The group walked quickly to the stream. This time, they saw clearly that the peasant woman was holding a bundle of snow-white wool in her hand, knitting clothes, and the child was wearing a snow-white dress, happily playing in the stream.

Although it was a sunny day today, the cold wind was still biting. Even the strong people were wrapped up tightly, especially Yuchi Gong, who was almost wrapped up.

But this child, with such thin clothes, was still playing in the water, as if he didn't feel the cold at all.

This scene made Li Shimin and his group look surprised.

""Lord Fang, you are well-informed, do you know what clothes the child is wearing?"

Li Shimin looked at the child in white and immediately felt fond of him. He asked.

Such clothes, worn on the child, were really adorable, like an angel sent from heaven.


Fang Xuanling carefully identified it, then looked at the wool in the woman's hand, and hesitated, saying,

"Your Majesty, it looks like hemp thread, but I have never seen pure white hemp thread before, so it seems unlikely."

Hemp thread is usually dark in color, and even if it is bleached, it is impossible to make it so white and flawless. Besides, dyeing clothes is very expensive, how can an ordinary village woman afford it?

"Hmm... Could it be the silkworm's silk? I heard that the silkworm's thread is white!"

"Go to hell! If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. How can natural silk be so thick?"

"Why are you overthinking so much? Just go up and ask and you'll know.……"

The old dukes started arguing loudly, which attracted the attention of several farmers who were working on the farm. However, they did not show any strange expressions. After a glance, they continued to work.

Every time a tourist passed by, they would exclaim in amazement. They were used to it.

""Sister, what are you weaving? Can you show me?"

The dukes were still arguing, but Li Shimin had already walked over, lowered his head, and asked with a friendly smile.

Since he was going on a secret visit, he naturally could not act like an emperor, and looked like a wealthy businessman.

"Who are you?

The peasant woman was weaving with great concentration. When she heard this, she raised her head and saw a group of people surrounding her. She looked a little uncomfortable and asked,

"Are they from the city?"

As soon as she saw how these people were dressed, she knew they were not ordinary people. How could ordinary people afford to wear brocade hats and mink furs?

"Yes, yes, we are from Chang'an City, we are out for an outing, can this thing……"

Li Shimin became more amiable. He stretched out his hand and tried to touch the snow-white ball of wool, but the peasant woman held it in her palm and refused to give it to him.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to steal my wool? This is the clothes I bought for myself!"

The ball of wool was like her lifeblood. No matter how Li Shimin tried to persuade her, even if he offered her a large sum of money, she would not give it to him.

"You peasant woman, how rude! Your Majesty... The master is just taking a look, not taking it away from you, what are you worried about!"

Changsun Wuji snorted and said dissatisfiedly.

His harsh words immediately frightened the playing child and made him cry. The child usually ate well, and his throat was loud, making everyone feel a little embarrassed.

"Assistant, you must not be rude to the people!"

Li Shimin's face darkened, and he scolded Zhangsun Wuji to retreat. Then he showed what he thought was the kindest smile. Just as he was about to persuade him again, a voice came from behind him:

"Ah Ping, show it to the guests, it won't be a problem."

Everyone turned their heads when they heard this, and saw an old man walking over with a cane, with a kind smile on his face.

His words were very effective. The village woman named Ah Ping nodded and immediately handed the ball of wool in her hand to Li Shimin, admonishing him:

"I'll just show you, don't think of anything else."

After saying this, Li Shimin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As an emperor, would he rob a village woman's things?

Even if it was a piece of precious jade, he wouldn't bother to do it, right?

Having said that, the moment he got the wool ball, his eyes were completely attracted. The warm and soft feeling in his hand made his fingers tremble.

"What kind of treasure is this, it actually brings such warmth!"

Li Shimin was completely excited, and carefully handed the wool ball in his hand to Fang Xuanling beside him, and said,

"Pass it around and feel it, and see if you feel anything!"

Starting from Fang Xuanling, and then passing it down to Changsun Wuji, everyone trembled all over when they got their hands on it, and couldn't let it go. In the end, the old guys refused to let go, and the ones waiting anxiously behind them were about to fight!

Seeing this scene, Ah Ping was extremely entangled, with an unhappy expression on her face, and shouted:

"You bunch of unsophisticated people who have never seen the world, please don't ruin it for me!"

After passing the ball back and forth for a long time, the ball of wool finally fell back into Ah Ping's hands. Seeing that the snow-white wool thread was stained with a few ugly fingerprints, she glanced at the dukes viciously and walked away with the child.

While walking, she complained,"I shouldn't have gone out today!"

Her actions made Li Shimin and others feel very embarrassed. It was really embarrassing that the emperor and a few dukes were ridiculed by country women.

"Everyone, what do you feel? Tell me about it!"

Li Shimin rubbed his hands and asked excitedly.

"It was so warm, so warm! It felt like I was holding my hands in a stove!"

"Yes, the key is that the texture is very soft. It must be very comfortable to wear on your body, right?"

"Isn't the kid wearing it? If the kid's dress wasn't too small, I'd really like to try it on and see how it feels!"

"It feels like wool... But how can wool be made into such yarn? It's really strange."

Each duke expressed his own opinion, and he was very excited and wanted to experience the feeling again.

However, because of their rude behavior, Ah Ping no longer wanted them to experience it. Now that the people who ran away were gone, they could only reminisce with regret.

Even Li Shimin sighed and scolded:

"How many times have I said it! You are not illiterate warlords now, can you be more reserved, huh? Can you stop being so impatient, like a bumpkin, I... my master has lost all his face!"

After saying that, he snorted coldly and turned his head away, as if he was still angry.

Cheng Yaojin, who was at the edge, lowered his head and complained in a low voice:

"You are the one who is kneading the yarn the most vigorously. You almost deformed the yarn ball.……" ps: It’s a new day, I have both votes and flowers, I feel bad that my work was not recommended by the author, please vote for me!!!

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