Under the guidance of Village Chief Luo, Li Shimin and his party followed the country road and arrived at the door of Xu Chen's house.

Xu Chen's yard was located in the central area of the entire Qinglong Village. Now that Xue Rengui, the free laborer, had been renovated, it was even more magnificent, like a small villa.

"Now that you are in front of the great sage, you must not speak vulgar words again. If you don't know how to speak, just shut up. Do you understand?"

Li Shimin stood at the door and looked at Cheng Yaojin and others and said,

"If you make them unhappy, I will punish you!"

This warning before knocking on the door was still necessary. These generals were used to being bold and unrestrained. Sometimes they spoke very presumptuously in front of him, not to mention others.

Fortunately, Yuchi Gong, who was the most noisy on weekdays, had stopped recently, and he also came to thank his benefactor, which made Li Shimin feel a little relieved.

""We obey your order."

The dukes all bowed and said in unison.

Li Shimin nodded, then knocked on the door and informed the inside.

After a long while, they were all a little impatient, and finally someone opened the door and walked out.

Xue Rengui rubbed his sleepy eyes and said impatiently:

"Who is it, disturbing someone's nap in the middle of the day?"

He had been trained very hard by Xu Chen recently, and the intensity of his martial arts training and military tactics training had increased, making him tired like a dog, his arms were sore, and his brain wasn't working well.

He finally had a chance to take a nap, but was woken up by someone. How could he be happy?

""Could it be that you are... Mr. Xu Chen?"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively.

His eyes were so sharp that he could tell at a glance that Xue Rengui was not an ordinary person. How similar was his muscular body and calm temperament to those of them?

He only needed to take one look to know that this was a talented general!

Could this be the real boss? This was in line with his psychological expectations.

"No, Mr. Xu Chen is my master, and I am his apprentice Xue Rengui."

Xue Rengui scratched his head and answered truthfully. Since it was related to his master, he was not angry.

""So that's how it is. Xu Chen is actually your master!"

Li Shimin said in surprise. He felt that this"Xu Chen" was an infinitely mysterious hermit master.

The kind of hermit master with extraordinary talent, comparable to Guiguzi in the Warring States Period! A master of medicine, the inventor of a wool processing machine, the inventor of a bumper rice, and such an extraordinary apprentice...

Any one of these points is extremely extraordinary!

""Is your master at home now?"

Li Shimin asked. He was now impatient and wanted to meet this master.

"My master is taking a nap now, so it's inconvenient for him to see guests."

Xue Rengui answered bluntly, which made Li Shimin slightly stunned.

Taking a nap? Inconvenient for him to see guests?

When has Comrade Li Er ever been treated so coldly? At this moment, he felt a little unhappy in his heart, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. He only heard him say:

"Hehe, could you please tell them for me that the head of the Changan Li family is here and wants to see him?"

Who else could the head of the Changan Li family be? He has already made it clear!

But Xue Rengui didn't quite understand and was too lazy to understand.

"No! Master's nap is more important, I dare not disturb him, you just wait here, Master should wake up in half an hour."

Xue Rengui stood there, with a momentum of one man blocking the pass and ten thousand men unable to pass.

He would not call Master! Xu Chen always had a bit of bad temper when he got up, if he disturbed his sweet dream, he would definitely not end well!

"You! You are such a fool, do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Cheng Yaojin, who was hot-tempered, suddenly glared at him, walked forward, pushed Xue Rengui, and shouted,

"Get out of my way!"

He pushed with a bit of anger, so he didn't hold back. If an ordinary person was hit like this, he would definitely be pushed to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time!

Li Shimin wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He could only shout:

"Zhijie, don't hurt him!"

However, facing Cheng Yaojin's overwhelming push, Xue Rengui sneered. His legs were as steady as a rock, and his hands were like a dragon out of the sea, with afterimages, hitting Cheng Yaojin's ribs!

Bang! Bang!

A muffled sound came, Cheng Yaojin's palm did not push Xue Rengui, but was punched in the ribs by Xue Rengui. Cheng Yaojin had to guard against the pain, and his shoulders inevitably loosened. He was hit hard again, and the severe pain on his shoulders made him almost fall down!

"Good boy, your Kung Fu is pretty good! Let me, Old Qin, meet you!"

When Qin Qiong saw that Cheng Yaojin was about to lose, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He put away his contempt, and his feet were as fast as the wind. He used a whip kick to attack Xue Rengui's lower body!

He wanted to save Cheng Yaojin, but Xue Rengui seemed to have been prepared for this. At the moment Qin Qiong kicked, he took the lead to swing his leg, which was a thunderous kick, lifting Qin Qiong's thigh.

Qin Qiong's thigh felt a piercing pain, and it was still shaking, which made him lose the ability to stand directly and half squatted down.

If this kick was on the thigh bone, it would be directly broken!

"So brave?! I, Li Ji, don't believe you!"

Seeing the two fierce generals defeated, Li Ji could no longer sit still. He flew out and chopped Xue Rengui's neck horizontally. He used a killing move right away!

Facing this sudden attack, Xue Rengui's expression finally became more serious. He bent his arm and did not defend himself. Instead, he took a detour to save the country and hit Li Ji's elbow joint. This time, Li Ji's hand bent uncontrollably and he felt pain.���Compete!

That fierce move had to be stopped halfway, and the killing move collapsed.

The three generals took turns to attack, but they couldn't gain the slightest advantage in front of this man. It seemed that the opponent was still at ease.

Yuchi Gong was sick. The three of them could be regarded as the highest fighting force in the Tang Dynasty! But three against one, and they couldn't beat them?

The other dukes, including Li Shimin, were dumbfounded at this moment.

""How could there be such an unparalleled warrior in the world?"

Li Shimin muttered to himself, looking at Xue Rengui's simple face, he felt as if he was living in a dream.

""Masters are among the common people!"

Fang Xuanling sighed, and everyone nodded, agreeing in their hearts. They haven't even seen the master yet, but they have been defeated by the gatekeeper. If they tell others about this, it would be too embarrassing, right?

Xue Rengui didn't seem to feel much about this. He just exhaled a long breath, stood there like a door god, and said neither servile nor arrogant:

"I told you, Master is taking a nap, don't disturb him! You can either wait here for a while or go home!"

It's true that one man can block the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it!

I wonder why no one has sent this evaluation ticket?

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