Xu Chen had already become the focus of the whole audience, but Li Shimin at this moment, stretched out his third finger and said with a smile:

"I said, I am very happy about three things today. I have already said two of them, and now there is only one left!"

He waved his hand, and Eunuch Zhang came over with a red sandalwood box and opened it.

Everyone was a little curious. The first two happy things were both major events that affected the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, and they were all related to Xu Chen. What would the third one be?

Could it be related to Xu Chen again? Many officials had such a bizarre idea in their minds.

"Come! Everyone, take a look, what is this?"

Li Shimin opened the red sandalwood box and took out a rice ear. He held it in the air so that everyone could see it.

The ministers looked at it and saw that the rice ear was extremely full, with golden rice grains shining, giving people a feeling that"one ear is better than six ears."

"This ear of rice seems a little unusual. The amount of grain in one piece is a little scary.……"

An official who was close to the scene observed it carefully and muttered.

However, after observing it for a long time, he could only come to this conclusion. After all, it was just a small part and was not enough to deduce more useful information.

"The cold weather came early this year, and the news of poor harvests in various places has been reported. I am really worried! Whether it is wheat planted in the north or rice planted in the south, it is terrible. Many people will not even have food to survive the winter after paying taxes!"

Li Shimin put the rice ears aside and beat his chest and stamped his feet,

"The people have a hard time.

As an emperor, I have to take responsibility.

Therefore, I now issue an edict to halve the national taxes so that the people can store more food for the winter!

"The new emperor ascended the throne and faced such a bad situation.

Li Shimin was actually very helpless.

He was also the second-generation emperor.

How could Yang Guang live so comfortably? He pulled dozens of carts of agarwood as spices during festivals, but what about him? He couldn't even fill the empty treasury.

He invested 300,000 taels in Xu Chen.

To be honest, the court really had no money.

However, he deeply knew that water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. If the people had no food to eat, it would easily cause nationwide shock and unrest. He reduced taxes, which was a helpless move on the one hand, and also to stabilize people's hearts on the other.

If Xu Chen hadn't appeared, he would have to live such a hard life for many more years!

"Your Majesty is wise and enlightened!"

The civil and military officials all bowed to Li Shimin in a solemn manner.

Caring for the people is a symbol of a wise ruler in any era.

"Well, don't flatter me. If this kind of cold winter continues for three years, I will no longer be the emperor."

Li Shimin laughed at himself, picked up the rice ears in his hand, and said excitedly,

"Fortunately, I went to Qinglong Village a few days ago and found a paradise! It is different from other places in Chang'an. They grow rice! It is called rice, but there are no canals, but it can still thrive and grow very prosperously!"

"I was shocked at the time, but what was even more shocking was yet to come. The yield of one acre of land there was 2,500 kilograms, which is eight times that of ordinary rice and wheat!"

As soon as these words came out, it was earth-shattering, and the whole audience was in an uproar!

"How is this possible? Chang'an has never been suitable for growing rice. It has always been mainly growing wheat!"

"Yes, even if it is planted near some lakes or rivers, it is only a small area. Besides, how can there be such a large yield? It is impossible!"

"But your majesty is not joking, how could he deceive us?"

Several civil officials and ministers began to whisper to each other, all with unbelievable expressions on their faces. If these words were not said by Li Shimin, they would definitely think they were crazy talk.

"I know you don't believe it, but seeing is believing. I brought a few of my beloved ministers with me at that time. Fang Aiqing, tell me, is it as I said?"

Li Shimin took in the expressions of the ministers and was not surprised by their reactions at this time. He turned to look at Fang Xuanling and asked with a smile:

"It is indeed as your majesty said, that rice does not need paddy fields, but it grows very well. I have carefully calculated that the rice yield of one mu of land is almost 2550 catties, which is no less than 2500 catties."

Fang Xuanling said affirmatively, and Zhangsun Wuji and others also responded one after another. They all went together.

Once these heavyweight dukes and ministers spoke, the other officials had to believe it even if they did not believe it, because the emperor did not need to unite with several dukes to lie together.

Then the question is, one mu of land can produce 2500 catties of rice. If the whole Tang Dynasty can grow such rice, then next year's output will not be...

Thinking of this, several officials who specialize in managing agriculture suddenly got red eyes and immediately knelt down and shouted:

"Your Majesty, please nationalize this rice and distribute it throughout the country so that all people in the country can grow it!"

Since you believe it, the most urgent thing is to promote it! How can such a good thing not be planted throughout the country?

"Haha, please stand up, my dear minister. Don't be too hasty. This kind of rice is called 'hybrid rice'. It was also developed by our Divine Marquis!"

Li Shimin laughed, helped the officials up, and ordered,

""God, please introduce to everyone how amazing your hybrid rice is!"

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, all eyes were fixed on Xu Chen again. This time, everyone's expression was extremely complicated.

Surprise, envy, admiration, jealousy, worship, fanaticism... all kinds of emotions intertwined. Such an amazing invention was made by this young man. Could he really be sent by the gods to benefit the Tang Dynasty?

Woolen sweaters can solve the problem of ordinary people not being warm; hybrid rice can solve the problem of ordinary people not having enough food... This eternal problem was solved by this young man who looked less than sixteen years old?

"God, God……"

Even the white-haired old scholar kept repeating these two words in his mouth, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes when he looked at Xu Chen.

If it was really like what Li Shimin said, then how could Xu Chen not be worthy of the title of"Divine Marquis"?! Even in his heart, he had begun to agree that this heavy title should be given to this young man!

"It seems that he is indeed worthy of the title of Divine Marquis.……"

Everyone had this thought in their hearts, which meant that they had already recognized Xu Chen's identity as the Divine Marquis.

Today, the protagonist in Hanyuan Hall was not Li Shimin, but Xu Chen, who was like a god descending to earth to benefit the people of the world!

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