Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 197: Lao Cheng, just carve the words

Changsun Wuji was upset recently, and suddenly he was hit like this, his face turned green.

Who the hell told this matter of ten thousand strings of silver?

How come Cheng Yaojin knew about it?

If Cheng Yaojin knew about it, wouldn’t the whole Chang’an know about it? It would be better to post a notice on the roadside.

Changsun Wuji put his hands behind his back, raised his head, and walked towards the direction of the imperial study in a proud manner, not wanting to pay any attention to Cheng Yaojin at all.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Changsun Wuji’s back with a smile: "I heard that Lord Sikong has made a lot of money from selling stoves recently. If you don’t have money to compensate the Hu people, you can find me, Old Cheng..."

Changsun Wuji staggered.

This black guy, he was talking about something else.

Changsun Wuji’s face was red in the sunset, and it was a liver color from time to time.

He staggered when he walked, gnashed his teeth, and his eyes could not see any more.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and put his hands behind his back, swaggering: "Although our son doesn't study, he won't do such a thing."

"Ten thousand strings, ten thousand strings, ordinary people can't spend it all in their lifetime, can't spend it all in their lifetime..."

Changsun Wuji felt like he was going to vomit blood.

There is only one purpose for coming to the imperial study today, that is, to ask His Majesty to raise the price of the stove.

This thing really doesn't make money, it's completely losing money. Your Majesty, you make a lot of money selling coal, and I, a stove seller, have to keep up. Each stove can only sell for twenty coins, and I have to pay thirty coins.

This number, I dare not think about it...

Just as I walked outside the imperial study, I heard a loud shout from inside: "I am not making any money now, I have been losing money, don't I like money?"

"Everyone listen to me, this move is really helpless, if I have any way, I won't do this."


Changsun Wuji's heart trembled.

In the imperial study, Li Shimin thought about it and felt that this taste was not enough, so he continued to practice facing the empty wall. Tomorrow, he would tell his ancestors about the tomb-touching matter. It would not be too much to practice in advance, right?

"Ahem, Grandpa, you know me. I have united my brothers since I was a child. If it weren't for the fact that the Tang Dynasty was really out of money..."

Li Shimin practiced facing the wall, trying to find a suitable reason to seek peace of mind in the ancestral hall.

At this time, Changsun Wuji outside the door became stiff after hearing it.

Do I have to keep paying for it?

This is not a small amount!

Forget it, I can only earn it back from other places.


In the Marquis' Mansion, Liu Xuan seriously told Dazhuang that he could not touch the wall casually before it solidified, because it was easy to collapse.

Dazhuang blushed, and there were some brick and stone fragments on his neck, body, and lapels. It can be seen at a glance that the wall collapsed several times today, and Dazhuang was not spared.

"Building a wall requires patience, just like watching ants."

"Although ants are small, they can lift things that are thousands or hundreds of times heavier than them. Even if the things are very heavy, they will not give up..."

Da Zhuang seemed to have suddenly realized something, and he looked at Liu Xuan's movements carefully, with a serious look in his clear eyes.

"Master, you are really amazing."

Da Zhuang's honest voice made people laugh, and Liu Xuan touched Da Zhuang's head: "Da Zhuang is also amazing."

"If you are hungry, go to the kitchen to get cooked mutton for yourself, but don't give Ya Ya too much."

At this time, Ya Ya, needless to say, was on the trampoline, shaking with Xue Rengui's three-year-old child.

Because of their young age, it was a bit difficult for them to stand firmly on the trampoline, so they just sat on it, bumping and shaking constantly.

Giggle from time to time.

The happiness of children is very simple. If you give him a little guy, he can play for a whole day.

Looking at Ya Ya, Liu Xuan always thinks of his childhood playmates.

Looking at Dazhuang, I always think of the village guards in my hometown.

All living beings suffer. Dazhuang and Yaya met me, otherwise they would have starved to death or begged on the street.

Yaya's bright smile and Dazhuang's proud smile after laying bricks made Liu Xuan feel very at ease.

Back in his study, Liu Xuan began to write and draw on paper.

The first thing to do now is to restore movable type printing.

Liu Xuan remembers every step of the ancient movable type very clearly. The only thing that may be a little unskilled is the reverse engraving link.

Don't worry, take your time.


In the evening, the sky was gloomy, and signs of winter were faintly visible.

Cheng Yaojin came to the door of Lantian Marquis's Mansion alone.

Niu Jinda and Yuchi Gong were still hesitant about what His Majesty said today, but Cheng Yaojin didn't think so much. His Majesty asked me to urge Liu Xuan, so I came.

Anyway, if there is any problem, His Majesty will take the blame.

Cheng Yaojin grinned and took a deep breath: "Ahem, is the Marquis of Lantian here?"

Inside the door, two yawning guards poked their heads out. It's not that the guards were not good enough and slacked off while on duty.

The main reason is that they are on duty for a long time now. A group of people have been assigned to the factory. The fewer people stay in the Marquis' Mansion, the more work each person will get.

"It turns out to be General Cheng. Please come in. The Marquis is inside."

Cheng Yaojin shook his head: "Go and report first."

"You are not a Jinwu Guard now, but a servant of the Marquis' Mansion. You can't forget the rules."

The guard was stunned, and then smiled awkwardly.

Although he is no longer a Jinwu Guard, his subconscious behavior is still there.

Soon after, when Liu Xuan came out with a pancake in his mouth, Cheng Yaojin couldn't hold it anymore.

"Brother Liu Xuan, you finally came out."


"Um, what did you eat?"

Liu Xuan looked at Cheng Yaojin in confusion, looking left and right: "Old Cheng, why did you come out alone today? Where are Lao Niu and Lao Hei?"

Cheng Yaojin's body trembled, and then he was shocked: "Niu? Where is the cow?"

"Oh oh... I brought the cow! Hehehe..."

Cheng Yaojin was hungry at first glance, and he was trembling when he walked.

After arriving in the inner room, the warmth surrounded him, and Cheng Yaojin let out a long breath: "Brother Liu Xuan, how about sending my kid over now?"

Why is Cheng Yaojin so anxious?

Liu Xuan looked at his dark face and suddenly smiled.

"Old Cheng, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. We have to sharpen the knife first, no, make something first."

Cheng Yaojin's eyes rolled around: "Brother Liu Xuan, tell me what you need to do, and I, Old Cheng, will do it with you."

"Besides, I, Old Cheng, have plenty of strength."

Liu Xuan wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered that Cheng Yaojin was born in poverty and heard that he had carved stone tablets before. This skill should not be wasted.

"Old Cheng, tell me, why are you so polite?"

"How can I let you work?"

"But you are right, then help me carve the words?"

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