Data Wasteland

: Seven hundred and twelfth festival

On the battlefield, light and shadow were intertwined, the flow of fire flew, and the explosion sound wave after wave, accompanied by the fire cloud soaring into the sky.

Hundreds of mechas crossed the trenches, the high-speed rotating Vulcan cannon shot out a storm of steel, and the rockets were mixed in the barrage, like hail in the rain, smashing to the opposite side frantically.

On the other side, dozens of tall figures are walking along. They are firm, like the Titan giants in the myth, holding a steel shield in their hands, stepping toward the enemy's position.

Bullets and rockets hit the steel shield, sparks splattered, and bursts of dreadful flames burst out from time to time.

"Guards, the first elite battle group, charge!"

Accompanied by a loud battle cry, the steel giant accelerated in vain. They strode to the stars, and their heavy footsteps shook the ground. In a blink of an eye, he crossed several trenches and crashed into the mecha group.

The heavy shield in his hand was lifted high and slammed on the mecha!

The powerful impact immediately caused the mecha to fall apart, and the mecha pilot inside was squeezed into meat sauce by the rapidly deformed cockpit before he had time to react. The oil in the hydraulic pipeline was sprayed everywhere, and the spilled fuel was quickly ignited, and the entire mecha instantly burned into a fireball.

A black shadow passed over his head, and then a huge steel shield smashed down from the air.

With a muffled sound, the parts bounced around, and the mecha below was smashed to pieces.

In less than five minutes, this group of steel giants swept half of the battlefield, defeating the main mecha of the Ninth Armored Division of the Allied Forces.

Suddenly, strange red lights lit up on the steel giant's body.

It was the mark of a burning abyss with molten iron flowing in lava.

Sensing the presence of the enemy, all the steel giants looked up at the sky and roared in anger.

"For the Thunder Light Group!"

"For Tieno!"

At the same time, in the command vehicle behind the battlefield, Chen Xing, who discovered Qin Wu's whereabouts, picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Commander of the Right Army, Lyonka!"


"Commander of the Left Army, Viscount Ramon!"


"The target has appeared, follow the battle plan!"


The two commanders responded in unison.

Then, Chen Xing tuned the walkie-talkie to the guards command channel.

"Huozui, retreat immediately!" Afraid that the other party would not understand, he strengthened his tone, "Don't fall in love with war, retreat immediately!"

There was silence for a few seconds, and a deep voice came out, "Boss, let's fight..."

"I promise, I will take Qin Wu's Xiang Shang head to see you!"

Chen Xing exhaled and said slowly, "Brother, it's not the time yet."

He has a sincere tone, and he feels confidant. He knew that as long as he met Qin Wu, the people of the Lei Guang regiment would fight to the end. However, if you fight with Qin Wu now, even if you can kill the opponent, it will be a miserable victory.

He also needs these daring brothers to accompany him further. He cherishes everyone who has fought side by side with him, so even if he wants to kill Qin Wu, it can only be done if the loss is minimized.

There was heavy breathing from the walkie-talkie, as if suppressing endless sadness and anger. Chen Xing did not urge him, leaving enough time for the other party to think and calm down.

After a few seconds, there seemed to be a decision there, and the heavy breathing gradually eased, "Boss, I understand."

"It's hard for you." Chen Xing said.

Then he gave Xiang Caidie the retreat order.

Half a minute later, the First Mobile Brigade of the Expeditionary Force and the First Elite Group of the Guards began to retreat.

The goal of the retreat is the weathered rock community in the middle of the Guiku Plain. After many days of discussion with Lin Shiyuan, this place was designated as the core defensive point of the expeditionary army.

Weathered rock is a natural bunker, and the terrain is relatively high, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The main defense forces of the Chinese and Right Army along the line corresponded with the military stronghold of the North Left Army in the southwest of Norland Snow Mountain.

However, Qin Wu's speed exceeded 200 kilometers per hour, while the expeditionary force's retreat speed was less than 100 kilometers.

