Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 16 All the principles in the world are in the kitchen

Li Lizhi smiled even more brightly, but soon, she realized a problem, why did Yaya call her big sister?

In the kitchen, Liu Xuan casually bought ingredients, condiments, and some rice from the system, and then looked at the raging fire, as if he thought of something.

Then he started the pot and heated the oil.

After the pot was heated, the hot oil was poured out and put in a bowl beside it for later use, and then Liu Xuan poured a spoonful of base oil. ✺

Hot pot and cold oil, basic operation, but an important step to prevent the pot from getting burnt.

Liu Xuan did not close the kitchen door when cooking today. While busy, Liu Xuan noticed a sneaky shadow flashing outside the door.

Then, Yaya trotted all the way to Liu Xuan without knowing when, and proudly raised her chest.

"Aye, big sister is so soft here!"

Liu Xuan smiled immediately when he heard it, and even Yaya could see it.

"Yaya, how do you know that's the elder sister, not the elder brother?"

Yaya looked up: "The elder sister smells good."

Liu Xuan couldn't help but sigh at this time. Women in this era were not forbidden to go out. The Tang Dynasty was different from other dynasties. It was extremely open-minded, and cultural confidence was at its peak. It was tolerant of everything. It was impossible for women to stay indoors.

Eyes can deceive people.

But this clumsy method can't even deceive a child. Liu Xuan couldn't help but start to wonder how Li Shimin's family's strange ideas came up.

Two rabbits walk side by side on the ground, how can you tell whether I am male or female?

You are walking on the road, and there are eyes everywhere. After all, there are not many such handsome "gentlemen" in the entire Tang Dynasty, right?

"Aye, the elder sister asked me what it means to make peace with what I have come."

Yaya was very proud, with her arms folded, like a little adult.

"Oh? Then what did you answer?"

"Brother Dazhuang said that since you are here, let's bury you here."

Yaya imitated Dazhuang's way of speaking, and she looked like she didn't lie at a glance.

People learn the Analects to become officials in the court. Why does Da Zhuang learn the Analects? To be full of martial virtue?

"Uh, Yaya, go play first..."

After an incense stick, Liu Xuan came out with a plate in each hand.

"This dish is Mapo Tofu."

"This dish is Dongpo Pork."

"This is rice, please enjoy!"

As soon as the dishes came, the little maid standing by couldn't stand it anymore. She kept peeking and swallowing.

Looking at Li Lizhi, she was sitting there straight, without any fluctuations, but looking at Liu Xuan calmly.

When she was tired of looking, she didn't forget to support her head with both hands, her head was shaking, and an unpredictable smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Liu Xuan smiled: "Customer, don't you want to eat it?"

Li Lizhi looked at Liu Xuan with a smile: "Shopkeeper, let me ask you, why does this Mapo Tofu taste so delicious?"

"Why can't I make something so delicious?"

Liu Xuan smiled: "Customer, you don't know, this Mapo Tofu is made with my family's secret recipe. The tofu is ordinary tofu, but how to make it is a big deal."

Li Lizhi's eyes lit up: "Is the cooking skill so profound?"

Liu Xuan nodded: "Any skill in the world is like this when it reaches a high level."

"This is true for cooking, and the same is true for other things."

"Readers always feel that the classics and historical books are boring when they first read them, and they are not as exciting as the vernacular stories. Just like gorgeous poems and prose are inspiring. "

"But when he has seen thousands of sails and seen the world, he will find the story books childish and ridiculous, and the gorgeous poems and prose empty and meaningless. But when he reads the classics and historical books, he will find them full of flavor, and the words are full of the truth of the world. "

Liu Xuan smiled and continued, "This is also true for cooking skills, reading and doing things, and even being an official in the capital. "

Li Lizhi's eyes are bright: "What? Being an official is also like this?"

"Store owner, please tell me quickly."

Liu Xuan looked at Li Lizhi who was a little anxious, and comforted her: "The guests should eat first, it will not taste good if it gets cold."

"Eat and talk."

Li Lizhi nodded vigorously. Well, she had forgotten what the store owner said.

There was only one thought in her mind: this store owner is too handsome.

Liu Xuan's voice continued.

"As an official, you can do as much as you can."

"Just like in cooking, you can cook whatever ingredients you have."

"Some people are in the capital, half a foot away from the sky, while others are in the border, far away from the emperor."

"Those in the capital are right under the eyes of the current emperor, with more conveniences and the power of the capital, so they can do everything well. There are many such officials, and they have made many achievements. If they want to be noticed by the emperor, they naturally have to make greater achievements."

"It's like a famous restaurant with countless ingredients and condiments, unparalleled in the world, and the world is very concerned about it. The requirements are naturally extremely high. If such a restaurant only makes an ordinary dish, no one will think that this dish is special. "

"Officials in the sky have no money, few people available, and it is difficult to implement government orders. If they want to make achievements, they have to work a hundred times harder than officials in Chang'an. "

"Just like a small shop with incomplete ingredients and unrefined ingredients, if you make a dish like an ordinary dish in a well-known restaurant, it will instantly become a good story. "

"The ancients often said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and this is the truth..."

Li Lizhi's eyes were straight. In her eyes, Liu Xuan seemed to be glowing all over. His words and actions were powerful. The sun shone on Liu Xuan's face, and her heart was warm...

The maid in the palace had no idea that Liu Xuan's words contained truth. She just thought it was nonsense from a cook. She didn't know why her princess came here to eat, but she was only looking at the store owner and listening to the store owner saying something she couldn't understand.

In her eyes, such food was so delicious, but the princess was only talking nonsense with the store owner.

It was a pity that she was just a little maid. How could she be qualified to eat with the princess? She could only stand beside her and suffer from such food.

But in Li Lizhi's eyes, if she wanted to eat such food, she could come and eat it anytime.

But I don't know when there will be a better chance to hear what I want to hear today.

"Shopkeeper, you look only two or three years older than me, why do you have such profound insights?"

Liu Xuan smiled faintly, put his hands behind his back, raised his head at a 45-degree angle and looked up at the rising sun: "Nothing, just my hands are skilled."

"Just my hands are skilled..." A trace of confusion floated in Li Lizhi's eyes.

What does this mean?

Is it talking about officials, or cooking skills?

Or, both?

But, he looks like a fairy, unfathomable, and so handsome!

The confusion in Li Lizhi's eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by a starry look.

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