Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 11 Li Shimin: This young man can

"Where's the little shopkeeper? I want to take some copies back to my family."

Li Shimin sat directly in the center with his big golden sword, and saw Cheng Yaojin's big ax at a glance.

"Lao Cheng, the security in Chang'an is pretty good, right?"

"There haven't been any thieves causing trouble at night recently, right?"

Cheng Yaojin nodded, this is Chang'an, Jinwu Guard, Zuowu Guard, and other guards are on duty all night, how can anyone dare to cause trouble?

Even if a small number of people did something, they would probably be caught within three days. The Tang Dynasty lacked everything except strong men who could solve the case.

"Then why did you come out with an ax?"

"Is it possible that you are going to cause trouble today?"

Li Shimin laughed evilly. This was a little joke between the emperor and his ministers. Since ancient times, there have been many stern kings and many kind kings, but there are not many kings who can get along well with civil servants and generals.

There are not many emperors like Li Shimin who can defeat the Wei Zheng in 55% of the civil war and 50% of the famous generals in the early Tang Dynasty with force.

Cheng Yaojin stood up quickly. He knew that His Majesty's joke was not random. He must have known something and was prepared.


"Hey, Lao Cheng, don't be so formal. Don't scare the child. Look, the little one is scared."

Cheng Yaojin looked back at Liu Xuan's daughter, the little girl named Yaya. Well, her big eyes were staring at him, seeming to be interested in his dark beard.

Where is the fear in this?

"Uncle, you have a lot of beard...Why doesn't Aye have a beard?"

Cheng Yaojin leaned down, picked up Yaya, and swept Yaya's face twice with his beard: "Uncle's beard is not only thick, but also thorny...Are you afraid...hehehehe..."

I thought Yaya would be frightened and cry immediately, but Cheng Yaojin waited for a long time and didn't wait until she burst into tears.

Um? Turning around, he saw that the little girl in his arms was looking at him with disgust.

"Uncle, your beard smells...not good..."

At the Datang Hotel, bursts of laughter erupted at night.

In the kitchen, Da Zhuang ran over and presented a bag of copper coins. Then he talked and gestured and finally made it clear.

Newcomers also need two portions, one to eat here and one to take away.

"Master, they are drinking."

"Have you been paid?" Liu Xuan immediately became alert when he heard that they were drinking.

That porcelain bottle of Erguotou was what they had left over from today's drink, but since they didn't say they wanted more, it was new. If they wanted to drink it, they had to pay for it.

Da Zhuang nodded.

Liu Xuan let out a long breath, what's wrong with the emperor, I didn't say I knew your identity, do you know that I knew your identity?

Even if you know that I know your identity, I don’t admit that I know that you know that I know your identity... Hehe...

"Get out of the pot!"

In the main hall, Liu Xuan looked at Li Shimin and the others with a smile.

"Today, the guest officer surnamed Wei came over and ordered two portions, one to eat and one to take away. Although this mapo tofu is good, don't be greedy for too much."

Hearing this, Li Shimin said nothing, greeted Yaya and sat on the bench in front of him.

Liu Xuan immediately said to Yaya: "Yaya, the guest invites you, but you must not be rude. Go to bed quickly. If you don't sleep well, you will not grow taller."

Yaya pouted, holding the rattle given to her by Yu Chigong, and walked towards the backyard.

Li Shimin smiled: "Little shopkeeper, I see no one is around, how nice would it be for you to sit down with me and have a chat."

In the night, the fire in the main hall slowly lit up, the autumn wind was cold, and the Mapo Tofu Dongpo Pork, accompanied by the sound of sucking, was extremely loud on the street.

"Little shopkeeper, I've seen your restaurant open for a long time. Why is it reopening today?"

Cheng Yaojin suddenly asked.

He is a frequent visitor to the West Market, mainly because there are many delicious foods in the West Market. The East Market is too luxurious and there is nothing worthy of praise and delicious food.

Liu Xuan was young and sat aside with a smile: "Haven't you heard that the Holy Emperor has pardoned three hundred death row prisoners? This is a big deal and everyone in Chang'an knows about it."

"Everyone is tired from watching the excitement, so naturally they want to come and have something to eat, right?"

Liu Xuan poured Erguotou for the three of them.


The moment the porcelain bottle was opened, the aroma of wine overflowed. Although it was not the first time for Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin to drink Erguotou, even though they had made preparations, they still felt that the greed in their bodies could not be suppressed at this moment.

Yuchi Gong's eyes widened and twitched, and his nose almost touched the mouth of the Erguotou bottle.

Liu Xuan, who had particularly outstanding chemistry skills before traveling through time, almost blurted out: He should gently fan a small amount of air into his nostrils with his hands...

Li Shimin nodded, remembering Yaya just now, and asked again: "Little shopkeeper, I think you are young, only fifteen or sixteen years old. A man from the Tang Dynasty has just gotten married at this time. Why do you have a wife?" What about such a big kid?"

Yaya looks like she is four years old. A four-year-old child looks young no matter how young she is.

Li Shimin was very curious. Liu Xuan looked dignified and behaved well. Although he claimed to be a chef, he had a sense of...freedom and ease when walking, sitting or lying down.

"This, hey..."

Liu Xuan held his hands towards the three of them and sighed: "Yaya is a miserable child."

"In the fourth year of Zhenguan, I had a brother who grew up with me. He went to the battlefield and was shot by a poisonous arrow of the Turks while chasing the Turks. It was a pity that my sister-in-law, who was carrying a one-year-old girl, fell ill after hearing the bad news."

"He passed away in less than a year, and Yaya was entrusted to me."

In the Tang Dynasty, a woman with a child could be said to be an orphan and a widow, but a man, still a young man, or even a teenager, with a four-year-old daughter, this scene would make anyone think a little more.

Li Shimin's face was serious.

So there was such a story behind it!

This Liu Xuan was affectionate and righteous. If he was not a young man with a pure heart, how could he become a person entrusted with an orphan?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but touch his beard.

The people of the Tang Dynasty are kind and simple, and I, Li Shimin, am lucky.

This young man, young and capable.

Cheng Yaojin suddenly said: "Young shopkeeper, didn't you go to watch the fun today?"

Yuchi Gong was stunned. There were three fools among the military commanders in Chang'an, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Gong, and Niu Jinda.

Among them, Yuchi Gong insisted on reading every day, but he only knew a few more words than Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda.

What's more, Niu Jinda also had a father who was a chief clerk in his early years.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, he quickly realized that Old Cheng had said the wrong thing.

Liu Xuan smiled and looked at the three people: "These three hundred people, if the current emperor lets them go, will they dare not come back?"

"Do you really think that the Jinwu Guard and the Zuowu Guard are just eating dry food?"

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