Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 80 080: Mother and Daughter

When they came out, Wang Tianxiao gave Li Yamei two small 50-cent bills so that she could buy snacks for herself and Li Guanhong. Children like to eat something.

He didn't give more money, not because he was stingy, but because he knew he couldn't backfire.

A child growing up in a poor environment, suddenly giving them a little bit of sweetness that cannot be obtained for a long time, often makes them think of waiting for a rabbit, which will limit their future development.

When these sisters-in-law and brother-in-law grow up, he will arrange the future according to their actual personalities and hobbies.

As a reward for his wife taking care of his two lives.

After Wang Tianxiao took his mother-in-law Qin Xiaoling away for more than ten minutes, Li Guanlin and his wife came out carrying a hoe.

Knowing that his mother was going to help his younger sister take care of the child, Li Guanlin didn't say anything, but his daughter-in-law Gao Juanjuan immediately said angrily: "Everyone is a mother-in-law who takes care of the daughter-in-law. Our family is so good, how can we become a mother-in-law to take care of it? If this is given to the village When people see it, they don’t laugh out loud.”

Li Guanlin was concerned about another issue. He asked his father suspiciously: "Father, you just said that they are in the hospital. Is it because of Yali's health?"

"No, I heard from Tianxiao that it's just in case."

Li Guanlin said flatly: "With the little money Wang Tianxiao still earns, it is difficult to support his wife and children, and he still goes to the hospital to give birth. Why is he so frothy?"

"That's right, you can't even eat it in your mouth, and you can't burn it. There are green onions stuck in the nose of a pig. What kind of garlic is there?"

While arranging the radish leaves to be dried in the yard, Gao Juanjuan said eccentrically, "I know. A few days ago, Dad brought some food and drink to send over. Don't think we don't know."

Li Wanfu smiled awkwardly.

"Life is going to pass, isn't Lili's family too nervous?"

When Li Wanfu said this, he suddenly remembered that there were still two hundred yuan in his clothes, and he was a little dazed. He subconsciously pressed his pocket again with his hand, and the bulging money was still there. He was not dreaming.

He didn't know how Wang Tianxiao became a rich man from being penniless and hungry and cold a month ago. He can only understand that eating public food is fragrant, and an iron rice bowl is strong.

Hearing the eldest son and his wife still say some sarcastic words in his ears, he felt very absurd in his heart.

Sure enough, as the son-in-law worried, the two didn't think about living a good life in their bones, and they always looked at the interests of others.

If you have interests, go for it, if you don't have interests, you will belittle and look down on it.

It's a bit like the white nose in Qin opera.

He stared at Li Guanlin's face for a while, wondering how he had raised such a thing after half his life being kind to others and living an honest life.


When Wang Tianxiao took his mother-in-law to his wife's ward, his wife was braiding little Wang Fang's hair.

Wang Fang's body is the same as that of her little aunt, who has been very weak since she was a child.

Aunt Wang Xiaozhu was born at two catties and six taels, and Wang Fang was born at three catties and three taels, both far lighter than normal people's weight, which can be described as half a catty.

Both of them are also very weak physically, and they suffer from various diseases when they grow up.

It stands to reason that if you are born with a weak body, you should take good nourishment, so that you can meet the living standard of Wang Tianxiao's family in your previous life, not to mention supplementing nutrition, whether you can eat enough is a big problem.

It's hard to delay the child.

So when Wang Fang grew up, she was only 1.52 meters tall, a typical small person.

You must know that the people in the Northwest are quite tall, and Wang Fang is the shortest person no matter where she goes.

It is said that hair is a symbol of vitality.

Wang Fang's hair is not only thin, but also yellow, which makes her look very unhealthy.

The girls here like to twist two braids, and Wang Fang sees that everyone else twists them like that, so she really wants to twist them too.

But twist braids are very hair-consuming, and the denser the hair, the better the braids will look.

Not to mention Wang Fang's braids, but Li Yali was worried that her hair would be pulled when she twisted the braids, and the hair would be pulled even less.

After much deliberation, she came up with a compromise solution, which was to tie a lot of small braids to minimize the force of the hair being pulled.

After several experiments, Wang Fang was very satisfied.

Seeing her mother coming in, Li Yali smiled and called out: "Mother."

Qin Xiaoling kindly walked to the bedside, holding her granddaughter's hand with one hand and her daughter's hand with the other, looking at this and that.

"Fang baby, call me grandma."

Xiao Wangfang stared at her grandma curiously. In fact, she was not familiar with both grandma and grandpa, but she just vaguely felt familiar, not completely unfamiliar.


"Oh, good girl Fang, come on, grandma will find you some candy."

Qin Xiaoling lifted the outer skirt, took out two fruit candies from the inside, and stuffed them into Wang Fang's palms.

Because it was worn next to the body, the fruit candies looked slightly melted, and the candies had already stuck to the candies. I don't know how long the two candies had been on the old man's body.

"Thank you grandma."

Wang Fang smiled sweetly at her grandma.

She is not familiar with grandma, but she likes the smell of grandma very much, and she thinks that grandma and mother look alike, so she naturally has a sense of closeness.


Qin Xiaoling touched Wang Fang's head lovingly, as if seeing her daughter when she was a child.

so cute.

"Mother, I asked you to come and take care of me. My elder brother and the others must be unhappy."

Qin Xiaoling kindly helped her daughter brush the hair that fell on both sides of her cheeks behind her ears. Instead of answering this question, she said distressedly: "When you are pregnant with a child, you have to take good care of your body. Look at you. Not only are you not fat, but why are you thinner?" It’s gone. With your body, it must be very difficult for a child to be breastfed after birth.”

"It's okay, mother, look how energetic I am."

"What's wrong with you? You've been in poor health since you were a child. I'm your mother and I don't know." Qin Xiaoling saw the comb next to her, picked it up and said:

"Come on, Mom will comb it for you. Look at your messy hair. You are not afraid of being laughed at when you walk outside. People who don't know see it because I, Qin Xiaoling, have never taught my daughter to comb her hair."


Li Yali smiled, sat with her back against her mother, and asked her to comb her hair.

"Mom combs my hair, grandma combs your mother's hair, mom combs my hair, grandma combs mom's hair," Wang Fang shouted while sitting on the edge of the bed, swinging her little feet back and forth.

Wang Tianxiao saw that there was no problem for the time being, so he let his wife live in the hospital with peace of mind. With his mother-in-law taking care of him, nothing unusual would happen for a while.

He took the time to go down the mountain and arrange the next day's affairs.

Once his wife gave birth to a child, he estimated that he would not be able to enter the mountain for a few days.

Li Yali was very understanding, but she just told him to be careful and not to ride too fast.

He also said that it was okay to give birth at home, but now he is living in the hospital with his mother by his side, so it is extremely safe.

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