"It's over, it turned out to be Eunuch Zhang, ouch……"

When Wu Shigui saw the eunuch in the lead, his face turned pale and he beat his chest and stamped his feet,

"I don't know him at all, what should I do?"

His luck today was really bad!

"Hmm? What's wrong with this eunuch? I think he's easy to talk to.……"

Xu Chen stood behind Wu Shigui and whispered.

When he came to deliver clothes to him in the morning, his attitude was so respectful and friendly. Xu Chen had a good impression of this eunuch.

"What do you know! This eunuch, nicknamed Smiling Tiger, is a close confidant of His Majesty. Don’t be fooled by his smiling face. He is ruthless and ruthless when it comes to doing things. There is no way to make concessions at all!"

Wu Shigui was so anxious that he kept thinking about how to talk to Eunuch Zhang so that he would turn a blind eye...

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a solution, and Eunuch Zhang had already walked up to him.

"Wu Shigui."

Eunuch Zhang read out the name, looked at Wu Shigui and smiled.

""Didn't Lord Wu have a good rest yesterday? Why do you look so bad today?"

As he was talking, he glanced and saw Xu Chen behind Wu Shigui. His eyes lit up and his smile became wider. He was about to say hello, but Xu Chen waved his hand at him, signaling him not to say anything.

For someone who can serve as an attendant to the emperor, it goes without saying that he is very clever. Eunuch Zhang immediately understood and turned his gaze back to Wu Shigui.

"Uh, well... this, yes, I didn't sleep well yesterday."

Wu Shigui's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, his face was pale, and he didn't know how to answer.

He was afraid! If Zhang Gonggong investigated, he would be jointly responsible. If he made His Majesty angry again, his future would be worrying!

After Li Yuan abdicated, his official career was not very bright. The new emperor Li Shimin intended to suppress Li Yuan's old ministers and support his own team to take office. He did this and simply walked into the gun.

Xu Chen, Xu Chen, I have been hurt by you!

"Oh, Master Wu, you should take good care of your health."

Eunuch Zhang said with a smile, and turned to walk towards Xu Chen.……

""What can I do, what can I do?"

Wu Shigui muttered to himself, still unable to think of what to say.

However, the situation he expected did not occur. Eunuch Zhang seemed to be blind. He ignored Xu Chen directly, stepped over his steps, and walked directly to the officials below to continue to roll the roll.

The eunuchs who followed him just smiled at Xu Chen in a friendly manner and left.

Wu Shigui:"???"

What is going on?

"You see, I said this eunuch Zhang is easy to get along with, right?"

Xu Chen tugged at Wu Shigui's clothes and smiled proudly.

This little Zhang is not bad, he is quite sensible!

"You are so lucky, eunuch may be in a good mood today and doesn't want to pursue you!"

Wu Shigui glared and said in a low voice.

There is no way, this is not in line with common sense, he can only think so, otherwise eunuch Zhang has no reason to do this.

"All right, stop talking, stay quiet, we're about to go in and see His Majesty!"

The roll call was slow and steady. When Eunuch Zhang finished counting the number of people, Li Shimin happened to be sitting in the court, summoning all the civil and military officials to the court.

The first group to enter the Hanyuan Hall were naturally the big guys like Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Yuchi Gong, and the ones who came up one after another were some of the pillars of the country, the censors and so on. These two groups of people entered the hall and almost occupied a large number of empty seats in the front.

By the time Wu Shigui and Xu Chen entered, they had almost squeezed to the door, in a corner that no one would notice.

"Old Wu, you are not doing well here, are you?"

Xu Chen looked at the huge crowd in front of him and then at his own position, and couldn't help but tease.

As Wu Zetian's father, this is really a failure.

"Alas, I am useless. In this capital city, any two people I pick are better than me. It is better to send me out of town, but I have no chance to go out of town.……"

Wu Shigui was a little depressed after hearing this, and he complained in a low voice.

After all, he was one of the people who followed Li Tang when he started his army. Even if he didn't have any merits, he had worked hard, right? Seeing that those who came later than him, or even those who had just arrived not long ago, were now doing better than him, Wu Shigui felt really bad.

It would be better to be a local official!

"Don't worry, there will be a chance."

Xu Chen said with a smile. This future father-in-law is quite good to him, and he will definitely help him if there is a chance.

At this time, Eunuch Zhang came in with a group of eunuchs, walked all the way to Li Shimin, handed him a list of names, leaned over and said a few words, and then left.

"Meet Your Majesty."

The civil and military officials bowed their heads and saluted, but they did not kneel or shout"Long live the emperor". In fact, that was a rule established during the reign of Wu Zetian.

"My dear ministers, please excuse me. Today, I am very happy, very, very happy. Do you know why?"

Li Shimin sat on the dragon throne, calmly facing the civil and military officials. Although he had a smile on his face, the dragon robe and purple gold crown still had an extremely powerful aura, which directly stunned the whole audience.

In this hall, he was undoubtedly the protagonist!

"We do not know, please let the emperor know clearly."

Zhangsun Wuji took the lead and led the officials to support Li Shimin.

"Hahaha! Okay, then I will tell you why I am so happy. There are three reasons!"

Li Shimin stroked his beard and laughed heartily.

"The first reason is that the young man in golden armor that I have been looking for has been found! He is now among you. If he had not come down from the sky to save my life and suppress the rebellion, I am afraid that I would not be sitting on this dragon throne today!"

"I have also promised to make him a Marquis of the Realm!"

These words were spoken with great solemnity, and all the ministers were horrified when they heard them. At the same time, they were extremely envious of the mysterious young man in golden armor.

"Being praised by His Majesty, this young man in golden armor will have a promising future. He is a Marquis of the State... much better than a county lord like me!"

Wu Shigui was also envious. He sighed and glanced at Xu Chen, whispering,

"Listen, listen! She was granted the title of Marquis at a young age. If you can have half of her glory, even if Xiao Wu disagrees, I will tie her to your bed!"

"Now that you have seen it today, you must learn from others when you return. My expectations of you are not high. You should strive to pass the imperial examination and become a Jinshi. Do you hear me?"

Xu Chen:"……"

How can you be a father like this? I give up!

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