It's no wonder that the two of them were speechless. Whether it's"assembly line production" or"franchise system", they are both very practical and can greatly improve efficiency. They are very advanced concepts.

Anyway, Xue Rengui was confused, but Li Chunfeng was smart. The more he thought about Xu Chen's words, the brighter his eyes became. In the end, he slapped his thigh, jumped up and praised fiercely:

"My dear brother, you are truly a great talent of our time, far surpassing Guan Zhong and Yue Yi of ancient times by a thousand times!"

After a round of high praise, he also said repeatedly:

"As a result, a large number of workers are needed to make sweaters. Whether the wool is produced in the factory or the sweaters need to be hand-woven, they can promote the economic development of our Tang Dynasty and solve the problem of food and clothing for a large number of people!"

"In addition, this wool processing factory may be able to cooperate with the imperial court, let the imperial court invest in the construction of the factory, and the wages of the hired workers can also be issued by the imperial court. In this way, it will not only enrich the treasury of the Tang Dynasty, but also benefit the people. Isn't it wonderful?"

As expected of the first scientist of the Tang Dynasty, his brain is different. Xu Chen just made a start, and he has thought of several ways for subsequent development. Not to mention, it is really constructive!

"Brother Chunfeng, you and I are thinking the same thing. It is definitely best for us to be the supervisors of this kind of national affairs, but it is not easy to get the support of the court. We still need to wait for an opportunity."

Xu Chen smiled and nodded, agreeing with Li Chunfeng's idea.

If we follow the franchise system, there will be many merchants in the Jiangnan area, and there will definitely be more factories there, while there are few businessmen in the north, and there may not be a factory in a province, which is too uneven.

Only by giving the right to build factories to Li Shimin and letting him distribute them evenly, then the people in all places will benefit, and it will be a matter of more or less at most, and they will not die of drought or flood.

However, handing over the wool processing machine to the court also requires a good opportunity to cut in, otherwise if he does not get the power of supervision, some selfish nobles may do something harmful to the world for the sake of their own interests!

If it is handed over to the court, the power of supervision must be in his hands! Xu Chen has already started to think about this in his mind.

"Indeed, we must not let some powerful people taint our invention and make this good thing that benefits the people full of the smell of money!"

Li Chunfeng also clenched his fists and said firmly.

He is a man who can sacrifice his life for a great cause!

The two of them talked a lot again, and at this time, Xue Rengui also moved the wool piled up like a mountain onto the ox cart, and he whispered:

"Master, it’s already so late today, why don’t we go and ask the villagers to come out tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid if I wake them up now, they'll let their dogs bite me.……"

As a man of integrity, Xue Rengui is fearless, but he is a little afraid of dogs...

This is his childhood shadow. Every time he talks about it, it makes Xu Chen laugh, and this time is no exception.

"Hahahaha, you kid, you are such a grown man, but you are still afraid of dogs, aren't you ashamed?"

Xu Chen smiled, waved his hand, and ordered,

""Wintering is a big deal, so it's best not to delay. Just go there without worrying about it. Just say that I, Xu Chen, summoned them. They won't be angry. Only one person from each household needs to come, preferably the housewife."

Xu Chen has a very high reputation in Qinglong Village. Since the hybrid rice was harvested, his words are more effective than those of the village chief, and the villagers listen to him.

Besides, it's getting colder day by day. If they knew there was something like wool, they would be willing to line up even at midnight!

""Okay, I'll go then. Master and Taoist Li, please wait."

Although Xue Rengui was somewhat reluctant, he had to set off because he could not disobey his master's order. Before leaving, he even put on a pair of leggings to avoid being bitten by vicious dogs. After

Xue Rengui left, Xu Chen continued to chat with Li Chunfeng. After a while, a series of rustling sounds suddenly came from the quiet village, and from time to time there were two sounds of dogs barking and chickens crowing.

One by one, the village women, rubbing their sleepy eyes and yawning, walked out of their homes, walking side by side in groups of three or five.

"I just finished feeding my baby and lay down, and I was called up again. I'm so sleepy.……"

"Who isn't? Come on, tell me, what could be the matter that made Xiaochen call us in the middle of the night?"

"There must be something important to say. He has always been a sensible kid. Without him, how could we have enough food to eat?"

"Sister Juan is right, it must be...hiss, it's really cold in the middle of the night, I have to go back and put on more clothes and get my old man's fur clothes.……"

In the cold wind at midnight, the peasant women in the village came to Xu Chen's door one after another, and the village chief, Grandpa Luo, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhao and others also came together.

They were also curious, what important event was Xu Chen going to announce in the middle of the night?

""Master, almost every household has one person here, and some families without wives have men here too."

Xue Rengui ran into the yard breathlessly and reported to Xu Chen.

With Xu Chen's name, he had no resistance, and no one said anything bad about being disturbed.

""Oh? Are you all here? I'll be out then."

Xu Chen nodded slightly and stood up.

He looked outside the door and saw the village women and Grandpa Luo and others gathered around the ox cart, talking about the bundles of wool.

Seeing Xu Chen coming out, everyone smiled kindly.

This was the great benefactor who had fed the whole village. Even the most aggressive woman was smiling at Xu Chen.

""Dear uncles and aunts, I called you here in the middle of the night and disturbed your sweet dreams. Please forgive me."

Xu Chen also said with a smile.

His words were very polite, and even if there was a trace of complaint, it disappeared at this moment.

"Xiaochen, why would we be surprised? Just say whatever you want to say.

Grandpa Luo laughed, and everyone echoed him.

"Well, let me make it short. This winter is too cold. I saw that everyone was shivering with cold, so I came up with an idea with Taoist Li Chunfeng to use wool as material to make a batch of wool yarn."

Xu Chen pointed to the snow-white wool yarn on the ox cart and said with a smile,

"This wool can be made into a sweater, which is very warm! The production method is the same as that of linen clothes, all of which are needlework. The aunts are all skilled women in the village, so this should not be difficult for everyone, right?"

"Every household can now take a bundle of wool home. If there are many people in the family, they can take two bundles. Go home and knit a few sweaters to get through this cold winter!"

Hand over the evaluation tickets and flowers.

What? No, no, no, hum!

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