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Li Shimin:"……"

You haven't even made it yet, but you're talking as if this thing already exists, and you're just making empty promises to me?!

""Ahem, don't worry. If we only build a bicycle, it won't be a difficult task for me. I already have the design drawings of the bicycle in my mind. I will just hand it over to Li Chunfeng to do it when the time comes!"

Xu Chen looked at Li Shimin's speechless expression, touched his nose and explained,

"However, I still want to make this bicycle on a large scale. I don’t want to let all the people in the world own it, because that is too unrealistic. But if some well-off families can afford it, it is also a kind of progress, which can greatly facilitate the travel of the people of Datang!"

In the later Republic of China period, bicycles were all the rage. College students at that time considered it fashionable to own a bicycle, but bicycles were still rare in poor families. It will take until the 21st century for bicycles to be truly popularized and affordable for everyone. For Datang today, if bicycles are made, about 10% of the people in Datang can afford them.

Even so, it is already very good!

"Yes, you are right. With this bicycle, we don't have to ride horses or sedan chairs! Our travel costs have been greatly reduced. Tell me what you need and I will approve it for you!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands.

In his mind, he was already simulating what it would be like to ride a bicycle with a large group of people to travel in the suburbs in the future. That must be very happy!

"I need to open an iron smelting plant. The efficiency of iron smelting in the Tang Dynasty is not strong enough, and the strength of iron is not satisfactory. I will open a factory to make the kind of iron I need, which is the body of the bicycle."

"Then, give me a piece of land to plant rubber trees, which are essential materials for bicycle tires."

"Finally, I will open a cement processing plant. If possible, I want to test it in Chang'an City and pave the broken and damaged stone slabs with cement to see the effect first. If the effect is good, it can be promoted to the whole Chang'an and even all the official roads in the country. In this way, whether riding a horse or a bicycle, the wear rate will be greatly reduced!"

Xu Chen said three ideas in one breath, and told all the materials and environment needed for the bicycle. For a moment, Li Shimin was stunned.

"It turns out that building a bicycle requires so many things.……"

Li Shimin sighed. He originally thought it was a very simple matter, but now after hearing what Xu Chen said, it seemed that it would require upgrading certain industries in the entire Tang Dynasty to be able to do it.

"Of course, behind every industrial product, there are many core technologies, and the value of this technology may even be priceless sometimes!"

Xu Chen nodded as a matter of course, and then said,

"This is not just about a bicycle. We need to have a big picture view. With a good ironworks, we can have better weapons and equipment, build railways and steam engines, plant rubber trees, and have a wide range of applications. Cement roads are also an important part of infrastructure.……"

Xu Chen talked incessantly, which made Li Shimin almost faint. Those strange words that came out of his mouth were like the scriptures in heaven to Li Shimin!

""Okay, okay, don't read it anymore. I'll give it to you and let you do it, okay? I only have one request, don't ask me for money, I don't have any money, everything else is negotiable."

Li Shimin rubbed his temples with a headache and said repeatedly.

His intuition told him that what Xu Chen said was very important, and it laid the foundation for the Tang Dynasty to last for thousands of years! But he really had no interest in listening to it, and he really didn't understand it.

It's no wonder. After all, according to the development trajectory of history, what Xu Chen said would take another thousand years to come true.……

""Okay! I said money is not a problem, I will find a way to get it, you just need to look at my results, Old Li."

Xu Chen said confidently. He had already figured it out in his mind. While the sweaters have not been mass-produced yet, he must first hold a fashion show and sell limited edition sweaters to those dignitaries and make a killing.

In addition, he is also preparing the things that women need. An entrepreneur named Ma once said that women's money is the easiest to make! As the two were discussing, a notification came into the imperial study:

"The Empress has arrived!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure walked into the imperial study. Empress Changsun was holding a cup of Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup in her hand. She walked to the side of Li Shimin and said with a gentle smile:

"Your Majesty must be tired. Here are the snacks I made for you. Please enjoy them."

After saying that, she handed the small bowl in her hand to Li Shimin, turned to look at Xu Chen, and said with a smile:

"God also has……"

The bowl handed to Xu Chen was in the air. When Empress Chang Sun saw Xu Chen's face, she was stunned.

Xu Chen and she looked at each other, and both of them felt something strange in their hearts.

"Is this my mother in this life?"

Looking at the gentle and dignified Empress Changsun in front of him, Xu Chen seemed to have something touched deep in his heart. He didn't have this feeling when he met Li Shimin, but when he saw his mother, he couldn't stand it. Is this the mother-son relationship that is thicker than blood?

The two of them stretched out their hands halfway, one handed and the other took, but they didn't move anymore, as if they were frozen together, looking at each other as if they were distracted, which made Li Shimin feel a little strange.

"cough cough……"

Comrade Li Er couldn't help but coughed dryly, and Xu Chen finally reacted and thanked him respectfully:

"Thank you, Empress Changsun"

"Divine Marquis… Divine Marquis, you don’t have to be polite."

Empress Changsun obviously hadn’t recovered yet, and said with a somewhat unnatural look, handing the Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup in her hand to Xu Chen, and then covering her face to wipe away her tears. Seeing this, Li Shimin was very anxious, and quickly pulled Empress Changsun over, repeatedly comforting her:

"Guanyinbi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why are you crying for no reason?"

Today's eldest grandson is really abnormal! Under normal circumstances, she would never lose her composure like this.……

"Your Majesty, wuwuwu... When I saw the Divine Marquis, I thought of our Dalang. If Dalang were still alive, he would be about the same age as the Divine Marquis. But now, I don’t know where he is, or whether he is dead or alive.……"

Empress Changsun wiped the tears from her face and said sadly,

"Dalang, my good son, when will I be able to see you again?……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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