Data Cultivation System

Text Chapter 766: Demon Fish Body

The Nether Tree family, among the Three Realms and Six Paths, can be said to be almost submerged in the long river of history. If it weren't for Emperor Poke, he would be the oldest in the Shura Dao, and he knew some ancient secrets, or for this Nether Tree family, the entire Shura Dao, no one knows.

Nether tree, cultivating Dao Immortal Demon level, you can branch, depending on the strength of your spiritual power, decide how many branches, practice together, grow together, and finally, if you can enter the Great Emperor level, you will have the strength of Xiaoao Three Realms and Six Paths, Come to think of it, even the existence of the great saint level, it is difficult to ignore the existence of several emperor level clones at the same time, right?

Hearing that the Shadow Emperor might be the Nether Tree Clan left over from ancient times, Emperor Xuanluo and the others all looked at the Shadow Emperor with eager eyes.

The remaining existence of the Nether Tree family, if his strength is raised to the Great Emperor level in the future, it is tantamount to adding a strong man to the Shura Dao. If he enters the Great Emperor level, it means that four Great Emperors will appear at the same time.

Closer to home, regardless of what kind of calculations the Nether Tree Clan made the Shura Dao emperors, at this time, facing the four Shadow Emperors, Mo Linna, was in danger. , and even able to suppress Mo Linna, let alone the four of them teaming up?

"It's an honor for you to be defeated by my innate supernatural powers," the four Shadow Emperors said in unison.

While speaking, the four Shadow Kings started at the same time, turning into four extremely swift shadows, attacking Mo Linna, their powerful aura plunged Mo Linna into an unprecedented crisis.

"This Shadow Emperor is very tricky..." Zhuge Xiang looked at the power of the four Shadow Emperors attacking at the same time. He frowned slightly.

Although this Shadow Emperor is not Emperor Shura, his cultivation level is second only to Emperor Shura, and the four joined hands. This power is even more powerful than that of a Shura Emperor. Even Zhuge Xiang himself is not sure of winning against the four Shadow Emperors.

"Did you lose?". Looking at the four Shadow Kings attacking together, Mo Linna stood there in a daze, as if she didn't see the crisis coming from the four Shadow Kings, she just murmured in her heart.

sometimes. Thoughts can make people unleash powerful power and create miracles. However, there are some gaps that cannot be bridged simply by relying on thoughts.

A Shadow Emperor, Mo Linna still has the confidence to deal with him. Looking for an opportunity to fight back, but the four Shadow Kings joined forces to attack at the same time. Mo Linna knew that with her own strength, she had no chance of winning. She was close to Emperor Shura's strength, and with that unpredictable speed, she besieged her and she was safe. Can escape?

"It's over, the Shadow Emperor's trick. Sure enough, he has the strength to be called an emperor." Following the Shadow Emperor's move, all the strong men on Duzun Mountain sighed.

Although I don't understand the tricks of the four clones of the Shadow Emperor without any loss of strength. What is the mystery, but these powerhouses also know that the siege of the four shadow emperors is by no means something that Mo Linna can resist. Looking at the entire Shura Dao, perhaps there are only existences at the level of the Five Emperors, who can compete with them long and short.

"No! I must not give up lightly..." However, when seeing the attacks of the four Shadow Kings getting closer and closer, Mo Linna's eyes suddenly burst into endless expressions, thoughts, I have also become more determined than ever. It is okay to lose, but absolutely not to give up!

I have suffered all the way along the way, even in order to comprehend the poison of the snake demon, I did not hesitate to join the cave of ten thousand snakes and endure the pain of being devoured by ten thousand snakes, why? Isn't it just to be able to gain great strength and be qualified to stand beside Zhuge Xiang?

I have suffered so much and come all the way, could it be that in front of Zhuge Xiang today, am I going to give up?

Mo Linna has been following Zhuge Xiang for several years. From Zhuge Xiang's weak strength at the beginning to Zhuge Xiang's strength now, Mo Linna is very clear about what Zhuge Xiang has experienced. He has encountered countless crises. Did not give up, could it be? In front of Zhuge Xiang, do you want to give up? So, what face do I have, dare to stay at Zhuge Xiang's side?

"No! I can't give up! What about the four Shadow Emperors? I must not lose!", at this moment, the belief that she couldn't lose occupied Molina's mind.

The extremely tenacious mind turned into a terrifying force, the blood in Mo Linna's body flowed like a flood, so fast that Mo Linna seemed to be able to hear the sound of blood flowing in her own blood vessels.

The magic bone, at this moment, bloomed with powerful power, and the billowing magic energy gushed out from the magic bone, passing over every inch of Mo Linna's skin. With the help of thoughts and the power of the magic bone, Mo Linna seemed to be At this moment, many plugs were pulled out, as if breaking through some kind of confinement...


