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For them, this way of training was very novel, but the more they looked, the more they admired it.

"This Divine Marquis is indeed a good candidate for being a marshal. I am amazed by his training methods."

Li Ji stroked his beard and said with a smile,

"Each of these steps seemed to be mysterious, which made me feel ashamed. In the past, when we trained soldiers, we made them stand as punishment!"

His point of view was immediately agreed by Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and others. Training soldiers was never taken seriously by them, so they just muddled through it. But now, seeing the lively scene in the training ground, these famous generals immediately realized their own problems.

It seems that training soldiers is also very important!

"Let's go and ask that guy. He always brings me some surprises."

Li Shimin smiled and waved his hand, and walked towards the high platform. At this time, Xu Chen was sitting there leisurely drinking tea, looking like he was watching a play.

When he saw this group of big men coming, he didn't stand up, but just ordered his men to bring a few more stools over and invite a few people to sit down.

"Lord Shen, you are so relaxed. Leading the troops to fight is like going on a picnic. Aren't we really envious? Hahaha……"

Yuchi Gong was not there, Cheng Yaojin was the most outgoing person, he came up and joked

"Sit down, sit down. Hey, hurry up and make some tea and some snacks!"

Xu Chen waved his hand, invited everyone to sit down, then shouted twice and sighed,

"Alas, when Xue Rengui is not around, there is no one smart under his command. His hands and feet are too clumsy and he can't serve anyone at all!"He was used to ordering Xue Rengui around on weekdays, and now that he is suddenly gone, he is really a little uncomfortable.

He was thinking in his heart, why not bring Xiao Wu over some other day? This military camp is full of men, it's really lonely.……

"You are really bold! You can come up with such a risky plan, and let Xue Rengui, a boy who has never led a soldier, go directly. Could it be that you really want to seal the wolf's lair?"

Li Shimin sat down leisurely, and then laughed and scolded,

"If those 3,000 cavalrymen are gone, I will hold you responsible first!"

It was not until this morning that Li Shimin learned about Xu Chen's"Scalpel Plan". Of course, he was shocked. Even the craziest gambler in the world would not dare to play like this, right?

This is simply too risky! But at the same time, his heart was pounding. If the Turkic royal court was really stabbed, not only would the danger in Chang'an be resolved, but a counter-pursuit battle could also be formed!

""Risk is proportional to reward." After hearing this, Li Shimin gritted his teeth and made the decision to let Xu Chen go. After all, Xu Chen is now the commander-in-chief of the entire Tang Dynasty. Since he has given the troops to him, he must give him full trust, right?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, everything is under my control."

Xu Chen stretched and yawned.

"As for Xue Rengui, his military tactics and martial arts are passable, and it's my first time leading troops, isn't it? Isn't he leading troops in a proper manner? Your Majesty, please look at my 25,000 soldiers. Are they mighty and majestic?"

When he asked this, all the soldiers in the four training areas suddenly stopped what they were doing and shouted:

""Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Ten thousand people roared in unison, shaking the tea bowls on the table! Li Shimin and others all looked stern and said in unison::

"It is indeed majestic and magnificent! How did they train this?"

This military appearance seems to be even better than yesterday!

"What are you yelling about? Keep training!"

Xu Chen shouted to the people below, then smiled and explained to Li Shimin,

"Your Majesty, this is the military training method I have just developed. As a soldier, you must have high comprehensive qualities. You must be able to climb mountains, cross rivers, cross grasslands, and kill the enemy!"

"I suggest that we reform the current army! First, I have set up a total of ten training programs. In the future, when our Tang soldiers want to be promoted in a war-free era, they can adopt an assessment system. The people who do the best in these ten programs will naturally be promoted to higher ranks. In this way, not only will their physical fitness be improved, but everyone's enthusiasm for joining the army will also be improved."

Why are there few people joining the army in peacetime? Without a war, there is no room for advancement! After working for decades, you are still just a soldier. Who would be willing to do this?

But according to Xu Chen's system, even if there is no war, as long as you are better than others in the assessment, you can still be promoted, and it is fair. In this way, more people will naturally be willing to join the army.

After waiting for sufficient food, it is necessary to abolish the Fubing system and maintain the number of standing troops in the country!

"Wow, your suggestion sounds good. Okay, I accept it. I will do as you say. If there is anything else that needs my approval, please tell me."

Li Shimin also drank tea and said in a relaxed manner.

It was really strange. In the past, when he came to inspect the military camp, he was always nervous. Why did he relax so much when he came to this kid's territory, as if he was on vacation...

Not only him, but Cheng Yaojin, Li Ji and others were also talking and laughing, looking leisurely, as if the army was in Xu Chen's hands, everything would be fine.

At this time, Xu Chen also smiled and stretched out his second finger, saying:

"Okay, then I will say the second point, we should adopt the system of military exercises. In peacetime, we must also ensure the combat effectiveness of the army to prevent the invasion of other countries' troops. We should conduct at least two military exercises a year, and troops from all over the country need to participate!"

"The third point is to adopt a military service system. Every adult male in the Tang Dynasty needs to undergo a physical examination. Those who pass the examination need to participate in military service. The general military service lasts for two years. During the military service, the soldiers' families will be given compensation allowances. At the same time, when the soldiers complete their service and return to the local area, they will also be given some preferential treatment."

"Fourth, we should organize art performances within the army to expand military life. There should be at least one art performance a month to relax the tense spirits of the soldiers. We advocate a combination of work and rest."

"Fifth, send special officials to educate the soldiers on patriotism, so that they will have a sense of belonging to the Tang Dynasty and be willing to sacrifice their lives for the Tang Dynasty! We are the people of the Tang Dynasty, and the soldiers are the umbrella of the Tang Dynasty. They must use their flesh and blood to build a steel Great Wall to guard our territory so that the people can live and work in peace!"

"Point 6……"

"Point 7……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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