Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 14 Princess Changle: I want to go to the Datang Hotel

Business people always face some strange problems.

It has been like this since ancient times. Among the scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, merchants have the lowest status.

Any petty official in the capital city can't afford to offend him, and taking bribes is commonplace.

Therefore, merchants who can survive must not only take their own interests quickly and accurately in the rough competition, but also protect their hands before the knives of those above fall.

Only in this way can they make a steady profit.

But, it doesn't work here with Liu Xuan.

"Mapo tofu, 50 wen per serving, Dongpo pork, 200 wen per serving."

Liu Xuan's voice was calm, and he looked at the general indifferently.

"You know, I have helped you a lot, otherwise your shop would be closed today."

"That's what you want, I didn't ask you to help."

Liu Xuan folded his arms and looked at the general in front of him coldly.

"You... that's all. I, Liu Renyuan, never force anyone... Serve the food quickly!"

While speaking, Liu Renyuan untied a bag from his waist, took out two strings of copper coins, and put them on the table.

I didn't sleep all night last night because I was thinking about these things. Since His Majesty didn't leave the palace today, Liu Renyuan brought people out directly to satisfy his cravings.

Liu Xuan put away the money with a smile, but he was still a little surprised. Why did he meet people who were in history books these two days?

Who is Liu Renyuan? After all, he fought with wild beasts with his bare hands.

But how did he know that there was delicious food here?

A moment later, when the dishes were served, Liu Renyuan's body suddenly shook, and his eyes were sharp.

In an instant, Liu Xuan felt that a real dry food soul appeared in front of him!

Liu Renyuan seemed to have never eaten before. He didn't want to waste the rice in his mouth at all, and the juice in the plate was not spared.

Even when he was excited, he started to lick the plate directly.

He poured a bowl of rice into the Dongpo pork casserole, stirred it evenly, and stuffed it into his mouth. He ate it all in no time.

In front of real food, what is reserved?

When the juice and rice in the casserole were clean, Liu Renyuan picked up the kettle beside him, poured some hot water, and then gently shook the casserole, his eyes shining.

Looking at the dots of oil and water floating on the water, Liu Renyuan raised his head like a tiger.

The way he ate scared Liu Xuan, as if every bit of food was squeezed dry.


After a burp, Liu Renyuan nodded and patted his stomach.

"Eat every meal as if it were your last, and don't be afraid of being stuffed to death... This is my experience when I was fighting..."

"Shopkeeper, do you know why you are conducting such a strict inspection today?"

"Isn't it a routine inspection? In Chang'an City, inspections are conducted every once in a while, and the time is uncertain, maybe three days, five days, or seven days." Liu Xuan didn't even think about it.

"Haha, it's not that simple." Liu Renyuan smiled mysteriously, "Shopkeeper, the princess is going out today."

When Liu Renyuan left, he left a sign, saying that in future inspections, it doesn't matter whether the shop name is registered or not.

Liu Xuan looked at the sign, which had the three characters "Jinwuwei" written on it.

Princess? There are so many princesses in the Tang Dynasty, and it's none of my business if they go out.

Just don't impose martial law in the West Market, come here to eat more when you have nothing to do, and be less suspicious, and thank God.

Coming out of the Tang Dynasty Hotel, Liu Renyuan smacked his lips as he walked.

"What a young man who is neither humble nor arrogant."

"When His Majesty mentioned this man last night, he was quite appreciative and praised him generously. It's a pity that such delicious food can only be tasted today. In the past few years, I really lived in vain."

"Get closer to this young man in the future. The one who His Majesty looks at differently must be extraordinary. Just these two dishes alone, I'm afraid he can walk sideways in Chang'an."


The streets of Xishi quickly regained their former vitality after routine inspections.

At the end of the street, a handsome and thin scholar walked slowly on the street with a folding fan in his hand, looking around curiously.

Behind him, the book boy following him was also very handsome with bright eyes.

"Sir, we sneaked out like this, the master won't be angry, right?"

"Ahem, don't think too much when you go out to play."

The handsome scholar and his book boy are Li Lizhi and the maid dressed as men.

In normal times, if the princes and princesses want to come out, they must apply to the palace in advance. I don't know how much effort it takes, but Li Lizhi doesn't need to.

In the whole Chang'an, no, in the whole Tang Dynasty, everyone knows that the most beloved of His Majesty is Princess Changle.

Walking on the streets of the West Market, the little maid was very excited, looking here and there from time to time.

There were dazzling utensils of the Hu people, glass accessories, rouge with strange fragrance, and all kinds of snacks.

The crowded crowd came and went, with different faces.

This was completely different from the West Market described by those people in the palace.

But Li Lizhi was just curious, but not moved at all. The place she was looking for was the Tang Dynasty Restaurant.

When the emperor came back last night, he was drunk. It was obviously very late, but he asked her to eat together.

Li Lizhi half believed and half doubted, and went to Ganlu Hall with her mother, and then she smelled a smell that she would never forget in her life.

Last night, she had a beautiful dream, and she ate Mapo Tofu and Dongpo Pork in her dream.

In the palace, day after day, year after year, the palace maids' light gauze was replaced by warm robes, and the warm robes were replaced by light gauze. After a long time, it was boring.

My father said that the palace was home.

But no matter how good the home is, you have to go out, right?

Li Lizhi was not a canary in a cage. She decided to sneak out of the palace early in the morning to see why the Datang Restaurant could make such delicious food.

"Sir, we have walked through the West Market twice. Where is the Datang Restaurant?"

The little maid couldn't find the Datang Restaurant and began to get impatient.

Li Lizhi was not in a hurry either. She smiled and looked in the direction of Liquanfang.

If there is no Datang Restaurant in the West Market, it must be at the intersection. The only place that intersects with Datangfang is Liquanfang.


In the main hall, Liu Xuan was teaching Dazhuang to recognize words.

"If people don't know, but don't get angry, isn't it a gentleman?"

Dazhuang and Yaya sat on a small bench, shaking their heads and chanting along.

Learning to read should start from childhood. Although Dazhuang is older, he should also learn it.

"What does this mean?"

Liu Xuan asked.

Yaya scratched her little head, and Dazhuang scratched his big head.

Suddenly, Dazhuang's voice came: "Master, I know!"

"Confucius is so powerful, he must have said that someone didn't know my name, but I didn't get angry, which is already very gentlemanly."

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