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"That's right, wool is not valuable now, that's because there is no demand in the market. Once wool has a place to be used, its value will rise rapidly. It is impossible for the Turks not to notice such a big move."

Xu Chen nodded and replied.

If this wool sweater is only circulated on a small scale among the people, then of course he doesn't have to pay for it, and he has to ask sheep dealers like Grusa to pay him for the processing fee. But if it is mass-produced, these tricks of taking advantage of the information gap will obviously not work.

There must be a stable purchasing channel to allow wool to enter the Tang Dynasty continuously.

"According to what the Divine Marquis said, can we first quietly hoard some of the wool, and when we can no longer hide it, then negotiate with the Turks? This will also help lower some of the costs."

Du Ruhui, who had never spoken, asked at this time.

His remarks won the approval of a group of people, including Li Shimin, who nodded and said:

"Yes, can we use a trick to hide it first, and then go to the negotiation table when we can no longer hide it? In this way, at least we can save some costs. Our Tang Dynasty is not strong now, so we dare not waste it."

The longer we can hide it, the cheaper it will be! It's not that Li Er is stingy, but he really has no money. Every ounce of silver must be carefully calculated.

"There is no such thing as a wall that is impenetrable. Your Majesty, do you think that what was discussed in the court today will be placed on Jie Li Khan's desk for his review tomorrow?"

Xu Chen sneered, and Li Shimin's face froze. He looked at the civil and military officials with a murderous look, and everyone lowered their heads and dared not look directly at him.

However, he did not have a perspective eye, and could not see through other people's thoughts. He could only shock them like this, and then sighed.

He admitted that Xu Chen was right. Jie Li Khan was not a fool. He was also a great leader on the grassland!

"Therefore, there are only two ways at present. The first is to send people to negotiate with the Turks to finalize the order and contract. This is also a win-win situation. The Turks can profit from it, and our Tang Dynasty can get inexhaustible wool to protect the people of the world."

Xu Chen stretched out a finger and smiled.

In his heart, he was actually more inclined to the first method. After all, the Tang Dynasty was still very weak. Such a transaction was obviously the Tang Dynasty eating meat and the Turks drinking soup. It was said to be a win-win situation, but it could make the Tang Dynasty grow rapidly in a short period of time!

When the people of the world can afford to wear clothes and have enough food, hehe, it would be easy to deal with this grassland jackal?

However, the idea is always beautiful. When he proposed it, he was opposed. He only heard Changsun Wuji say:

"This method won't work. Our Tang Dynasty is a country of etiquette. How can we do business with Turkic barbarians? This kind of business between countries is really unbecoming!"

"Besides, the Turks are greedy and unreliable. They are easy to go back on their words. I just signed an alliance with them one second, and it was torn up the next second, and then they shamelessly came to plunder! I don’t want to do business with them, how can I control the risks?"

Chang Sun Wuji said this clearly, and people have to admit that he is right. The Tang people pay attention to etiquette and law, and pay attention to"a man without faith cannot stand", but what about the Turks? Bullshit, they will talk to you when they are happy, and rob you directly when they are unhappy. What can you do?

"Indeed, doing business with the Turks is like seeking the skin of a tiger! I have seen with my own eyes how bad their credit is. It is really too barbaric!"

Li Shimin also felt that what Changsun Wuji said made sense, and nodded.

"This first method is open to discussion. My dear, tell me your second method."

Li Shimin was a little reluctant to do business with the Turks, so he was naturally unwilling to adopt it. In this regard, Xu Chen could only shrug his shoulders and said:

"The second method is very simple, that is to raise an army to plunder the grasslands! The whole herd of cattle and sheep are inexhaustible resources for our Tang Dynasty. It is said that war is too wasteful and costly, but this time we are not going to kill people, but to rob cattle and sheep. It can be said that the more we fight, the richer we will be!"

"Moreover, this can also weaken the national strength of the Turks and make them tired of running around to defend."

To put it simply, it means turning the army into bandits and robbing! Anyway, the Turks are the enemy. You attack me and I plunder you. It is normal for the two sides to fight.

You Turks burned, killed, raped and looted on the border of my Tang Dynasty. What's wrong with me entering your grassland and stealing a few sheep?

"The second method proposed by the Godly Marquis is quite feasible. If the purpose is to plunder resources, the army can be completely self-sufficient and does not even need too much food and grass supply. However, such behavior is a bit barbaric."

As a military god, Li Jing quickly realized that Xu Chen's method was great, but at the same time, he frowned and whispered,

"Although the Turks have a general relationship with our Tang Dynasty, they have been relatively peaceful recently. If we attack them at will, I am afraid that we have no reason to attack them!"

All the ministers nodded when they heard this. When the Chinese fought, they actually paid great attention to the etiquette on the battlefield. They must have a reason to attack them. This is a manifestation of high quality.

"Duke Wei is right. Our Tang Dynasty is a country of etiquette. If we also go to other countries to rob, wouldn't we become barbarians? Your Majesty, you can't set this precedent."Wei Zheng, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke out in opposition.

He was upright and polite. What he disdained most was the barbaric practices of the Turks. He would never allow the Tang Dynasty to imitate them.

"Wei Zheng is right. Our Tang Dynasty is the Celestial Empire. How can we commit such barbaric acts? Lord Shen, this method doesn't work either.���The third way."

Li Shimin shook his head and said.

Both ways were rejected. Xu Chen couldn't think of any good way for a while, so he shook his head and remained silent.

This matter concerns the two most powerful countries on earth. How can it be so easy to find a solution? Unless the Turks start trouble first, it will be really difficult.

"Well, this matter is a bit tricky, so there is no need to rush, just take your time. As for the Turks, I……"

Seeing Xu Chen's silence, Li Shimin thought that his fighting spirit had weakened, and he could not help but try to comfort him. As he was speaking, an anxious voice came from outside the hall:

"Report! Eight hundred miles of urgent work, the border has been lost, Jie Li Khan led a 100,000-strong Turkic army, has broken through the border, marched straight in, and headed straight for the Wei River!"

"Your Majesty, please dispatch troops quickly, otherwise, Chang'an City will be in danger!"

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