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""Whoever stands in my way will die!"

Xu Chen growled, waving the titanium sword in his hand frantically. Every time he swung it, a whole batch of Turkic soldiers fell!

His bravery frightened the Turkic people, who were famous for their military prowess, and they unconsciously made way for him...

One man attacked two hundred thousand, and the drums of war continued to cheer him on. No one from the Turkic people dared to go up, and even if a few brave soldiers swung their swords, they only made a"ding" sound and chopped on Xu Chen's golden armor, leaving him unscathed!

""Hold on, hold on!"

Tuli Khan felt the impact from behind and shouted repeatedly. He clearly felt the threat of death!

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Xu Chen's riding skills were very superb. He rushed through the army. Although he was not chasing in a straight line, he was not slow at all according to the route planned by the system, because he chose the weakest point of defense!

"You can't stand it, go!"

Xu Chen laughed and jumped up suddenly. He flew into the air. The titanium dart in his hand was sent out with a bang, taking the head of Tuli Khan!

The dart broke through the air and drew a beautiful arc in the air. Tuli Khan, who was still running desperately on the back of his warhorse, suddenly felt a chill on his neck...

The next second, his eyes suddenly widened, his lips moved, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it anymore.

Because his head and neck were cut parallel at this time, and they went their separate ways in mid-air!

The titanium dart spun in the air and cut towards the Turkic king's flag again! At this moment, the two great Turkic khans, one was captured and the other was killed. The Turkic king's flag had also been shot down. The entire Turkic army of 200,000 had fallen into chaos and panic. At this time, some people had already abandoned their armor and fled!

"Soldiers of the Tang army, the Turkic Khan has been killed, the royal flag has fallen, the food and grass have been cut off, the situation is hopeless, follow me!"

Xu Chen got off his horse, killed several Turkic soldiers, and shouted loudly,

"Kill all the Turkic dogs for the glory of the Tang Dynasty!"

His shout made the 55,000 Tang army tremble with excitement. Almost at the same time, Yuchi Gong, Cheng Yaojin and others drew their weapons, whipped their horses, and headed directly towards the Wei River.

"Brothers, follow me and go in to make dumplings!"

Instantly, 55,000 soldiers rushed forward together, crossed the river directly to the north bank of the Wei River, and launched a real massacre!

At this time, the Turks had lost two Khans in a row, so how could they still have the heart to fight? They fought and retreated, trying to escape back to the grassland along the original route. This journey was really like beating a drowning dog.

It was like 50,000 people were driving 200,000 ducks! Along the way, the Tang army was unstoppable, killing more than 20,000 Turkish infantrymen in a row, and the blood turned into a river of blood.

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers ran for a whole day. Exhausted, they were about to flee outside Gaoling City, but a group of soldiers in silver armor appeared in front of them.

The leading general saw this group of wolf-like Turks, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the God Marquis was really as good as a god. Then he raised his whip and smiled:

"This general has been waiting here for a long time under the order of the Marshal!"

"Brothers, charge!"

30,000 Xuanjia troops are the most elite soldiers of the Tang army. Their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the 50,000 troops in front, so Xu Chen arranged the Xuanjia troops to block here.

With this blockade, the hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops could only break through. In a panic, they rushed desperately and lost tens of thousands of soldiers and generals. This was because the Xuanjia army did not fight with them.

Because there were three blockades behind, they did not have to fight to the death to keep people, and the results were quite fruitful. In this battle, 30,000 Xuanjia troops cooperated with 50,000 Wild Wolf troops to behead 50,000 Turks again!

At night, the Turkic army at this time had run out of ammunition and food, and was too tired to fight again, but the 70,000 or 80,000 Tang troops behind them were still following behind slowly, just like a whip, constantly whipping them and forcing them to move forward again.

But at the pass ahead, another group of Tang soldiers appeared, and the leading general smiled and said:

"Following the order of the Marshal, this general has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Brothers, kill them!"

After repeating this four times, the Turkic soldiers were no longer able to fight to the end. They left hundreds of thousands of corpses along the way, and finally only less than 10,000 remnants were left. They finally escaped from the border of the Tang Dynasty and headed for the grassland...

They would never have thought that their royal court had already been caught in the flames of war and no longer existed!


Three days later

"Hahaha, good, good, good! Xue Rengui is really capable. He actually took down the Turkic royal court. On the way back, he also dealt with the 10,000 Turkic remnants. This is really great news!"

Li Shimin sat in the imperial study, clapping his hands and laughing, his heart was extremely happy.

Such a victory was something he had never won in his life. It was considered to have solved the hidden danger of the Turks at once, and at least brought peace to the grassland for 50 years!

"General Xue Rengui has made extraordinary achievements. Your Majesty, please reward him accordingly."

Fang Xuanling stood aside, also with a happy face, and said with a smile.

In the imperial study, there were no civil and military officials, only the highest-ranking civil and military ministers of the Tang Dynasty. At this time, they all showed relaxed smiles on their faces.

Originally thought that they were forced into a corner by the Turks, but unexpectedly, they could win such a victory. They finally rest assured.

"That's right, Xue Rengui has made such a great contribution, how can he not be rewarded? When he returns to the court, I will give him a huge reward!"

Li���The people nodded repeatedly, looking at the memorial in their hands, they became more and more happy, turned to look at Xu Chen, and asked with a smile,

"I have already rewarded the other soldiers, and all of them have benefited their descendants.

Only you, I have thought about it, but I don’t know what kind of reward to give you, because you have made great contributions, and I have no more rewards.

Just tell me, what do you want? As long as I have it, I will satisfy you!

"In the victory of this battle against the Turks, Xu Chen has made great contributions.

It can be said that without Xu Chen, there would be no such victory, and even peace would be possible!

So even Li Shimin was in a dilemma for such a great contribution.

Gold, silver and treasures? His treasury is empty, so he can only give a token of appreciation; promotion? Xu Chen’s current title and official position have already reached the highest level, and any higher title is just an empty title.

It’s really a headache...

However, Xu Chen just smiled slightly and shook his head:

"Your Majesty, I don't need any reward. Please take away my military power and let me focus on scientific research. That's what I love."

I'm asking for a wave of evaluation votes and flowers. I haven't asked for them for a long time..._

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