Liu Yuan gave him a white look, and motioned him to take the pen knife, "If you kill a bear in the hole, use your brain a little bit, how can you get it out if you kill a bear in the hole."


"Wait a minute, bear hunting is not easy, that's because we happen to have guns, but those who don't have guns, how do they hunt bears. Or, in case our guns misfire Well, Qiang didn't kill the bear, and went berserk, these were all accidents.

Boy, if you really want to learn something, you have to use your brain more. It seems that hunting and killing wild animals is manual ability, but in fact it uses brains. If you are too stupid, you will die at the mouth of the beast. "

Wang Tianxin listened to Liu Yuan's words and did not refute. He found that what Liu Yuan said was correct. The second brother and Cui brother really didn't want to beat the bear to death immediately, but used sticks to test the surrounding ground repeatedly, patiently It's the same as turning the ground inch by inch.

When they encountered some branches buried in the snow, they would tear up all the branches and throw them far away.

The two of them didn't find it troublesome at all during this process, they were really very patient.

They even measured the diameters of several relatively thick and large trees nearby, and circled the trees a few times.

Find a few trees that are satisfactory, and then clean up all the snow under the trees.

In the end, he walked carefully around Xiong Dai's tree and began to clean up the environment around the tree.

It took at least two hours for the two of them to walk back to Liu Yuan and the others from the beginning to the end.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Wang Tianxin knew that there must be a reason for Wang Tianxiao and the others to do this, but he didn't know why.

"This is to prevent emergencies. We have to let the bear come out before shooting, otherwise it will rot in the tree hole and there is no way to get it out. We can't cut down such a thick tree just to get a bear.

When the bear comes out, then anything can happen.

You must be thinking, one shot will do. But in case of an accident, it will involve escape and the bear's detour route.

By the way, I forgot to mention, because the bear sleeps in the tree hole and sleeps very soundly, and it takes a lot of effort to startle it out. After the bear came out, he must have been very dissatisfied with the people who influenced him behind the tree. If he couldn't knock the bear down immediately, he would definitely attack the people who disturbed him. "

"So, these preparations are made to provide escape channels for those who wake up the bear?"

"Yes, you see why I test the ground. It is to prevent the nearby weak ground or small pits buried by snow. Because we have two feet, if one foot unfortunately steps into the pit, the other We couldn't keep our balance on one foot at all, and our dad staggered at least, and we might even fall to the ground in severe cases.

In the same way, it is the same reason for us to clean up the weeds and branches around us. These things may be the sundries that trip us up at critical moments.

As for cleaning up the environment around those trees, it was to leave a few key escape opportunities for myself. Once the bear comes out, the speed will be very fast, and it is impossible for us humans to run away from the bear in a straight line.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, we run in circles with bears, that is, running around trees. Bears are bulky, and it is most difficult to circle around. This method can consume the bear's energy, and then look for opportunities to escape.

We also clear the snow under the trees to prevent accidents. Isn't there snow on the ground now, if you run in a hurry, you will be easily slipped, but the bear's feet have a large bearing area, so it is difficult to fall, and we will fall into crisis when we come and go.

Now clean up the snow in these places, which is to avoid accidents to the greatest extent, although I think that with the tacit cooperation between me and Lao Cui, these measures should not be used, it is purely for peace of mind. "

"I didn't expect there to be so many connections, rules, I learned another trick now." Wang Tianxin said excitedly.

"Okay, everything is ready, just need to lure the bear out of the cave."

Wang Tianxiao asked Liu Yuan and Wang Tianxin to retreat to the back. He found a suitable position, set up the gun, and pointed it at the entrance of the bear cave.

With his precision and such a short distance, he would definitely be headshot with one shot, and two shots would send him home completely.

Getting ready, he gestured to Cui Wanshan, who was still standing behind a tree in the distance, holding a thick firewood, to start.

Cui Wanshan nodded, without thinking too much, picked up the wooden stick and hit the back of the tree vigorously.


With a full blow, the sound was so loud that Wang Tianxiao and everyone in the distance were almost deaf.

Wang Tianxiao hurriedly pointed the gun at the bear's tree hole, but he didn't see the bear come out

So, he asked Cui Wanshan to continue tapping.

It didn't come out all of a sudden, which means that the bear has hibernated for too long and has entered a deep sleep.

It is impossible to wake it up with a slight vibration.

Cui Wanshan picked up the stick and hit the tree again, and this time he used more force, and hit it more than a dozen times in one go.


An earth-shattering roar came out of the hole.

