The gifts from the villagers were really too generous. Although they looked like some earthy things that were not presentable, in terms of value, they were really worth a lot when added together!

More importantly, this kind of thought really touched Xu Chen.

So, he waved his hand and ordered a big banquet today. He handed the gifts given to him by the villagers to the clever women in the village and invited the whole village to have a big meal tonight!

The happiest ones were naturally the children. They might not be able to eat meat during the Chinese New Year on weekdays, but today they could finally eat a mouthful of oil!

That night, a buffet was set up outside Xu Chen's yard. In order to celebrate this great harvest, even the most frugal peasant women at ordinary times ate the rice in their bowls and picked up the dishes on the table without hesitation. As they ate, tears welled up in everyone's eyes.

Being able to have a full meal was simply a luxury for them, and today, they met this luxury, how could they not shed tears of excitement?

Now, almost everyone looked at Xu Chen with admiration in their eyes. Even if Xu Chen asked them to revolt now, they would be willing to do so!

The meal lasted until very late. After everyone left with round bellies, the buffet at the door was cleared away one after another. At this time, there were still a few people left at Xu Chen's house.

"Grandpa Luo, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhao, please take a seat."

Xu Chen poured a few cups of tea, pushed them on the table, and said with a smile,

"Everyone has eaten too much greasy food today, let's have a cup of tea to moisten it up."

As a time traveler, he didn't have much particularity about food. The ancient food, except for the advantage of being pure natural and pollution-free, was really not that good, and it was far inferior to modern delicacies!

However, the cooking skills of the housewives in the village were indeed good. In the Tang Dynasty where condiments were so scarce, the meals they made were sweet and delicious. No wonder the three people in front of him had round stomachs.

"Burp~ Hahaha, I was so happy today that I accidentally ate too much. It's time to have a cup of tea."

Grandpa Luo's old face turned slightly red, he took the tea from Xu Chen and drank it all, licked his tongue, and praised it endlessly,

"Xiaochen, your tea is also extraordinary. It seems to be very different from the oil tea we usually drink. It tastes bitter at first and then sweet, very refreshing!"

The other two heard this and immediately took the tea and drank it in one gulp. Their eyes lit up.

"It's really good tea!……"

""Tsk tsk tsk, how comfortable!"

After a big meal, a cup of tea, how comfortable is that?

"Haha, I'm not used to those oil teas, this pure tea tastes better. My favorite is the West Lake Longjing. If I have some spare land in the future, it would be nice to grow some tea."

Xu Chen took a sip of tea, smiled at the three people in charge of the village, but stopped talking.

The three people in front of him, to put it simply, are the highest decision-makers in Qinglong Village. Now that Xu Chen has a high reputation, he naturally joined the leadership group of Qinglong Village and became the fourth leader.

The leaders want to hold a meeting, of course, there are important matters to discuss. Looking at Grandpa Luo's expression, Xu Chen has guessed something in his heart. The four of them drank tea in silence, and no one spoke. After a while, Grandpa Luo sighed and finally spoke, saying:

"Have you noticed that the temperature this year is a bit unusual? It’s just the beginning of autumn, but it’s already colder than the late autumn or even early winter of previous years."

"Indeed, I think winter is coming. I am afraid it will be a tough winter."

"Do you remember the winter ten years ago? It was also early autumn. That winter, many people froze to death!"

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhao responded one after another, both of them looked frightened.

Not having enough food and not having warm clothes are definitely the two major problems that plagued the ancient working people for a lifetime. With the help of Xu Chen, Qinglong Village has finally solved the problem of not having enough food.

But not having warm clothes is also a severe test!

We are all farmers and can only wear coarse linen clothes and fill the quilts with straw. On weekdays, we can barely get by, but when it comes to those cold days, who can stand it?

"It seems that many people will freeze to death in the village again this year.……"

Grandpa Luo was feeling a little depressed, and consoled himself by saying,

"Fortunately, we have Xiaochen, who has helped us solve the food problem. Now that we have food in our hands, we are not worried. When the time comes, we can stick together for warmth and we can always get through the difficulties!"

Compared with other villages, their village is already extremely lucky! The cold came early this year. It was just the autumn harvest season, and the temperature dropped sharply, resulting in a large-scale reduction in per-acre yield. Many villages have already experienced a shortage of food.

If we have to pay taxes, there will be even less food! Not enough to eat, not warm clothes, and it is freezing cold. In some villages with poor geographical locations, hundreds of people can even die in one winter!

The room fell into a brief silence, and the joy of the harvest was diluted a lot, while Xu Chen pondered.

"System, is there anything warm that can resist the severe cold and allow the villagers to survive the winter?"

In his heart, he has already started communicating with the system.

"According to the currently available raw materials, there are two options, cotton-padded clothes and sweaters, both of which can resist the cold. The raw material for cotton-padded clothes, cotton, needs to be planted, while the raw material for sweaters is wool, which is available in large quantities. It is recommended that the host use sweaters."

The system immediately gave two options, and Xu Chen immediately made a choice, using sweaters!

The people of the Tang Dynasty did not realize the importance of wool at all, and even disliked it. He could go to Chang'an City to order in bulk, or even trade with the Turks.

By then, there will be enough sweaters in the village, and he can sell them.

This is definitely a good business with a lot of money!

As for cotton-padded clothes, it is indeed good, but even with the improved cotton seeds given by the system, it is impossible to grow cotton before the New Year, let alone process it into cotton-padded clothes.

"Okay, let’s make a sweater! Wait…how do you make a sweater?"

To be honest, he has bought many sweaters and watched others knit them, but he really doesn’t know how these sweaters are made!

"The wool will be processed into yarn by machines. In view of the backward infrastructure of the Tang Dynasty, this system has designed a wooden wool processing machine for the host, and the drawings have been transmitted to the brain."

"The wool yarn can be directly knitted into sweaters. The specific operation method will not be repeated."

Instantly, a piece of information flooded into Xu Chen's mind, and an extremely detailed"wool processing machine" design appeared in his mind.

This machine is exquisitely designed and simple, requiring few consumables, but the efficiency is very high. Except that it cannot be operated automatically, the rest is no different from modern machines, and even surpasses them!

Xu Chen no longer hesitated, slammed the table, and said:

"Grandpa Luo, I have a solution.……"

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