"Host, please do not question the Titanium God Suit. It is the way you landed that is wrong. You only care about looking cool, landing straight on your legs. It would be strange if they are not numb."

In his mind, the system's answer was somewhat inhumane, and it exposed Xu Chen's little thoughts without any hesitation.

"Ahem, stop it... Help me determine the number of opponents and the best battle plan."

Xu Chen smiled awkwardly and said repeatedly.

Fighting against thousands of people, even with the system, he was a little scared.

"Scanned! The remaining 3082 guards have a total combat power of more than 20,000. Our host is equipped with titanium divine armor, with a combat power of 5,000. After taking the ST001 strengthening potion, the temporary combat power reaches 12,000."

"There are 182 remaining soldiers in the Qin Palace, all of whom have entered a violent state, with a combat power of up to 3000. Li Shimin's combat power alone is 1000, and Yuchi Gong's combat power alone is 1500. The combat power of both sides has been compared, and the outcome of the battle has been predicted."

""It's a pity to lose."

In less than a breath, the system gave all the data. Because of Xu Chen's presence, the combat power of both sides was not much different!

However, they couldn't stand the opponent's large number of people! If they continued to fight like this, they would eventually lose.

"So, we must capture the leader first, right?"

Xu Chen murmured, his eyes already locked on Li Jiancheng, who was riding a horse and watching the show behind the Imperial Guard.

"Yes! The decapitation plan has been generated, target: Li Jiancheng, locked!"

As the system's voice fell, a bright light appeared in front of Xu Chen's eyes, and he saw that Li Jiancheng was glowing red, which was particularly dazzling in the crowd in the dark night.

"God, God, please accept my worship!"

Yuchi Gong behind him shouted excitedly, knelt down suddenly towards Xu Chen, and said,

"Please help His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin break through the siege, I am willing to die in return!"

When he said this, the remaining more than 100 soldiers all excitedly said in unison:

"Please help His Majesty the King of Qin. We will not retreat even if we die!"

Such a scene was shocking. Li Shimin was already in tears when he saw it. He looked at Xu Chen as if he was looking at a ray of hope.

Their momentum made the three thousand guards dare not take a step forward. Li Jiancheng in the back also had a burning look on his face.

"Who is this? How did he come down from the sky? Is he really a divine soldier from heaven?"

He spoke in a puzzled tone, as if he was talking to himself, with a little more worry between his eyebrows. He thought he had a sure win, but how come Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway?

"Ha, what magic weapon? It's just a trick played by some martial artists. Watch me shoot it to death!"

Faced with such a situation, Li Yuanji sneered. The first arrow was blocked, and he was already a little unhappy. Now he pulled the bow to the full, aimed at Xu Chen's head, and shot again!

This arrow will blow your head off! The poisonous arrow broke through the air and was getting closer and closer to Xu Chen. At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded in his mind.

"Fatal danger detected, distance 200 meters, distance 100 meters……"

"Activate countermeasures, the titanium helmet has been covered, and the target Li Yuanji has been locked!"

A second later, the arrow had arrived, and Xu Chen's head had been tightly wrapped up, with only a crisp"ding" sound. The arrow broke, and the helmet was completely undamaged, not even a white mark was left!

"Fuck, Li Yuanji, you are such a cunning bastard."

Xu Chen felt a slight shock in his head, untied his helmet, cursed, and turned to look east.

The red light had now split into two, one for Li Jiancheng and one for Li Yuanji, both of whom were listed as must-kill targets by the system.

"God, you……"

Li Shimin was stunned. What Xu Chen showed was beyond his understanding.

Perhaps, only God could do this?

"No need to say more, we don't need to break out, just focus on commanding and watch me perform."

Xu Chen took back the golden dart and said calmly,

"Yuchi Gong!"

"I am here!"

Somehow, Yuchi Gong responded immediately after hearing this, and his attitude towards Xu Chen was as respectful as if he was facing Li Shimin.

"You guys, protect him, I'll be back soon."

Xu Chen glanced at him, gave his order casually, and then rushed towards the three thousand guards.

One man, charging three thousand!

"The best assault route has been planned. Li Jiancheng's head can be taken in 10 seconds."

At this time, in front of Xu Chen, there seemed to be a human wall of 3,000 people, like a copper wall and iron wall, unbreakable, but there were several assault routes with weak defenses!

He rushed in all the way, waving the titanium sword in his hand constantly, the blade was extremely sharp, and he himself was also extremely powerful. With one sword, four or five people were killed and seven or eight people were repelled!

The weapons of the imperial guards hit him, but he was unscathed, just like tickling. Coupled with Yuchi Gong's roar just now, as people in the feudal superstitious era, they naturally had some concerns in their hearts.

The man in front of him was invulnerable to swords and guns. If he was really sent by God, wouldn't that be against the will of heaven?

Originally, they were not the prince's confidants, but only obeyed the emperor's orders. Now that the people's hearts were scattered, the morale of the team naturally dropped rapidly, so that in the end, Xu Chen didn't even need to swing the sword, and those soldiers all dodged and made way for a smooth road!

"You guys are smart."

Xu Chen rushed forward quickly, flashed through the group of soldiers, leaped suddenly, and shot dozens of meters away, with the sword in his hand raised high!


Li Jiancheng stared at the scene in disbelief.

From the time Li Yuanji shot the arrow to the time Xu Chen rushed to him, it was only a few breaths of time. He didn't even have time to react before he was enveloped by death.

When the sword chopped down, he had nowhere to hide and could only wait for the death!

Before he died, he stared at the arrow with all his strength, almost screaming:

""I am the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, how dare you kill me!"

The next second, a sword cut off Li Jiancheng's throat.

Li Jiancheng's head fell to the ground, and a few drops of blood rolled down the titanium sword.

Until his death, Li Jiancheng's expression was extremely unwilling. He really didn't expect that his life would end in this way.

Killed by the divine soldiers sent from heaven? Could it be that Li Shimin was really so favored by God!

But he was Li Yuan's eldest son and the first heir to the Tang Dynasty!

However, he could only take this unwillingness to the underworld and tell the King of Hell.

Who asked Xu Chen to travel through time and space? He was not his son, Li Jiancheng?

Instead, his eyes turned to Li Yuanji. He was about to chop another knife to kill the two, but the opponent's action made his pupils shrink suddenly.

"Go to hell, Li Shimin!"

Li Yuanji pulled the bowstring to its full extent with a ferocious look on his face, roaring and shooting the third poisonous arrow!

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