Qin Wu is still seven kilometers away from the battlefield, and will overtake him within twenty minutes.

"You first withdraw, I am responsible for the interruption." Chen Xing informed the command channel.

"How can this work!" Huozui was the first to object.

"The master is a body of ten thousand gold, how can he take risks with his body." The maid chief and the captain of the guard, Jianyue Canglian also objected.

"You can't go, what should I do if something happens, how can I explain it to my junior sister!" "The army can't be without a commander, please think twice." "A virtuous son-in-law can't be impulsive." Xiang Caidie, Ye Yang Zhengxiong and other commanders objected.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about it, just execute the order." As if to increase everyone's confidence, Chen Xing's tone became frivolous, "Even the Golden Eyed Witch can't help me. What is Qin Wu?"

Everyone was silent.

Chen Xing actually lived for half an hour under Aaliyah's pursuit. Although many people doubted whether Aaliyah had the ingredient to release water, after all, it was the pinnacle of human existence-the supreme powerhouse.

How did a quasi-lord class survive under the great king class? People can't help but doubt.

However, they would never say it in person, let alone say it here.

Questioning the supreme commander, are you not ready to confuse?

Therefore, they are silent.

And the other meaning of silence is to agree, at least the Supreme Commander Chen Xing can understand this way, and can turn this understanding into reality.

The troops on this side continued to retreat, and on the other end of the battle line, in the plain hundreds of kilometers from here, Lyonka and Viscount Ramon led their main forces into the battlefield.

The only thing worthy of the attention of the expeditionary force in the Four-Nation Alliance is Qin Wu and his gluttony monarch.

Since Qin Wu appeared here, the other side was paperless.

Chen Xing's real tactic tonight is to hit the west!

As the troops withdrew, Chen Xing's attention turned to rush to Qin Wu.

Three consecutive orbital beams descended, although they could not cause actual damage, they deeply provoked the majesty of the undercurrent king.

The gluttonous monarch was completely enraged, and thundered down Qin Wu, roaring angrily towards the night sky.

The crimson skin gradually lit up, the temperature continued to rise, and sparks escaped from the surface of the body, slowly rising, and a strong smell of sulfur came to the nose.

The chest was pulsating, and he let out a low roar. The dark red light like magma flickered with the rhythm of breathing, seeming to be accumulating some kind of power.


After about a few minutes, a roar was deafening. I saw the two sturdy hind legs of the gluttony monarch slammed, and the ground suddenly sank like a nuclear explosion. The crimson body turned into a bolide, blasting straight into the atmosphere.

In a blink of an eye, it submerged into the starry sky, turning into orange-red light spots.

In space, the bolide flew for about three minutes, and then drew a high-speed arc, passing a few meters from the tactical satellite. The powerful kinetic force could instantly shatter the latter, turning it into countless scattered parts and sinking into deep space.

Chen Xing had a slight pain on his scalp and lost his vision of the tactical satellite.

This gluttonous monarch can actually fly into space.

But the Glutton Lord soon returned to the ground. As a carbon-based life, oxygen is necessary. Both carbohydrates and psychic energy need to be combined with oxygen to release energy.

It's just that, plus the time to accumulate energy, Chen Xing delayed for ten minutes.

"Come and see how many times you can go to space."

In Chen Xing's joking voice, a rocket painted with a cigar skeleton broke away from the launch frame, lifted up vertically, and flew into the atmosphere.

About ten minutes later, the distance between Qin Wu and Lord Glutton, who had traced the mark of the abyss, and Chen Xing was shortened to twelve kilometers.

At this time, the launch of the new tactical satellite was completed.


The orbital beam descended again, landing on the head of the Glutton Monarch with unparalleled precision


The Glutton Monarch was immediately furious, but this time it learned its finesse and did not waste time rushing into space, but chased it frantically in the direction of the imprint.

