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While Lao Zheng was still mumbling, the four big guys had already drunk to their heart's content, wiping their mouths and continuing to eat.

Fortunately, Qingquan's food was sufficient, and seeing that they ate quickly, he quickly went to the kitchen to cook two side dishes, so that this group of animals ate very happily, and they were full of praise for this midnight snack.

"Everyone, I estimate that there is a good chance that tomorrow's charity auction will be held. When the time comes, please publicize it more and inform those wealthy ladies to bring enough money with them. Even if they don't have enough status and position, as long as they have enough money, I, Xu Chen, will give them face and invite them all to come."

Xu Chen said with a smile, and finally stated his ultimate goal.

In Chang'an City, there are wealthy businessmen everywhere, and there are many rich wives, but these people basically have no qualifications to participate in the birthday ceremony of Empress Changsun. If you want to participate, you must at least be the wife of a county magistrate or the daughter of a baron.

Merchant women are simply not worthy of being on the stage! But now, what Xu Chen needs is their power! Without them to raise the price, how can he make money?

Therefore, this group of people must be called up as an exception, but it is not easy for him to show up for this kind of thing. He has to find some spokespersons. He was originally worried and wanted Wu Shigui to help, but he didn't expect that these four guys would come to his door like this.

It saves him from looking for spokespersons!

"How difficult is that? I, Old Cheng, happen to know quite a few wealthy businessmen in Chang'an. If they can attend the birthday ceremony of Empress Changsun, they will be willing to go even if it costs them a lot of money!"

Cheng Yaojin laughed and agreed.

"For them, being able to attend this kind of top gathering in Chang'an City and make friends with the wives and daughters of princes and ministers is simply a precious opportunity that they can't wait to have. How could they be willing to miss it? I only need to give an order to ensure that they will flock to it!"

For businessmen, what is the most important thing? It's connections! It's relationships! Which of those wealthy businessmen doesn't have complicated relationships and backers behind them?

And participating in this kind of ceremony is obviously the best opportunity to expand connections and develop relationships, and no one will miss it.

In this regard, Li Jing and others also readily agreed. They know a lot of people in Chang'an City, and they are familiar with all kinds of people. From this point of view, they are much better than Xu Chen.

With a few of them here, and mobilizing some good ones, such as Li Ji and Changsun Wuji, they can basically gather all the wealthy businessmen and landlords in Chang'an City!

However, after listening to Cheng Yaojin's words, Xu Chen had a thoughtful expression. He pondered for a long time and suddenly asked:

‘These wealthy businessmen are willing to spend a lot of money to attend the banquet? In this case, can't I charge them for the tickets? It doesn't have to be much, just charge each person... 20 taels of gold! This will also keep those stingy people out. I don't want to let any strangers in. '

Four Dukes:"……"

There is a ticket fee for admission. Xu Chen is the only one here. How can Shen Hou be like a profiteer when doing business?……

"Uh...if we charge admission, isn't twenty taels of gold a bit too expensive? In this way, the number of wealthy merchants willing to come will probably decrease a lot."

Fang Xuanling frowned slightly and raised an objection.

20 taels of gold, this is not a small amount! It is enough for a family of three to eat and drink for several years. Such an expensive ticket fee is not something that any merchant is willing to pay or can afford!

"It's not expensive. According to the rules, women from business families are not eligible to attend the Queen's birthday banquet. These twenty taels of gold are considered as an advance donation. They are given the title of"donor" and can enter the banquet. This is completely reasonable!"

Xu Chen shook his head and chuckled.

"Besides, such a high-end banquet will not be open to all the rotten fish and shrimp. Since you are not a noble, you have to pay. Otherwise, how can you almost get in touch with the top celebrities of the Tang Dynasty? Besides, if you are unwilling to pay even 20 taels of gold, you must be a stingy person. How can you buy my products? This kind of person, this marquis, does not need it!"

He will use this 20 taels of gold threshold to block a group of merchants who want to come and get free stuff! This is just like going to a bar in later generations, there must be a minimum consumption!

"This... Well, what the Divine Marquis said seems to be reasonable, so we will just do it."

After listening to Xu Chen's words, Fang Xuanling was convinced and agreed with Xu Chen's remarks.

In fact, the three of them nodded in agreement. As nobles, they originally despised those wealthy businessmen and knew what they were doing. Now they could extort money from them, which was also a benefit to the people and a vent for the people.

After all, this money will eventually be used to help the world and the people!

After they finished talking about business, they chatted about some gossip and trivial matters, such as which old prince's house was thieved and the luminous cup was stolen, which duke took a concubine and the family was in chaos... and so on, they talked about it happily.

Therefore, men are also very excited when they talk about gossip. Time passed unknowingly. In a blink of an eye, it was almost the end of the hour of Hai. The four dukes all stood up and bowed to Xu Chen to say goodbye.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Xu Chen stood up, called the four big guys, took four small bottles of perfume from Xiao Wu, and said with a smile,

"Thank you for your hard work for tomorrow's event. Take these bottles of perfume back. They are gifts from me. I will also explain this to my wife at home. All four bottles are classic styles. They are neither too fragrant nor too light. You should be able to use them without any problems.��"

Xu Chen still understood the principles of life. Since he wanted to use these big guys, he naturally had to give them some benefits. Otherwise, even if they didn't say it, they would think about it in their hearts. Over time, no one would be willing to help.

When Xu Chen sent them off, the four of them were all delighted, especially Fang Xuanling, who thanked him repeatedly and said excitedly:

"Thank you, Lord God, thank you, Lord God! Fang has nothing to worry about!"

As he said this, he put the small bottle of perfume into the box he brought with him, and then carefully put it in his arms, fearing that something might go wrong. This look was quite funny.

Fang Xuanling was so afraid of his wife that he could almost have a battle with Qi Jiguang.

"I say, Old Fang, look at your bear-like appearance, how can a man be so afraid of his wife! What's the point of living like this?"

Yuchi Gong was irritable and couldn't help but said.

In response, Fang Xuanling blushed and was about to refute, but Xu Chen shook his head and smiled:

"Yuchi, you are wrong. Fang Xiang and his wife are in a good relationship. This is not because he is afraid of his wife, but because he respects her, right?"_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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