Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 124 Da Zhuang, stay away from me, I want to find Brother Liu Xuan

"Er Gouzi, you are the first one to make Liuli."

"From today on, you will be the team leader of Liuli Production. I will give you ten people. Tomorrow, I will see a complete Liuli appear in front of me."

"If you can do it, you and the ten people under you will each be rewarded with ten coins!"

Ergouzi was speechless, his lips were white and he was sweating profusely. It was obviously late autumn, the weather was slightly cold, and the wind would hurt his face, but he felt like he was standing on a hot summer day.


Ergouzi lay on the ground and prostrated himself: "I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

At this moment, Liu Renyuan suddenly understood that the Marquis was going to create Datang's own colored glaze.

After leaving this earthen kiln, on the way back, Liu Renyuan asked cautiously: "Master Hou, there is something I don't understand."

Liu Xuan closed his eyes to rest and said leisurely, "You can ask."

"Master Marquis, do you really want to give the colored glaze you made to those barbarians? I heard that you once said on the street that you would give them the original amount of colored glaze after thirty days."

Liu Xuan smiled: "Liu Renyuan, you must be honest and honest. If you say you will give, you must give."

"It's just that if they want it, they have to wait a little longer."

Xue Rengui drove a carriage and suddenly stabbed Liu Renyuan.

"Old Liu, can't you see it? The Marquis has already planned it. What are you worrying about here? You can do whatever the Marquis tells you to do. You can chop whoever the Marquis tells you to kill. How simple. ”

Liu Renyuan rolled his eyes at Xue Rengui: "Aren't I curious..."

Who in Chang'an is not curious?

To put it harshly, if a manure truck, no, a night incense barrel passes by your door, you have to go out, dip your index finger in it, and put it into your mouth to taste the saltiness.

There are so many fun things to do in a day in the huge city of Chang'an. Living in Chang'an is not easy. If you didn't have such a heart for gossip, you would have died of boredom under the pressure.

You, Xue Rengui, are from a small place, so you know nothing.

"You two don't take this lightly."

"Glaze production, this is a secret. Since there are already signs, starting today, we will build a high wall, a factory, no, let's call it a workshop, Lantian Workshop."

"The workshop is built without delay. The craftsmen are only allowed in on weekdays and are not allowed out. The family takes over and the wife and children work together. It is not a problem for the young man to study."

"But if anyone leaks the secret, he will be killed without mercy!"

Liu Xuan sighed silently in his heart. The common man was innocent of the crime of harboring the jade. If the method of Liuli was leaked, I am afraid that the people behind the merchants all over the world would be unable to sit still.

However, the way to deal with it is also very simple. After making a lot of money, start wholesale.

Follow the route of small profits but quick turnover, and make high-priced colored glaze completely obsolete.

When glass is as cheap as earthenware pots, even if others get the method, they will not be able to compete with you.

You have a method, and when you want to start to develop your ambitions, the people of the Tang Dynasty will have the colored glaze made by me, Liu Xuan, in their hands. The merchants in the world just want to wholesale the colored glaze from me, and they will kill you. It is of high quality and low price. Small profits but quick turnover.

If you come up with the same quality, I will roll it in style.

If you come up with the same style, I will roll the concept.

If you come up with the same ideas, I will be involved in the culture.

No one knows how to roll better than me.

"Master Hou, I'm really curious as to why you and Liuli are so locked in a fight."

Liu Renyuan couldn't hold it any longer.

Liu Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Liu Renyuan's eager face, and shook his head lightly: "That thing is worth ten cents, but someone told you that it is worth ten thousand cents. You bought it, but if you knew What will you do when it’s only worth ten cents?”

When Liu Renyuan heard this, his blood immediately surged: "Hiss..."

"Master Marquis, if it were me, I would kill that guy's whole family and smash this thing in front of their faces!"

"I'm not taken advantage of!"

Liu Xuan nodded: "Look, you don't want to be taken advantage of. Who wants to be taken advantage of? I want to ask, who would like Liuli, a flashy and useless thing that is obviously worthless but boasts to be worth tens of thousands of dollars? ?”

Liu Renyuan suddenly remembered a figure and looked at Liu Xuan blankly.

Mr. Hou, there is something in your words. You dare to say it, but I dare not think it.

"Think about it, every day in the Marquis's house, so many people ask me for money when they eat, drink or have sex. The court only gives the Marquis a small amount of money every year. With the help of more than a thousand farmers, we can Make some money.”

"You are the general manager in the Hou Mansion. Could it be that your subordinates ask you for money to change your clothes? You are so poor. Do you think he can obey you? It's hard to repair the Hou Mansion and spend money at home. It's hard. Can it be? Something happy?"

"Since I, Liu Xuan, am the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty and the Marquis of Lantian, I cannot disgrace the Marquis of Lantian. If I am frugal and live a poor life, it will not be my Liu Xuan's face that will be disgraced, but the face of the Tang Dynasty!"

"I, a prince, am just a decoration when looking at the scenery. My life is miserable!"

The corners of Liu Renyuan's eyes twitched. He decided not to tell His Majesty these words.

Xue Rengui nodded repeatedly: "The Marquis is right! The Marquis is indeed hardworking! Even though he can enjoy his life, he still has to open a restaurant to make money to support the Marquis's house. There is no such Marquis in the entire Tang Dynasty, no, throughout history! "

"Master Hou, you are such a good person!"

Xue Rengui is much smarter. Why is he asking questions at this time? Just stand in front of the Marquis!

The Hou Mansion was quite lively in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of Zheng Liwan, Yaya started a lady training plan. It was obvious that Yaya was not happy.

Why are the standing and sitting so complicated? It's better to play in the mud.

Dazhuang stood aside without saying a word, looking for traces of ants around.

Without seeing the ants, Dazhuang always felt empty inside, and didn't know what happened to the ants.

When the sun hung in the west as a golden line, several young people with excitement appeared in the mansion.

Cheng Chumo put his hands behind his back and smiled: "Dazhuang, where is brother Liu Xuan?"

Dazhuang smiled honestly and patted Cheng Chumo on the shoulder: "The young master hasn't come back yet. But he should be soon."

Dazhuang's intuition is always accurate.

However, he still misjudged his strength with this palm. It was obviously a light palm, but Cheng Chumo was grinning and sweating on his forehead.

"You... what are you doing..."

"Why are you using so much strength..."

Cheng Chumo felt very wronged. I just put my arm around your shoulder and you gave me a palm.

Da Zhuang scratched his head in embarrassment, with shame on his face: "I... I seem to have become stronger again."

"Let me rub it for you..."

Cheng Chumo suddenly jumped up and rubbed his shoulders frantically, like a frightened chicken: "You, Da Zhuang, stay away from me, I want to find Brother Liu Xuan!"

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