The gluttonous monarch on the satellite image gradually approached, and Chen Xing, who was running wild on the back of the wolf king, pointed backward, and the goblin army surged out.

Cannon fodder sea, unhappy?

The propeller fighters in the sky, the Batriders, the goblins, wolf cavalry, and steam tanks on the ground, are mighty and can't see the end.

In a blink of an eye, the gluttony monarch is like a toad trapped in a green quagmire. Although the goblin cannot cause any damage, even scratching it, it greatly hinders its speed.

No matter how the gluttonous monarch slapped, crushed, collided, or breathed fire, the goblins still went forward and succeeded, enclosing them in ten and ten layers.

It used to be two hundred per hour, but now it's less than fifty.

For the next period of time, Chen Xing ran in front and blamed him, Qin Wu and the Glutton Monarch chased after him. The distance between the two sides has been kept at about seven or eight kilometers, and sometimes Chen Xing had to stop and wait, lest the other party lose the confidence to chase and kill.

In this way, Chen Xing took Qin Wu and ran around in the wasteland.

At the same time, the main forces of the left and right expeditionary forces entered the northern defense line of the coalition. With the gap in equipment and personnel quality between the two sides, it was like a tiger entering a wolf pack, killing people on their backs, and the sky was dim.

"The 37th Infantry Division of the Allied Forces requests reinforcements!" "The 41st Infantry Division of the Allied Forces requests reinforcements!" "The 17th Infantry Divisions of the Allied Forces request reinforcements!"

The information for help is plentiful.

"The enemy's firepower is too fierce, we can't hold on anymore!" "They are coming in!" "If reinforcements don't come, we will give up our position!" "Urgent report, the 37th Infantry Division commander died!"

The battle on the northern front of the coalition took a sharp turn, and three successive infantry divisions were dispersed.

"Don't chase the defeated army, continue to attack the coalition defense line, plough the entire northern line for me!"

The disintegrated infantry division was like tearing a wound on the line of defense. The main force of the left and right armies cut through the wound, and then the soldiers were divided into two groups, attacking the enemy's rear camp, destroying military supplies.

"Don't love war, don't pick up the spoils, destroy them all on the spot!"

Large quantities of military rations were burned, more than a dozen ammunition storage sites were detonated, and hundreds of military trucks were destroyed at the same time.

Qin Wu, who got the news from the North Front, was mad, yelled hysterically and cursed at the sky, but it was of no use, and he was still trapped in the quagmire of goblins.

"Boss, we have arrived!"

"Your Excellency, the First Mobile Brigade of the Expeditionary Army has arrived at the target location."

As the day dawned, news of Huozui and Xiang Caidie's successful retreat came from the walkie-talkie.

"The combat goal of the Left Army is achieved!"

"The combat goal of the right army is achieved!"

Victory reports came from Lyonka and Viscount Ramon.

Seeing that the result of the battle had been achieved, Chen Xing recovered the goblins and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

His mark of the abyss has been sealed by the Holy Light, Qin Wu can't perceive it, and the people in the Lei Guang regiment have also gone away.

Qin Wu absolutely did not dare to leave the legion, and went into the enemy zone alone.

If Qin Wu really dared to do this, Chen Xing wouldn't mind giving him a ride.

The battle report came out soon, the expeditionary force won!

Annihilated more than 30,000 enemies, dispersed three infantry divisions of the coalition, severely damaged an armored division, and destroyed a large number of military supplies, reaching a quarter of the total supplies of the coalition.

The results of this battle were rich, except for Chen Xing's loss of more than half of the goblins, which took some time to replenish. The expeditionary force's casualties were less than 3,000.

Aaliyah sent a congratulatory message immediately: "Master Chen Xing, good job!"

"I now announce that you have upgraded from a mouse to a puppy..."

Chen Xing ignored the latter words automatically.

Subsequently, in order to strengthen the results of this battle and achieve the next strategic goal, Chen Xing held a press conference in the defense zone...

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