It was as if the whole tree was trembling from his roar.

Seeing this, Cui Wanshan hurriedly walked around from behind, holding a gun in ambush behind a tree on the side, forming a right angle with Wang Tianxiao's frontal sniper.


A pair of bear paws protruded from the inside, clawing at the tree hole, and the next moment, the bear's head protruded from the hole.

Good guy!

Wang Tianxiao gasped.

It turned out to be an adult black blind man.

Originally, when they were looking for a tree hole, they didn't find a particularly large one. They thought they only needed to find a smaller one, or a black bear that had just grown up. Obviously, they had to deal with it.

If it's an adult guy, he's too stubborn in his life, maybe something big will happen.

Unexpectedly, this black bear didn't follow the routine.

Even with such a big body, it has to squeeze into such a small tree hole.

The black bear is a relatively small type of bear.

There are two main types, one is in the Americas, and the other is the black bear in Asia.

Our country belongs to the Asiatic black bear category.

Asiatic black bears are smaller in size and weight than American black bears.

The average weight of an adult male black bear is about 150 to 60 kilograms, and the heaviest can reach 250 kilograms.

He is also relatively short, usually only about 1.50 to 60 centimeters when standing up, about the height of a primary school student.

However, these are relatively common bears.

Just like human beings have the height of Yao Ming, black bears also have big ones, so if you are unlucky, you may encounter a super black bear standing two meters high.

Right now, when Wang Tianxiao and Cui Wanshan saw half of the bear's head exposed, they became vigilant, and their fighting spirit was a little higher than before.

No matter how you look at it, this black bear is not a little bear anymore.

Judging from this head ratio, the weight is at least two hundred kilograms away.

It belongs to the more powerful one among black bears.

When a bear is big, its flesh is strong. Maybe a small bear will fall down with a single shot, but a big bear usually hits the body with a single shot. Not to mention it is not painful, at least it is not fatal.

The black bear in the cave was sleeping soundly, but suddenly woke up, and immediately lost his temper.

I just wanted to come out and take a good look at who was going to provoke him at this time.

I don't know if its bear temper comes up, no one is afraid of it.

In fact, many animals hibernate, but different animals hibernate to different degrees.

For example, the hibernation of a snake is to completely lower the body temperature to the limit, similar to a state of suspended animation.

Even if a hibernating snake is dug out, it will not be able to react for a long time and will not wake up.

So snakes belong to deep hibernation, also called true hibernation.

As for the bears, they just slow down their breathing and try not to waste too much energy. If the weather is good, or if they are really hungry, they will come out to find food, and then go back to sleep when they are full.

Therefore, the bear's hibernation is also called shallow hibernation, also called false hibernation.

Right now, this bear should be the kind that sleeps with great difficulty. It is very difficult to wake up, and after waking up, it has a bad temper.

In the tree hole, the bear looked out of the hole for a while, and found nothing wrong.

It struggled to squeeze outside, only to find that the tree hole had become smaller.

It took a lot of effort not to squeeze out.

This can make it angry.

Directly struggling to use claws to pull the edges of the tree holes on both sides.

The trunk of a hundred-year-old tree is not very strong. Under the beating of the bear, wood chips are constantly flying out and scattered in all directions, as if there is a small excavator inside, constantly throwing the dirt outside.

"Good guy, this head is so big, how big should it be inside?"

Wang Tianxin and Liu Yuan hid beside them, seeing the bear's head, they couldn't help but secretly startled, and compared the bear's paws with their own hands, they were so shocked that it was unbelievable.

"Didn't it mean that Xiong is not as tall as me? Why is his head and palm so much bigger than mine?"

Liu Yuan kept looking at Xiong with all his attention, and seeing that he was noisy, he whispered, "It's okay, Xiong's brain is about the same size as yours."

"Oh, that's good... Hey, why do I feel like you're scolding me?"

"I'm complimenting you...don't talk, the bear's hearing is very sensitive, talking will let it quickly identify our location."


Wang Tianxin quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

He was condescending, looking at his brother who was lying on the front, without moving his posture from the beginning to the end, without saying a word, as if there was a dummy thrown over there instead of a real person with flesh and blood.

Only then did I remember what I said earlier, hunters must have a lot of patience.

Cui Wanshan, who was secretly looking over there, was also very quiet.

If you don't look carefully, you won't see a person lying on the ground at all.

Their bodies almost always remain absolutely still, motionless.


"Shut up!!!"

The bear patted for a while, tired.

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