In the Taiji Palace in the imperial city of Chang'an, a figure rushed into the hall, knelt respectfully on the ground, and said nothing.

In the hall, Li Shimin, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, was reviewing memorials. When he saw the people in front of him, he didn't even raise his eyelids and said casually:

"What's the matter?"

Now Li Shimin has transformed from the King of Qin to the emperor of the entire Tang Empire! In just a few months, his temperament has also changed drastically.

If his momentum before was the killing and domineering aura of the general of Tiance, then now, it is the aura of the emperor who dominates the world!

Although that momentum has lost its momentum, it is more majestic and cannot be offended!

"Your Majesty, today Yuchi Baolin, Cheng Chumo and others were drinking in Mingyue Tower.……"

The man who was kneeling stood up and said in a low voice:

"I asked you to search Chang'an, and you told me this? I set up the Hundred Cavalry Division not to listen to the private lives of those guys!"

Li Shimin frowned slightly, put down the red pen in his hand, and snorted coldly.���Emperor, he must have the intelligence of the whole country, so that he can be high above the temple and know the major events in the world.

The Hundred Cavalry Division is the secret agency he established. The man in front of him is responsible for the intelligence collection work in Chang'an City.

Intelligence, what is intelligence? Important information is called intelligence! The daily behaviors reported in these reports are all meaningless to him.

"I dare not. Five young masters gathered together. Later, one of them broke in and spoke nonsense. He said, he said……"

The lieutenant general of the Hundred Cavalry Division whispered, and as he spoke, his voice became quieter.

"I dare not say anything."

He was sweating profusely, fearing that His Majesty would kill him with a knife in a rage.

Because that sentence was the real thorn in Li Shimin's side. Whoever said it would die!

"Hmm? Why not? Tell me now!"

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, walked down, stood in front of the lieutenant general, and ordered.

He wanted to know what kind of treasonous words even the spy dared not say!

"That person said... everyone present here is the descendant of the heroes of the Xuanwu Gate coup.……"

After the lieutenant general finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head and buried it in the ground like an ostrich, not daring to look directly at Li Shimin.

He felt that a storm was gathering madly above him!

"How dare you!"

As expected, Li Shimin's face flushed, and he stamped his feet violently, shaking the entire Taiji Palace!

The guards outside the door thought that the emperor was ill, so they hurried into the palace and controlled the general.

"Who is so bold as to discuss state affairs in Chang'an? He should be killed! He should be killed!"

Li Shimin was so angry that his beard was about to tremble. He immediately ordered,

"Tell the Qianniu Guards to arrest this man immediately! And bring those five guys here for questioning as well!"

"It's really outrageous!"

The Xuanwu Gate Incident was a stain that could never be erased from Li Shimin's great achievements, and it was also a thorn in his heart. He was accused of killing his brother and forcing his father. He was already very uncomfortable, and often had nightmares at midnight, dreaming that the two brothers came to take his life!

Now, someone actually made fun of this matter, who could tolerate it? If he didn't cut this guy into pieces, how could he calm down his anger?

If the five guys didn't take action and didn't tie up this traitor, it would also be disobedience, and each of them would have to be beaten with fifty sticks!

""I obey your order!"

The General of the Guards left with the order, and a large group of people began to arrest people in Chang'an City!

Li Shimin kicked the pillar hard, but still felt unsatisfied. He sat on the dragon chair and sulked.

"Your Majesty, why are you so angry? Come, drink this bowl of Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup first, and then we can talk slowly."

Outside the hall, a beautiful woman in palace dress came in with a small bowl, sat down next to Li Shimin, patted his back, and said after he calmed down.

Who else could sit next to the emperor casually except Empress Changsun? Every time Li Shimin got angry, only Empress Changsun could relieve his emotions.

This couple happened to be Xu Chen's biological parents!

"I am so angry! Guanyin, who dares to be so rebellious and say such heart-breaking words!"

Li Shimin drank the white fungus and lotus seed soup in one gulp, without even wiping his mouth, puffed his beard and glared,

"If I see him, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Although the world is peaceful now and he has become an emperor riding a sedan chair, his martial arts and murderous heart have not completely subsided. If he really kills someone with his own hands, he probably won't even blink an eye.

"Your Majesty, why should you be angry? No matter what they say, in my opinion, those rats cannot attack your great achievements, so they can only talk nonsense. This is the evidence that your Majesty is governing well!"

Empress Changsun used Li Shimin's favorite words, analyzing from the good side of the matter, which really worked.

When Li Shimin heard this, he finally dispelled some of his anger. He held Empress Changsun's hand and sighed:

"It is more important to guard against the people's mouths than to guard against the river. This loophole cannot be opened! This man should be killed to serve as a warning to others!"

He knew very well that if this loophole was opened, there would be countless people criticizing him in the future!

"Those who offend the emperor's majesty should be killed! He is not the person involved, how can he know our difficulties? Those who talk without any hesitation should be severely punished!"

Empress Changsun followed Li Shimin's meaning and expressed her own views. When she said this, her aura of being the mother of the country burst out.

This couple is not someone who is easy to mess with. Xu Chen probably doesn't know that he has been sentenced to death by his parents!

"Let's not talk about this for now. Guanyin, the ministers in the court have been discussing recently that I should appoint a crown prince. Cheng Qian is a good child, but……"

Li Shimin held Empress Changsun's hand and said sadly

"Your Majesty, you don't need to say more. Our Dalang has been missing since he went missing. We don't know if he is still alive. He may have passed away.……"

Empress Changsun interrupted Li Shimin, tears streaming down her face, and said sadly,

"Now the state affairs are urgent, please make a decision as soon as possible, and stabilize the court!"

A country cannot be without a king for a day, nor can it be without a crown prince. The heir is very important to an empire!

Li Shimin was silent for a long time, and finally nodded sadly, muttering,

"Look for him again, for another two years. If there is still no news after two years, I will make Cheng Qian the crown prince."

As the heir apparent, on the one hand, he does have feelings for his lost eldest son, and on the other hand, he does need to set an example for future generations.

From him on, the eldest son inheritance system must be an iron rule!

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