Mo Linna couldn't allow Mo Linna to think too much. At this moment, the attack of the four Shadow Kings arrived as promised. The four Shadow Kings didn't show any mercy in their strikes. They all locked on Mo Linna's fatal spot. Once the Shadow Emperor's attack is carried out, even if Mo Linna survives, she will be seriously injured and lose her combat power.

However, in Mo Linna's eyes, the extremely swift speed of the Shadow King's attack seemed to have slowed down a lot. Although it was still fast, in Mo Linna's eyes, she could see clearly that the four people's speed , Mo Linna was completely clear about it.

Molina's body twisted slightly, creating an exaggerated arc, but this movement was like a powerful and unconstrained style, without trace, natural and elegant. With this twist of Molina's body, the four ghosts The Shadow King's attacks were all even a hair's breadth away, and Mo Linna dodged them...

"How is this possible!?" Mo Lingna escaped the simultaneous attack of the four Shadow Kings, making the entire Duzun Mountain silent. Everyone's eyes enlarged a lot, and they looked at Mo Ling in disbelief. Na's body twisted in mid-air.

It's unbelievable that the four Shadow Kings attacked at the same time, but she was able to escape?

"This is not true!" The experts on Duzun Mountain were shocked by Mo Linna's shocking dodge, and the Shadow Emperor himself was even more dumbfounded.

With his own speed, he has incomparable confidence. With the four of them teaming up, the Shadow King believes that even the Five Emperors can't escape, and can only rely on his mighty strength to resist, but Mo Linna actually escaped?

"This little guy, is it possible that his body skills are still higher than the Shadow Emperor?" The nine emperors, seeing Mo Linna's dodging action, their eyes also lit up, facing Mo Linna's almost impossible dodging action , Cheering secretly, if it wasn't for them being great emperors, they must maintain a fair and strict posture, maybe they would all be admiring.

"This, could it be..." I actually escaped the joint attack of the four Shadow Emperors. The strong men on Duzun Mountain were stunned, the five emperors were stunned, and the nine great emperors were stunned, but Mo Linna I was also stunned, a little unbelievable.

"The body of the fish demon moves unparalleled between square inches." Zhuge Xiang, watching Mo Linna's dodging movement, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, full of relief and joy, said in a low voice.

Mo Linna, who already had some understanding of the fish demon body before, at this critical juncture, with the help of the demon bones, successfully comprehended the trick of the fish demon body.

"I can't, it should be just luck..." Mo Linna escaped her own attack intact, the Shadow Emperor froze for a moment, and then the attack broke out again, and the four figures turned towards Mo Linna again. Linna's attack, both in terms of speed and strength, was obviously improved compared to just now.

However, on Mo Linna's pretty face, there was no panic, only seriousness. Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the movements of the four Shadow Kings. Immediately, her body curved slightly, and her whole delicate body appeared in front of her. Twisting like a fish swimming in the air, giving people a mysterious and natural feeling, at the same time, once again escaped the joint attack of the four Shadow Kings.

It may be called luck to escape the first time, but can it be considered luck to escape the second time? The Shadow Emperor was stunned, all the strong men on Duzun Mountain were stunned, and even the nine great emperors were stunned. Mo Linna's fish demon body made them feel astonished...

The Shadow Emperor may not have the strongest attack power in Shura Dao, but his movement speed is the fastest. I believe no one will refute it. When attacking alone, not many people can escape with that ghostly speed.

But now, the four Shadow Kings joined forces to attack, but they were dodged. How could Mo Linna's fish demon body not be shocking?

The Nine Beasts Forbidden Code and the cultivation base are mutually beneficial and complementary exercises. The higher the level of the Nine Beasts Forbidden Code, the higher the cultivation base will be. Similarly, the enhancement of the cultivation base will lead to the level of the Nine Beasts Forbidden Code. improvement.

Following the Nine Beasts Forbidden Code, breaking through the Fish Demon Body, Mo Linna's cultivation level improved accordingly, reaching the fifth level of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, even surpassing Zhuge Xiang's cultivation level.

Swish Swish Swish Swish...

Although the fish demon body shocked the Shadow King, but now, the Shadow King was on the verge of attacking and had no choice but to attack. Therefore, the four Shadow Kings attacked at the same time, forming an impenetrable attack. Together, the high-density attack is like an invisible net, covering Mo Linna.

Mo Linna, however, seemed to be transformed into a dexterous swimming fish, her figure constantly flickered between the gaps in the big net, dodging the attacks of the four shadow kings again and again, making their attacks completely in vain... …

"Mo Linna, it's gratifying to have comprehended the fish demon body, but now, it's just that she can dodge the attack of the Shadow King in front of her. The so-called long-term defense is bound to lose. She still has little hope of winning..."

Although everyone was intimidated by Mo Linna's fish demon body, Zhuge Xiang's heart was calm, and it could still be seen that Mo Linna was at an absolute disadvantage.

PS: It’s been three chapters, and I can’t sleep anyway, so write another chapter and update around 11:30~~~

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