Data Cultivation System

Text Chapter 719: Target Demon World

Regarding the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhuge Xiang and the others murmured. It must be very difficult to enter the demon world or the ghost world. Otherwise, how could so many people look at Feisheng eagerly? But relatively speaking, according to the meaning of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, entering the ghost world is much more difficult than entering the demon world.

"I don't know where is the difficulty of entering the ghost world?" After pondering for a while, Zhuge Xiang asked the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Since the six-eared macaque is so fierce, it is best to go to the truth to listen, but the ghost world is difficult to enter. ? Do you also want to know where the specific difficulties are?

"Three Realms and Six Paths, although it is forbidden to communicate with each other because of the Dao of Heaven, nothing is absolute under the Dao of Heaven. Whether it is the world of demons, ghosts, or even the world of immortals, there are actually special passages to enter it. It's just that the difficulty is different." Hearing Zhuge Xiang's inquiry, the Dragon King of the East China Sea spoke.

"Ruoshui River, I'm sure you've all heard of it. This is one of the three evil rivers in the world. It is said that in ancient times, there was a battle between immortals and demons, and the demon world lost. It surrounds the entire demon world, and at the same time isolates the human world and the fairy world. If you want to enter the demon world, besides the normal ascension, there is another way, which is to swim across the Ruoshui River."

"The Ruoshui River, which is said to be corrupted by immortals and gods?" Hearing the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the expressions of all the people present changed slightly. I was shocked.

"Yes, in the extreme east of the East China Sea, there is actually a Ruoshui River that spans the human world and the demon world. The Ruoshui River is 18,000 miles wide. As long as you can swim across, you don't need to rely on the power of ascension. Enter the demon world The world is over." The surprise of the crowd was within the expectation of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, so the Dragon King of the East China Sea was not surprised by the surprise of the crowd, and nodded.

"It is really difficult to enter other worlds through a special passage. How can we cross the Ruoshui River, which cannot be crossed by immortals and gods? What's more? This is a relatively easy passage ? Then what about the ghost world? How difficult is it?”.

Liao couldn't help but said with emotion in his mouth, and the others nodded in agreement. Even immortals and gods can be corrupted. The demon world is a weak water river to prevent other people from invading. Who can swim across it?

"Ghost world? It's even more difficult...". Hearing Liao's helpless words, the Dragon King of the East China Sea continued to speak: "Six paths of reincarnation, I believe you all know that once all creatures die, their souls will enter the ghost world. Waiting for reincarnation, these souls will drink Mengmeng boiled in Naihe water. Potang, enter the reincarnation channel to realize reincarnation, and the creatures in the human world, if they want to enter the ghost world without dying, there is only one way. That is to go through the reincarnation channel in reverse."

"Pass through the channel of reincarnation in the opposite direction?" Hearing the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhuge Xiang frowned slightly. Although he didn't know if there was any risk in the channel of reincarnation, since ancient times, reincarnation has been determined by heaven and earth. Do you want to pass through? It is definitely a move against the sky, how can it be so easy to succeed?

"That's right," the Dragon King of the East China Sea nodded and said, "It is rumored that the highest Tianzhu Mountain in the world was transformed from Buzhou Mountain in ancient times. The exit of the reincarnation passage is on the top of Tianzhu Mountain. From there, they are injected into the bodies of hundreds of millions of living beings to complete reincarnation, so if you want to enter the ghost world, you can only enter through the soul channel and enter in reverse."

"Then, what's the danger in entering it?" Zhuge Xiang asked, since it's much more difficult to enter into the world of demons than to enter into the world of demons, naturally it won't be as simple as simply entering into the reverse soul channel.

"That's right, only the soul can enter the reincarnation channel. Therefore, even if you go through the reincarnation channel in reverse, only the soul can enter the ghost world."

Speaking of this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea paused slightly, and then said: "It can be said that the physical body leaving the soul is not much different from death. No matter how strong the cultivation base is, it can only last for seven or forty-nine days at most. After nineteen days, you must return to the human world and enter your own body, otherwise, the body will die, and the soul that stays in the ghost world will be considered to be really dead, which is one of them."

"Secondly, there are strong and dense winds in the channel of reincarnation, which can blow the soul and enter the ghost world in the reverse direction. You have to fight with these winds. It will consume your own soul power to a large extent, perhaps, before you enter the ghost world, your soul has already been blown away under the strong wind of the reincarnation channel."

"Third, even if you are lucky enough to enter the ghost world, the ghost guards guarding the soul passage will definitely take action to arrest them. Without a physical body, the power of a pure soul body will be greatly reduced, and in addition to fighting against the wind in the reincarnation passage , 100% of the strength can leave one achievement very good, facing the pursuit of ghosts and ghosts, there is almost no ability to resist."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea uttered all the difficulties of entering the ghost world in one breath. These words made all the strong people present silence one by one. From this point of view, entering the ghost world is almost impossible.

