"As the sage said, the wise are the teachers! Now that you are the wise, Brother Xu, I should call you Master. Calling you Senior Brother is already a great advantage!"Unexpectedly,

Sun Simiao said in a serious tone. He takes academic matters very seriously.

What should be is what should be. This is not a sworn brotherhood. Age is not important at all. Whoever has more sophisticated medical skills and a more thorough understanding of medical theory will be more respected.

He, Sun Simiao, has been practicing medicine for many years. He is respected not because of his age, but because of his excellent medical skills!

"This... well, although it sounds a bit offensive, if you like, it's up to you."

Xu Chen saw this and had no choice but to nod his head.

He respected the stubborn old man from the bottom of his heart, so he was naturally willing to follow his wishes. He didn't care about the title at all. Otherwise, he could have directly found Li Shimin to recognize his relatives, and maybe he could have become the prince directly!

But these false names were not what he wanted. Relying on his own advantages, he wanted to seek more benefits for the people of the Tang Dynasty and build the Tang Dynasty into a real empire on which the sun never sets. This was his pursuit!

"What are you waiting for, Senior Brother, when will we return to the mountain gate to hold the apprenticeship ceremony?!"

Sun Simiao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he grabbed Xu Chen's sleeve and asked repeatedly, calling him Senior Brother all the time, so smoothly!

As an ancient person who attached great importance to etiquette, he had to complete the ceremony before he felt at ease, otherwise, it would be unjust and unsound!

"Ahem, our sect is full of idle people, not bound by etiquette and laws, and accepting disciples is just a casual talk. If we like someone, we will give him a title."

Looking at Sun Simiao's look, Xu Chen could only touch his nose and evade the question,

"Now I am the only one in the sect, and what I say is what it is. So, even if you join the sect now, don't ask what it is called. Having a name is inferior, do you understand me?"

He tried to be as vague as possible to avoid being exposed later.

"So that's how it is. The real immortal sect doesn't even have a name. Mortals still want to find traces of immortals. It's wishful thinking!"

Unexpectedly, Sun Simiao nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and bowed to Xu Chen, saying respectfully,

"Senior Brother, I am fortunate to join the Xian Sect, all thanks to your guidance, please bear with me in the future!"

He really regarded Xu Chen as an elder in the sect, and this action made Xu Chen ashamed.

Originally, he didn't care much about medical technology, but now it seems that he has to increase his efforts in research, otherwise, wouldn't he let down Sun Simiao's sincerity?

"Haha, great! I didn't expect that Yuchi's illness would lead to a good thing. I wish you two better medical skills!"

Mrs. Hei also laughed at this time, waved her hand, and ordered,

"Set up a banquet! The two genius doctors have been very kind to our Duke of E’s Mansion. I haven’t had time to thank you yet. I must treat you to a meal today no matter what!"

"Baolin, go to the East and West markets to see what good stuff there is, and bring back some rare animals and birds!"

As soon as Yuchi Gong's illness got better, Madam Hei regained her former heroic spirit, and her every move gave her the feeling of a battlefield hero.

"Yes, mother!"

Yuchi Baolin was very happy at this time, so she naturally walked out excitedly, and walked out of the wing room with the other four young masters.

Xu Chen had to go to the front hall with them as a guest at the strong invitation of Madam Hei and Sun Simiao.

As soon as the group walked out of the door, they noticed that the atmosphere was not right. It was quiet around them. The uncles, aunts and aunts had disappeared. In the front hall, a fully armed general was watching the backyard.

Seeing Xu Chen and the others come out, the general's face became more serious. He bowed to Madam Hei and said coldly:

"Everyone, I have been waiting for a long time."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of well-equipped soldiers in armor jumped out from behind him. They also looked ahead expressionlessly, with a hint of murderous intent on their bodies.

""Qianniuwei Zhonglangjiang? Why is he here? Did you offend him?"

Madam Hei frowned, feeling that things were not simple, and whispered.

The Qianniuwei is one of the most sophisticated imperial guards in the palace! Usually they are dedicated to protecting the safety of the emperor and empress. Every time they leave the palace, it must be in accordance with the emperor's order to do important things!

"No, no.……"

Yuchi Baolin said in a low voice, and looked at Zhang Sunchong and others. Their hearts suddenly jumped, and they had a bad premonition.

"This is the Duke's Mansion. You are holding swords and are full of murderous intent. What do you want to do? Do you want to kill the heroes who founded the country?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Hei's heart skipped a beat, but she was not too panicked. Instead, she said in a cold voice,

‘Duke E is now terminally ill and will not live long. Even if you want to kill him, there is no need to rush now, right? '

As a meritorious official in the founding of the Tang Dynasty, as long as Yuchi Gong does not commit treason or other heinous acts, Li Shimin has no reason to kill him! So her words were heartbreaking.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the general's face suddenly changed, and he immediately clasped his fists and said:

"Madam, I have no such intention. This time, I am not here to target Lord Yuchi. I am here to arrest someone and ask questions to the five young masters in accordance with the emperor's decree. That's all."

Although he is the emperor's bodyguard, Yuchi Gong is Li Shimin's number one bodyguard! He is the one who saved Li Shimin's life. He dare not offend such a person.

The four words"founding hero" are a great pressure on Li Shimin's shoulders!

"Who are you arresting?"

Madam Hei said calmly, and glanced at Yuchi Baolin and others suspiciously.

It didn't sound serious, but what did these five guys do to alarm His Majesty?

"Could it be……"

The most clever of the five, Chang Sunchong, started to tremble with his teeth and said anxiously,"

They seem to know what the reason is."……

"Arrest those who slander the emperor and defame His Majesty!"

The Zhonglang General shouted and drew out the knife in his hand, pointing in the direction of Xu Chen!

""Catch them!"

He gave an order, and dozens of Qianniu guards swarmed out of the front hall, surrounding Xu Chen and others. Everyone drew their swords, and the meaning was very clear.

If you dare to resist, I will hack you to death!

However, facing such a critical scene, Xu Chen was not moved at all, and even did not raise his eyelids, and even smiled.

These rotten fish and shrimps, let him stretch his muscles!

I want a wave of 10 points evaluation votes and flowers, thank you, the second update will be around seven o'clock.

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