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"No, Xiaowu, don't go.……"

Qingquan held onto Xiaowu's sleeve tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. She said in sorrow,

"I am a person of low status, and I am just a female worker hired by the Marquis. We have only a superficial relationship. How can I let such a noble person as the Divine Marquis get involved in this matter and stand up for me? If he knew, he would think I was a nosy woman.……"

"Besides, my mother and I live outside now, and it is quite quiet. My mother is weaving at home, and the first time I came out to work, I was selected by Lord Li and appreciated by the Marquis. With this thousand coins, what else can Qingquan be dissatisfied with?"

As a female worker, how dare she dream that the high and mighty Marquis would have any intersection with her? Even if Xiao Wu promised that he could handle Xu Chen, she would never dare to cross the line before the relationship was confirmed.

Even if the relationship was really confirmed and she was taken as a concubine or even a side room, with her personality, she would not tell these things and add to Xu Chen's troubles, and would only bear it silently.……

"Oh, sister Qing, you are so soft-hearted. If it were me, I would……"

Xiao Wu looked at Qingquan in front of him with tears in his eyes, and his face was also somewhat helpless. He had no choice but to stop and said,

"Well, Xiao Wu respects your idea, but you don't have to go back today. After dinner, stay at my house and talk to me. Don't you often work late at night? Just treat it as a night shift, and I'll let Brother Chen pay you the wages later!"

Even though he respected Qingquan's opinion, Xiao Wu didn't want her to go back to the broken thatched house in the wilderness. Besides, letting Qingquan stay at home overnight would also help them to improve their relationship.

"What are you talking about... I live in your house, so I should pay you rent……"

Qingquan's face flushed, but she agreed reluctantly and agreed to talk to Xiaowu in the evening.

With her personality, she naturally lost her opinion when she met an aggressive girl like Xiaowu, and was completely taken advantage of. After putting her mind at ease, Xiaowu finally focused on cooking, constantly asking questions to Qingquan, and also helping her by cutting vegetables, adding salt, etc. The cooperation between the two was very tacit.

After cooking, Qingquan's face was covered with a layer of fine sweat, and Xiaowu's cooking skills had made great progress under her guidance.


In the evening, the other nine female workers had finished their day's work and left the mansion. Before leaving, Xu Chen gave them ten cents each for dinner, which made them even more excited. It was a great fortune to meet such a generous and kind boss!

At this time, Qingquan and Xiaowu also carried the freshly prepared dishes from the kitchen into the wing room in the backyard.

Only Xu Chen and Xiaoquan had this dinner, which was considered a family dinner.

Xu Chen was sitting in the main seat, with two beauties sitting on his left and right, but he didn't care at all. His eyes were shining, and his attention was all on the delicious food!

There were not many dishes, only three dishes and one soup in total, but just by smelling the taste, he had swallowed his saliva and couldn't help wanting to pick up his chopsticks and feast on it.

"These dishes are really delicious! Miss Qingquan is really skillful. You can make simple stir-fry dishes so fancy. My mouth is watering."

Xu Chen praised generously, and Qingquan blushed. Even her snow-white neck was covered with a layer of powder. She lowered her head and dared not speak.

Originally, she could remain calm in front of Xu Chen, but after being disturbed by Xiao Wu just now, her mind was already in a mess. She didn't dare to look at Xu Chen's face at all, and her face was full of guilt and nervousness.

Because every time she looked at him, she felt more and more that the boy in front of her was indeed worthy of love...

However, the more she did this, the more Xiao Wu wanted to tease her. She poked Qingquan's slender waist and said with a smile:

"Sister Qing, Brother Chen is asking you a question. It's impolite not to look up and answer~"

Xiao Wu's expression now is just like the madam of Mingyue Tower, who is training her girls.

"Thank you... Thank you for your praise, Lord. I am ashamed to accept it."

Qingquan was poked by Xiao Wu, and her heart was shaken. She raised her head in a hurry and saw Xu Chen staring at her with burning eyes. She said anxiously, her tongue was a little knotted.

"Haha, Miss Qingquan is too modest. Don't call yourself a slave. I don't like this kind of self-proclaimed title. It makes you seem inferior. We are not alone now. We are all equals. Just be casual."

Xu Chen laughed and thought Qingquan was nervous. He waved his hands repeatedly. As he said that, he wanted to pick up the chopsticks, but as soon as he put them down, he was blocked by Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu smiled brightly and said ambiguously:

"Brother Chen, why are you so impatient? Even Xiao Wu knows that when you treat a good dish, you should taste it like a work of art. Why are you so impatient before the chef introduces it? This is very rude~"

Facing Xu Chen, Xiao Wu's role changed again, from the madam of Mingyue Tower to Wang Po in Water Margin.

"Oh, yes, I neglected this. Miss Qingquan, please introduce what these dishes are."

Xu Chen patted his head and said repeatedly that before tasting the delicious food, you should listen to the chef's introduction first, which is also a respect for the chef's work.

As he said, he looked at Qingquan, and Xiaowu also looked at her with a smile, waiting for her to speak.

Qingquan, who felt the gazes of the two, had no choice but to muster up her courage, slightly raised her head, and introduced softly:

"This first dish is Chinese���For the steamed sea bass, I used hot oil to fry it, and the flavor was already stimulated, so I just added a little salt, and it was already fresh and fragrant enough."

"The second dish was taught to me by my mother. It is called fried tofu and eggs. Although it does not use any particularly good ingredients, it tastes very delicious."

"The third dish is called old duck and radish soup. It is a nourishing soup. If you usually eat too much fish and meat, drinking this soup can nourish yin and reduce internal heat."

"This fourth dish……"

At first, Qingquan was a little reserved, but after all, cooking was her area of expertise, so she became more relaxed as she spoke. As she spoke, Xu Chen and Xiao Wu tasted the food, expressing great affirmation and praise for her cooking skills.

Qingquan's face was also filled with a hint of satisfaction. The three of them together really looked like a harmonious family.

However, just as Xu Chen was enjoying his meal, Xiao Wu suddenly said:

"Brother Chen, can you let Sister Qing live in our house from now on?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when studying - collection

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