First of all, how many people can withstand the terrible wind with a soul body? Secondly, with great difficulty, I wasted all my strength to enter the ghost world, but with a weak soul, can I face the ghosts in the ghost world? Those who can serve as ghost messengers must have a high level of cultivation, right?

Even if he was lucky enough to escape the pursuit of ghosts, but after seventy-seven forty-nine days, he would have to return to his physical body. Let me ask, without the arrangements of the ghost world, he could easily get past the eyes and ears of the ghost world. Is the soul channel coming out?

From this point of view, not to mention whether you can find the help of Di Ting Divine Beast, if you simply enter the ghost world and come back, there is not even a 1% chance of success.

After the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the venue became quiet for a while. From this point of view, although entering the demon world is indeed easier than entering the ghost world, it is only relatively speaking. , How can people like myself pass by?

"It seems that we have no choice but to enter the demon world to try," Zhuge Xiang said in silence.

"Oh? Brother? Do you have a way to cross the weak water river?" Hearing Zhuge Xiang's words, everyone's eyes fell on Zhuge Xiang. Liao couldn't open his mouth to ask, only the Dragon King of the East China Sea remained unchanged. For Zhuge Xiang's words, there is no sense of surprise.

"That's right. Back then, the Dragon King gave me the sea-fixing needle. It was the divine object of the ancient Dayu who controlled the water and fixed the waters of the four seas. It can hold all the water in the world, even weak water. With this sea-fixing needle in my hand, I can enter There should be no problem in the demon world," Zhuge Xiang said, nodding his head.

"Dinghaishenzhen?" Heishui Xuanlong next to him was stunned when he heard Zhuge Xiang's words.

In the tomb of the dragon, the golden iron rod that holds his Naihe water in place, I believe it is the sea-fixing needle that Zhuge Xiang said, right? No wonder, the ancient Dayu was able to hold the gods of the world, and hold his own Naihe water, why is it so strange?

"So that's how it is." Hearing Zhuge Xiang's words, Liao couldn't wait for others to nod his head to express his understanding when he had the sea-fixing needle. Immediately afterwards, Liao couldn't continue to say: "Brother, this sea-fixing needle can hold weak water. How many people have entered the demon world? The demon world is extremely dangerous, if possible, try to go as many people as possible?".

"Although Dinghaishenzhen's ability is extraordinary, I can only take one person there," Zhuge Xiang answered Liao Fufu's question.

"In this case, it must be me." Hearing that Zhuge Xiang could only take one person, Heishui Xuanlong said, "I cannot absolve Miss Ying Wushuang of being arrested, so naturally I can't stand idly by. Besides, I have already answered the realm of immortals and gods, but the cultivation base is suppressed by the laws of heaven. If you go to the demon world, you can be liberated, which is stronger than what you can exert in the demon world."

"That makes sense," Liao couldn't wait for others after hearing what Blackwater Xuanlong said, and nodded one after another.

Blackwater Profound Dragon, what he said is not bad. Although in the cultivation world, his strength seems to be almost the same as that of people like himself, but it is different when he enters the demon world. In the demon world, the law of heaven will not suppress his strength.

"If that's the case, let me go with the Black Water Profound Dragon." Zhuge Xiang nodded, and entered the demon world, after thinking about it, it was true that only himself and the Black Water Profound Dragon were the most suitable.

The Blackwater Profound Dragon was originally a fairy-level strength. If it entered the demon world and was unsealed, its strength would not be weaker than those monsters in the demon world, but what about itself? Although his cultivation base is only in the realm of the law, but his powerful bull demon kung fu, his physical body is comparable to that of a demon. If he enters it, the power he can exert is not bad.

Ding, complete the mission 'Rescue the Princess', level +2, and get an advanced mysterious treasure chest*1.

However, when Zhuge Xiang and the others agreed to enter the demon world, suddenly, a mechanical system prompt sounded in Zhuge Xiang's mind, and the breath in his body was surging. The first level of the realm has been upgraded to the third level of the Faxiang realm.

"Eh? This task is completed?" Zhuge Xiang was slightly taken aback when he heard that the task was completed.

The requirement of this task is to protect Ying Wushuang's life within ten days. Now that this task is completed, did Ying Qianshan really not kill Ying Wushuang? This is good news.

Zhuge Xiang sent the message because of the news that Ying Wushuang was still alive, but Liao couldn't wait for others, but all of them looked at Zhuge Xiang in surprise. For no reason, Zhuge Xiang's aura broke through, and it continued to break through.

Even though he knew that Zhuge Xiang's innate ability was against the sky, he could break through continuously even if he chatted well, which made all the strong people present speechless. When it comes to this guy, how can breakthrough be so simple?

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