After seeing Li Shimin off, Xu Chen finally had three days of leisure. Xue Rengui did the laundry, cooking and housework, while Xu Chen was responsible for taking Xiao Wu to travel around Chang'an City and its surroundings.

The relationship between the two also developed rapidly, and they didn't feel bored even if they stuck together all day.

"Brother Chen, the sweater you gave me is so comfortable."

Walking down the street in Chang'an City, Xiao Wu held Xu Chen's hand and said happily.

She was already pretty and cute, and now wearing a snow-white sweater, she looked more like a little angel, attracting countless pedestrians to stop and watch.

The ladies who came out to shop also whispered to each other.

Such beautiful clothes were unheard of and unseen by even them. For a moment, envious eyes were all cast towards Xiao Wu.

"Haha, of course, this one of yours is a spring fashion designed by me personally, tailored for you, how can it not look good?"

Xu Chen also smiled proudly, leaned forward, and said meanly,

"Hmm? How should I be rewarded?"

Xu Chen deliberately made an exaggerated expression, causing Xiao Wu to punch him. The two of them walked forward while playing and joking until they were blocked by a group of women.

Looking closely, they all seemed to be noble ladies in the capital. The clothes they wore were very exquisite, but they looked a little bloated with mink coats on.

It is said that plumpness was beautiful in the Tang Dynasty, but maybe that was the aesthetic of the painters? Or was it the painters' exaggerated technique?

No matter which dynasty it was, girls always wanted to be thinner to look good.

"Madams, why are you blocking our way?"

Seeing these noble women, Xu Chen remained calm and asked with a smile.

As soon as he saw that their eyes were fixed on Xiao Wu, he guessed it was almost right.

As expected, the noble lady in the lead smiled and said:

"I think I'm well-informed, but I've never seen this little girl's clothes before. I wonder what material they're made of?"

The women behind her were also talking about it. Some of them wanted to touch her, but Xiao Wu dodged them. She simply hid behind Xu Chen and didn't want to come into contact with these strange women.

"This is the latest style of wool sweater from outside the region, made of wool, and has not yet been introduced to the Tang Dynasty."

Xu Chen protected Xiao Wu behind him and responded with a smile,

"But don't worry, in a few days, Datang will sell it, and there will be various styles to choose from. If there is an official in your family, you can pay attention to this kind of news."

After saying that, he pulled Xiao Wu away from the crowd. No matter how the women shouted, he did not look back.

He was actually very satisfied with the reactions of these ladies. Wool sweaters should not only be close to the people, but also high-end. For ordinary people, it is enough to buy a cheap sweater with a unified style.

But the rich and the rich women will not be satisfied with ordinary styles. Keeping warm is not a rigid demand for them, but good-looking is. For them, various styles of wool sweaters can be designed to sell them at high prices!

He has thought about it. The price of the fashion version of the wool sweater must be at least ten times that of the ordinary version of the wool sweater. In this way, not only can the people wear good clothes, but also make a fortune from the rich. It can be said to be the best of both worlds!

After leaving Chang'an City, Xiao Wu kept pinching the corner of his clothes, as if he was worried. After hesitating for a long time, he looked up and said:

"Brother Chen, I have something to tell you.……"

""Hmm? Go ahead, I'm listening."

Xu Chen stroked Xiao Wu's hair and responded.

"My father said... the imperial examination will begin tomorrow, and he hopes you will take part in the provincial examination first, and it would be best if you can pass the examination as a scholar."

While Xiao Wu was talking, she observed Xu Chen's expression, fearing that her brother Chen would be angry. According to her understanding of Xu Chen, Xu Chen did not like the officialdom. In comparison, he preferred to live a lazy life.

But because of her, because of her father's request, Xu Chen had to do something he was reluctant to do, and Xiao Wu always felt a little guilty.

"Tomorrow? I have something to do tomorrow.……"

Xu Chen frowned slightly and said casually.

Tomorrow is the day when Li Shimin asked him to go to the palace to receive the title. This time is obviously a conflict.

But Xiao Wu didn't think so. She just thought it was an excuse Xu Chen made up to fool her. She was about to cry and said:

"Brother Chen, if you don't want to go, then don't go. Why use this as an excuse? Xiao Wu knows that you are used to being idle and don't want to enter the officialdom. Xiao Wu understands your intentions.……"

As she spoke, she shed two lines of tears and cried:

"I know I am not worthy of Brother Xu Chen, and my father makes things difficult for you and makes you do things you don't like. It's all Xiao Wu's fault. I keep pestering Brother Chen.……"

"Woo woo woo……"

She cried so tenderly, and Xu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He could only gently hug her shoulders and comfort her with kind words:

"It's not you who's pestering me, it's you who's bewitched me. Don't worry, I'll give your father a satisfactory answer. Why do you think so much, little girl?"

A few days ago, I mentioned the day of being appointed as a marquis and prime minister, and when I came to propose marriage, it was just a bold statement made when I was excited. I didn't expect that this day would come so soon, even he was a little caught off guard.

I'm afraid that this old man, Wu Shigui, would never have thought of it in his dreams, right? You're lucky, I'll let you have a great time!


Xiao Wu blinked his red eyes and looked up at Xu Chen.

"Of course it's true, little idiot."

Xu Chen couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw her like this. Please give me some votes~

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