“Born, equilibrium, unlocked.”

“The world is really interesting!”

After browsing the characteristics of the world, the corners of Li Ye’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in his ears.


“World Attribute [Equilibrium] triggered, your attribute has been set to 100 points.”

“World characteristics [newborn] triggered, talent [temporary gift]; Talent [Ao Shi Shenwu]; …. Enter the sealed state. ”


“World Feature [Birth Choice] triggered, you can choose a talent to unlock!”

“Serendipity, unlock?”

“The world seems to be fancying the luck of the participants.”

“In that case, then choose a gas luck.”

“After you get the opportunity to unlock talents, it’s not too late to unlock temporary gifts.”

After wanting to clear everything,

Li Ye immediately replied:

“I chose the Order Talent Protagonist Aura!”


“Congratulations on unlocking: Permanent Talent [Protagonist Aura] (Order).”

“The selection of the newborn talent is completed, and the promotion trial is officially opened.”

The moment the mechanical prompt sound fell,

Li Ye also slowly fell to the ground.

Within ten meters of him, there were 4 professionals, all of whom were his teammates.

RNG-3611: Houde load, wound bearing position.

RNG-3612: Bafang Blood Kill, Output Bit.

RNG-3613: Poor eyes, reconnaissance bit.

RNG-3614: Wild Ghost Chasing Spirits, Assassination Bit.

And Li Ye himself:

It is RNG-3615, which is positioned as a helper bit.

His teammates landed before him, and by this time the four had already chatted:

“I’m from the Great Desolate Star Domain.”

“The newborn choice chose an epic defensive talent; Life cap +300%; Physical Defense +100%; Spell Defense +100%. ”

“This is the sixth time I have participated in the third-order trial, I hope you can take me to the fourth-order realm.”

The burly ‘Hou De Carrier’ said calmly.

But between the lines, there was an extremely strong lack of confidence, perhaps the failure of the first five promotion trials made him confused about the future.

After listening to the words of Houde, Bafang Blood Killing was immediately unhappy:

“Wow! Lao Tzu is a mythical genius. Actually give me an epic waste? ”

“It’s just a third-order promotion trial, and it can still fail so many times. What a dish! ”

As a mythical talent, he is very dissatisfied with the virtuous goods.

“Blood killing brother, since it is a foregone conclusion, don’t complain.”

The reconnaissance position – the eye is clearly a self-acquaintance.

After sensing that the situation was not good, he quickly persuaded: “Blood kills brother,”

“The third-order trial is not as strong as the second-order, and the professionals who participate in the trial are all powerful.”

“To sum it up in one sentence: epic talent is not as good as dogs, legend talent is everywhere.”

“So we need to work together, and with you as a mythical powerhouse, we can definitely win 5% of the promotion places.”

Hearing the words of praise, Bafang Blood Killing was very useful, and his face recovered a lot.

Seeing this meter, he breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued to introduce himself:

“I’m from Heavenly Eye Civilization.”

“When I first made a decision, I chose a legendary auxiliary talent; You can break stealth, break the environment, and hunt for treasures. ”

“In addition, this is my second time participating in the third-order trial, and I hope that everyone can unite and cooperate to promote together.”

After saying that, he set his eyes on the assassin position in the ranks.

“I’m from Ghost Pluto, I have unlocked the legendary assassination talent, and I have participated in the third-order trial for the third time. When fighting against other teams, you can complete at least 1 for 1. ”

The wild ghost chasing the soul spoke briefly, and the tone of speech was extremely flat.

At this point, Li Ye’s four teammates have completed their self-introduction.

So, they all turned their eyes to Li Ye, waiting for him to introduce himself.


“I want to introduce myself too? You don’t know me? ”

Li Ye was speechless about this.

“I didn’t change my name this time? What the hell are these four guys? ”

“I’ve been on so many Ten Thousand Realms announcements, are they all for nothing?”

“They definitely know my name and should not have seen it.”

His real name to participate in the copy was ignored, and Li Ye suddenly felt helpless in his heart.

Seeing his face look different, Bafang Blood Killing immediately frowned: “You are not a big star? Lao Tzu must know you? ”

“Groove! Polar Night ?!! ”

“He’s the Polar Night of the Transcendent! We’ve matched the Transcendent! ”

Houde opened the team information and saw Li Ye’s false name.

“The polar night boss in the team is here, I will definitely be able to advance to the fourth order this time!”

Houde had a line of mouths and smiled like a child stealing candy.

“Omai Mama Mi! What a Polar Night of the Transcendent. ”

Zi Lai Qianyi shouted happily: “Mother, your son has lined up noodles, and he has actually matched the legendary Polar Night God!” ”

“Polar Night God, I’m your fan!”

In the team, the most calm wild ghost chased the soul, and his face also showed excitement.

“Huh! What is there to rejoice in this group of waste? ”

“Abominable! It’s all to blame for the polar night, if he doesn’t appear:”

“The professional who enjoys everyone’s worship at this moment should be me!”

The gaze of the teammates shifted, making the bloody battle in the eight directions very uncomfortable;

So, he said in a strange manner: “What about the transcendent? ”

“There are world characteristics here: the attribute balance is 100 points, and the equipment skill talent is sealed.”

“Even if it is a transcendent, it is not much worse than ordinary professionals now, right?”

“By the way, Polar Night, you haven’t introduced the talent you unlocked?”

“As a Transcendent, the talent you unlock must be very powerful, right?”

After speaking, the eight sides waited for Li Ye in a bloody battle.

Several people quietly pricked up their ears, expectantly wanting to hear a perverted talent.

“Not strong.”

Li Ye shook his head and said calmly: “When I first made my choice, I unlocked a lucky value talent without increasing any combat power. ”


Hearing the sound, the Bafang bloody battle was happy.

He smiled maniacally: “Lucky is worth talent? Lucky value talent has a fart use? Add a little luck and there will be monsters that commit suicide in front of you? You’re trying to laugh at me….”

However, before the Bafang bloody battle was finished, an accident happened.


The bird that had been soaring suddenly fell from mid-air and landed directly in front of Li Ye.


A muffled sound sounded, the bird fell into meat mud, and a ball of light flew into his hand.


“Congratulations on getting the chance reward: consume the item [Talent Unlock Scroll] (special).”

This is…. The monster committed suicide?

The Bafang bloody battle is stupid, and the virtuous load is also stupid.

“You may not know that if luck is worth hundreds of millions of points, the monster will really commit suicide in front of you. Yes, of course you can’t know, because you can’t reach that level.”

Li Ye smiled contemptuously and crushed the scroll in his hand.

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