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In ancient times, without guns, the Turkic cavalry was invincible!

As for guns, Xu Chen has no plans to make them for the time being. They are too difficult to control. If you are not careful, there will be a catastrophe. It's okay to play with them yourself, but they must not be used in the army, otherwise there will be a catastrophe.

"What the Godly Marquis said makes sense. Giving the Turks some favors and letting them work for us is far better than killing them all. In this way, the cattle, sheep, horses, and wool we need can be continuously supplied, and the grassland can provide blood transfusion for our Central Plains!"

Du Ruhui also nodded repeatedly and agreed.

"We can also give them the salt, iron, utensils and other items they need. People all over the world are eager for stability. As long as they have a relatively comfortable life, who would want to fight?"

War, to put it bluntly, is to grab resources! The environment on the grassland is already very bad. Not to mention ordinary people, even the Turkic nobles live like animals. Resources are scarce. This is the reason why the Turks invaded the Central Plains.

Now, if we can let the various resources on the grassland transfuse blood to the Tang Dynasty, and in turn the Tang Dynasty feeds back to the grassland, promote trade and contact between the two sides, so that ordinary people can afford to eat and wear clothes, then of course everyone wants to settle down and the world will be peaceful.

"Well, what Shen Hou and Du Aiqing said makes sense. I will consider this matter carefully and make use of this precious land of grassland."

Li Shimin thought seriously for a while, then nodded and said,

"By the way, Lord Shen, the Clothing Department and the Grain Department have been renovated almost completely, and I have already provided you with sufficient staff. As for the Research Institute, Li Chunfeng is now in charge, and Sun Simiao is also there. You can go and have a look and get some guidance when you are free."

As an emperor, Li Shimin has many things to consider every day, but for now, what Xu Chen has to do is the most critical thing for the entire Tang Dynasty.

"Good! The distribution of hybrid rice and the manufacture of wool processing machines should indeed be put on the agenda."

Xu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this. Hybrid rice and wool processing were only the first steps in his industrialization. There were still countless plans to be implemented step by step.

To be honest, he couldn't wait any longer.

"My dear ministers, do you have anything else to report? If not, please go away."

Li Shimin waved his hand and said casually.

Zhangsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others reported some things again, then stood up and left. Xu Chen saw that there was nothing for him to do and most people had left. He was about to slip away, but was suddenly stopped by Li Shimin.

"Xu Chen, you stay here, I have something to tell you.

Li Shimin waved at Xu Chen and said with a smile.

""Hmm? What else?"

Xu Chen asked in confusion. Now that there were no outsiders around, he naturally relaxed. He casually took some cakes and pastries from the maid and stuffed them into his mouth. Being in the palace, he felt like he was at home, without any scruples.

His behavior made Eunuch Zhang at the side feel that he was restrained and respectful in front of Li Shimin. Which minister was not timid and timid? No one had ever been as unrestrained as Xu Chen. The key point was that His Majesty seemed very happy when he looked at him?!

Eunuch Zhang's head was a little confused.

"Hahaha, you are so bold, you dare to be so presumptuous in this palace, I didn't give you any food, and you dare to take it?"

Li Shimin joked, waved to the palace maid, asked for a piece of cake, put it in his mouth, chewed it gently for a while, and nodded:

"Mm, this mung bean cake tastes really good"

"You have high blood pressure, so eat less. The more you eat this kind of high-sugar food, the worse it gets."

Xu Chen said seriously, and Li Shimin almost choked to death. He quickly spit out the mung bean cake in his mouth, rinsed his mouth with water, and looked frightened.

"Then I... What should I do? Could it be that I will not have these cakes and meat, what is the difference between that and being a monk?"

Li Shimin shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Monks are not interested in women."

Xu Chen still looked at Li Shimin with a serious look, tilting his head.

Li Shimin:"……"

Eunuch Zhang:"???"

"You kid, how dare you say anything, aren't you afraid of my anger?"

Li Shimin stared at Xu Chen and said unhappily.

If someone else had talked to him like this, he would have been dragged out and chopped off eighty times. Why couldn't he get angry with this kid?

Maybe, from the beginning, he had been accustomed to Xu Chen's way of speaking. To be honest, it was quite interesting.

"I'm just telling the truth. With your current physical condition, you can only work for another twenty years at most.……"

Xu Chen looked as if it was a matter of course and said casually

"Unless what?"

Li Shimin's eyes were stern, and his heart was already in turmoil.

He was less than 30 years old now. If he worked for more than 20 years, wouldn't he be dead in his 50s?

If so, he really couldn't accept it!

""Wait a minute, I'll check your physical condition first."

Xu Chen walked up and sat next to Li Shimin, staring at him.

Li Shimin nodded and naturally stretched out his hand, thinking that Xu Chen was going to take his pulse.

"No, I'll just take a look."

Xu Chen shook his head and said silently in his heart,

"system, giving Li Shimin a full range of physical���"

Xu Chen was still concerned about his father's health and naturally wanted him to be in better health.

After all, he was not the prince who wished the emperor to die.

"Scanning, please wait……"

"Ding, the scan is complete! Li Shimin's organs are functioning normally, his blood is OK, his blood vessels are slightly thin, slightly hardened, his cells are not cancerous, his blood pressure is high, his blood sugar is high, his heart function is abnormal, suspected of family inheritance and acquired trauma, other parts are normal, but with age, genetic diseases are prone to occur, please be prepared for prevention"


The best physical therapy option: riding a bicycle."???"

What the hell is riding a bicycle?! _Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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