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Junxian clearly understood that his nickname was too embarrassing, so he had never mentioned it to anyone else. Only his parents and brothers knew it.

This marshal could actually calculate his nickname accurately, which made him believe it from 50% to 60%!

Could it be that he was really going to die in a disaster?

As a superstitious ancient, Li Junxian already worshipped Xu Chen as a god, and he was just short of bowing his head!

"Ahem, get up. Since I said so, I will naturally help you out of the predicament."

Xu Chen coughed awkwardly, feeling like a charlatan now. He only listened to his orders,

"Your nickname carries a hint of danger. Don't mention it in front of others. Even if His Majesty asks you, you can't say it. Just make up a random name like shit egg or iron pillar. That way, you'll be fine."

Although he appeared in the Tang Dynasty and changed part of history, many things remained unchanged. If the prophecy appeared again, Li Junxian would still die. This time Wu Zetian would not be the emperor, and he would not even have a chance to take the blame. His death would be completely in vain.

Therefore, it is better to be clear about it.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will follow the Marshal's instructions and keep my mouth shut from now on, and will never reveal a single thing to outsiders!"

Li Junxian kowtowed several times on the ground before he stood up, looking at Xu Chen with gratitude, and said,

""Marshal, you have given me great help today. Li Junxian will never forget it. In the future, as long as the Marshal needs me, I will go through fire and water for you!"

Just because of this simple reminder, he has regarded Xu Chen as his savior from the bottom of his heart. There is no other way. The ancients were so superstitious.……

"Come on, come on, get up and get busy, I still have to go home for dinner!"

Xu Chen calmly accepted Li Junxian's kowtow, cursed with a smile, and turned to Yuchi Baolin and instructed,

"Baolin, you have to work hard this time. If you do well, I will naturally promote you. Do you understand?"

This kid from the Yuchi family is worth training. Maybe he will be of great use in the future.

"Sir, please rest assured! Baolin will definitely live up to the mission, not embarrass Sir, not embarrass Daddy!"

Yuchi Baolin clasped his fist fiercely and said respectfully.

Xu Chen nodded, turned and left, and Li Junxian and his party also watched Xu Chen leave.

Afterwards, Li Junxian immediately summoned the defense officers of the other three city gates. Everyone held a meeting and explained Xu Chen's instructions. Soon, Yuchi Baolin and others were busy nervously.

First, the North Gate was opened to restore traffic, and then a notice was drafted and posted to allow the flow of people in Chang'an City to resume. The East Market and the West Market, which had closed early, were also opened. Everything began to recover, and all things started to run slowly.

Chang'an City has become the Great Wall of the past, prosperous and lively, but everyone's face is a little solemn. Everyone knows that the war is coming, but because of the efforts of the Li people, the public security is very smooth, and people's hearts are not floating. Everyone is united against the enemy and united against the outside world!

The atmosphere is changing unconsciously, and panic has become a faint tension and stability.


It was evening when Xu Chen returned home. Rengui had already cooked dinner and was sitting there, motionless. There was a dazzling array of chickens, ducks, fish and meat, and the aroma was so fragrant that Xu Chen's appetite was aroused.

Foodies are generally not bad at cooking, and Xue Rengui is the best among them. In addition, the uncles and aunts in the village sent the fattest chickens and ducks from their homes, so they were already delicious without any seasoning.

"Rengui, why don't you eat?"

Xu Chen threw his robe on the stool, picked up his chopsticks and nodded while picking up the food.

"Well, not bad, not bad, it tastes good!"

As a modern person with a discerning taste, Xu Chen had to admit that Xue Rengui could become a chef at a five-star hotel even in the 21st century.

"The master hasn't arrived yet, so Rengui doesn't dare to pick up his chopsticks first.……"

Xue Rengui showed a simple smile on his face. Seeing Xu Chen eating, he picked up his chopsticks, added a bowl of rice, and began to eat heartily.

Meat, meat, and meat!

After a while, the chicken and duck on the table had been almost finished by Xue Rengui, but the chicken legs and wings and duck legs and wings were all left for Xu Chen, as a gift to his master.

"You are quite good at dealing with things, kid."

Xu Chen was not polite and asked while tearing the chicken leg.

"How are you digesting the military cases I taught you? If you encounter anything difficult to understand, tell me immediately and I will explain it to you. I am no longer worried about your martial arts, but I am afraid that your military theory will not pass the test.……"

The reason why he taught Xue Rengui military cases and also found a large group of generals like Li Jing to teach practical experience was that he wanted to teach Xue Rengui to be a general who can really fight in the shortest time, rather than a straw bag who can only talk about war on paper.

The real military strategy is much more difficult than practicing martial arts!

"Hehe, Master, don't underestimate me. I feel like I have almost digested it, especially those classic cases. When the practical experience shared with me by several dukes is confirmed, I have the illusion that I have been commanding troops to fight for many years!"

The smile on Xue Rengui's face is still a little silly, but there is a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Who is he? He is Xue Rengui! In the entire Tang Dynasty, he is definitely the best in military talent!

Therefore, learning these things about war is naturally twice the result with half the effort.

Xue Rengui now has only one expectation in his heart, that he can really go to the battlefield and kill happily. As long as he undergoes the tempering of war and fire, his soul will be complete!

""Okay, that's great! I was originally worried that your theory wouldn't pass the test, but now it seems that you are very confident!"

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction. He knew Xue Rengui's character. This guy would never say such big words unless he was absolutely sure.

It seems that the surprise attack commander in his plan has been settled.

"Master, when can I really go to the battlefield? I have to cook all day and I feel like I have nowhere to put my energy.……"

Xue Rengui looked at Xu Chen expectantly, and there was a feeling of dissatisfaction in his words.

He was indeed dissatisfied! Although it was his duty to cook, wash clothes and chop wood for his master, he still felt uncomfortable, which made him feel aggrieved.

With such skills, he should go to the battlefield to kill the enemy!

"What? Did I ask you to light the fire and cook for me and make you feel wronged?"

Xu Chen's face changed, pretending to be angry, and deliberately said,

"OK, you want to go to the battlefield, right? Sure, I will take you to the battlefield tomorrow, don't be scared and sneak back then!" ps: It's a little late, there will be an update in the early morning, today there are almost less than a thousand subscriptions, thank you for your support, there may be six or seven updates tomorrow, because there may be recommendations on Friday, if there are, I have to save some manuscripts for a week..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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