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Li Shimin said this, all the generals were stunned.

It was fine if Yuchi Gong was crazy, but could His Majesty be so irrational? After all, they were not at the scene of the Xuanwu Gate Incident at that time. Even if the golden-armored boy was said to be supernatural, Li Jing and others did not have a specific concept in their minds and thought that His Majesty was deliberately exaggerating.

Moreover, in their impression now, Xu Chen should be a wise general, not a brave general. How could this small body fight?

I am afraid that he will be knocked to the ground by Jie Li Khan in a face-to-face encounter!

"Haha, Your Majesty, I think this Jie Li Khan is like a man who is being sold as a head for a prize!"

Xu Chen smiled heartily and said with great pride,

"You all should prepare a celebratory wine for me. I will go and take the head of Jie Li Khan and then come back!"

It is a rare opportunity today. He is itching to imitate Guan Yu's pretentious behavior in"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Warm wine and kill Jie Li Khan!

""Marshal, no, Marshal! Jie Li Khan is an unrivaled warrior on the grassland. We are no match for him. We must not underestimate him!" Cheng

Yaojin was also anxious now, and tried to dissuade them, together with Li Jing and others, but Xu Chen ignored them, swung his whip, and rushed to the Weishui Bridge!

"System, show me the fighting power of this Jie Li Khan. Can I kill him without using the Titanium God Armor?"

Although he looked arrogant, Xu Chen was still as steady as an experienced driver. Before starting the fight, he asked the system first.

Otherwise, it would be bad if he failed.

"Scanning, please wait……"

"Ding! Scan completed. Jie Li Khan is extremely powerful, with a basic force value of 1800. Now he is in a furious state, and his explosive power can exceed 2000 in a short period of time. With the current combat power of the host, he is not his opponent. It is recommended to use the titanium gold magic suit to kill him safely, or use the strengthening potion to win."

The result given by the system made Xu Chen's heart skip a beat, and he was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Jie Li Khan was so powerful. His basic combat power was 300 points higher than that of the most powerful Yuchi Gong in the Tang Dynasty, and his combat talent was even better than that of his apprentice Xue Rengui. He really deserved to be the king of the grassland. This is really not a cover.

Fortunately, a wave of tests were conducted in advance, otherwise, if you are not careful, it is easy to capsize in the gutter!

"Using the Titanium God Armor is not shocking enough, please arrange the ST001 temporary strengthening potion for me, I want to crush him head-on!"

Xu Chen ordered, even if it is cheating, it can't be too obvious, otherwise it will be boring

"Ding, ST001 temporary strengthening potion has been used, the host's current combat power has been increased to 5000, the battle result has been predicted"


As the system finished speaking, Xu Di felt a clear change in his body. His muscles did not bulge like an explosion, but the energy stored in his meridians already made him feel like he could move mountains and fill the sea!

"Jie Li Khan, I am here, why don't you surrender quickly!"

Xu Chen rode his warhorse leisurely in front of Jie Li Khan and said lightly.

The distance between the two was 30 meters, which was already within the range of a surprise attack and instant kill!

Xu Chen's thin figure was compared with Jie Li Khan's broad body. The Tang army soldiers were all sweating in their hearts at this time. Only Yuchi Gong was full of confidence and shouted loudly:

"Beat the drums to cheer for the Marshal!"

Dong! Dong! Dong!

""Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The drums were beating so loudly that the Tang army soldiers were cheering for their marshal with all their might. Such military might reached heaven and earth, and even the 200,000-strong Turkic army was terrified.

This was the courage and heroism of the Tang people!

"Hahaha, good! Don't worry, Tang men, I will take the head of Jie Li Khan right now to cheer you up!"

Xu Chen felt the overwhelming drums and shouts coming from behind, and his heart was suddenly filled with strength. He pointed the long sword in his hand and said coldly,

"Jie Li Khan, why don't you get off your horse and die!"

This sentence was full of provocation and contempt, which made Jie Li Khan, who was already extremely angry, even more angry. He suddenly squeezed the horse's belly and shouted angrily:

""Little beast, I'm going to sacrifice your head to the flag!"

The warhorse neighed and galloped towards Xu Chen, and the scimitar in his hand was raised high. There was only one goal... that was Xu Chen's head!

Despite such a fierce force, Xu Chen was not panicked at all. Seeing that Jie Li Khan's scimitar was approaching, he flew up directly, leaped over Jie Li Khan's head, and swung down with a fierce sword, splitting the warhorse under his crotch in half!


The warhorse was still charging forward, unaware that it had been beheaded. Jie Li Khan on it lost his balance and fell to the ground, stirring up the gravel and dust on the bridge. He still held the scimitar in his hand, but he looked in a miserable state.

"you you……"

He looked at Xu Chen who landed gracefully on the ground, with only infinite horror in his eyes. The sword that chopped down from above his head still made him feel a little cold.

A sword split his warhorse in half. He had never heard of or seen such a huge force. If the sword was chopped on his head... wouldn't it be directly split in half? Thinking of this, he was already terrified and had the idea of retreating.

But... behind him was the Tang Dynasty army, and in front of him was Xu Chen who was like a god of war. It was like there were wolves in front and tigers behind. With just one encounter, he was already in a desperate situation!

This scene was something no one had expected. The 200,000 Turkic troops and the 50,000 Tang troops fell silent at the same time, all staring with wide eyes, watching this incredible scene.

"Cutting a horse with one sword, this, this... is too strong, right?"

Cheng Yaojin swallowed hard, feeling a little scared.

"Marshal, you are truly the God of War! With such great strength, we are far inferior to him.……"

Even Hou Junji, who was usually the most arrogant, was shocked and admired.

He was a little unconvinced before, wondering why Xu Chen was the marshal, but this scene was like pressing his head, forcing him to accept it.

He had to admit that Xu Chen could beat ten Hou Junjis!

"Hahaha, good, good! Lord God, leave one alive for me, leave one alive!"

Li Shimin waved his fist excitedly and shouted loudly.

Capturing the Turkic Khan alive will be a significant event in the history of the Tang Dynasty. How can he not be excited?

Now, they all seem to have forgotten the huge gap between 50,000 and 200,000. The tension and anxiety have all dissipated because of that man...

As long as Xu Chen is there, what are the Turkic people?!_

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