Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 20 Li Shimin: I'll pay more

"Little shopkeeper, our old Li was also a well-known person in the area. In this life, his family was harmonious, his brothers were united, his father was kind and his son was filial. Now he has many children and lives a tiring life."

"In this life... I have never enjoyed it."

"Little shopkeeper, when I came just now, I smelled a strange fragrance coming from the backyard. It's a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Why don't you share it with me?"

Li Shimin grinned and was greedy.

Really greedy.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the strange fragrance. Li Shimin's body seemed to have a big mouth that could not be filled. His mouth was wide open and he was crying for food. ❃

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he quietly waited for Liu Xuan's reply.

At this time, a childish voice came: "Uncle who gets drunk with one glass of wine, I know what that sentence means."

Yaya poked her head out from behind at some point: "A friend came from afar to compete with me, how can I not have a good fight with him?"

A cool breeze blew, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Li Shimin heard such an explanation for the first time in his life, and he felt refreshed for no reason.

"Good, well said!"

On weekdays, those civil officials always use the classic words of the Analects to educate themselves. I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, not your student. Is it your turn to educate me every day?

Look at him, a four-year-old child, his interpretation is very interesting.

"Guest, this is just a joke."

"Hey, little shopkeeper, don't tell me, maybe Confucius meant it, right?"

"Guest, Datang Restaurant has principles. We launch two new dishes every seven days. We are honest and trustworthy. Heaven and earth can bear witness to this..."

Li Shimin squinted his eyes: "I'll pay more!"

Liu Xuan was silent for a while, looking at the money bag on the table, and sighed: "Guest, you misunderstood. Rules are rules..."


Li Shimin slapped it again, with a loud sound.

The gold ingot was placed in front of Liu Xuan.

Liu Xuan pondered for a while and frowned: "Guest, you are so polite, then try the snacks I made for my daughter and my brother."

"Rules are dead, people are alive, please wait."

When the rules were first established, they had already created huge benefits for those who violated the rules, and also provided a price list for those who wanted to break the rules.

Li Shimin seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Little shopkeeper, another mapo tofu and a bottle of Erguotou."

Liu Xuan turned around, looked at Li Shimin and said very seriously: "Okay, five hundred and fifty coins."

Li Shimin looked puzzled: "Little shopkeeper, I gave you a lot just now."

"Your daughter saw it all."

Ya Ya opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Shimin in confusion: "Uncle, what did you say? Ya Ya doesn't understand."

Liu Xuan was very pleased to see Ya Ya like this. That's right, one thing is one thing, this child has been sensible since childhood.

"Guest, that's the money for extra dishes, mapo tofu and wine, it's another price."

Li Shimin stroked his beard, not angry, fumbled for a while, and looked a little embarrassed, as if he had run out of money.

Suddenly, he pulled off the jade pendant on his waist and put it in Ya Ya's hand: "Forget it, use this."

"No need to change!"

Since ascending the throne, Li Shimin hasn't felt this feeling of following the rules and breaking the rules for a long time. The last time was the night of Xuanwu Gate.

Since becoming the emperor, he has been surrounded by people who obey him in everything. This feeling is a bit novel.

Even if Wei Zheng is always against him, it's just words.

Liu Xuan is the first person who is willing to let Li Shimin pay and even add money.

Liu Xuan looked at the jade pendant and grinned: "Guest, this is a bit expensive. I am a principled person."

"Will you accept it?"


Liu Xuan turned his head and looked at Yaya: "Yaya, this is a good thing given to you by your uncle. Aye will keep it for you."

Before Yaya could react, the jade pendant she had just received was already in Liu Xuan's hands. At this moment, she didn't know what she had missed and was still looking around curiously.

In the kitchen, Liu Xuan looked at the gold ingot and the jade pendant in his hand. The gold ingot was of good quality and put into his sleeves. The jade pendant was not an ordinary item. The things used by the emperor all had dragon and phoenix patterns on them.

If Yaya takes this thing out to play, she will get into trouble accidentally. Liu Xuan is not afraid of trouble, but is worried that Yaya will be hurt.

Putting away the jade pendant and the gold ingot, Liu Xuan turned on the system, and his voice became excited: "System, two pounds of tofu!"

After an incense stick, Liu Xuan came out again. On the large tray in his hand, there was a casserole and two plates. In one of the plates, there were two meat boxes and three vegetable boxes.

In the other hand, he held a porcelain bottle of Erguotou.

When people are happy, they are refreshed and their feet are light.

"Guest, please enjoy."

Li Shimin was discussing the meaning of "The Analects" with Yaya Dazhuang. When he saw the delicious food on the table, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Little shopkeeper, with your skills, I'm afraid you can walk sideways in the whole Chang'an."

Liu Xuan smiled: "Guest, be more confident, it should be the whole world."

Li Shimin stroked his beard, very happy, poured wine, and ate vegetables.

A glass of wine, a bite of vegetables, and stuffed the meat box into his mouth

One bite of meat box, one bite of vegetable box.

His face was filled with happiness.

“Come on, Yaya, you come and eat too.”

Seeing the cute little girl drooling, Li Shimin naturally didn't care so much. Young man Liu Xuan made an exception for himself and could handle it.

Yaya shook her head, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and pointed at her belly: "Uncle, Yaya has eaten a lot. If she eats more at night, the big bad wolf will crawl out of her belly."

Li Shimin burst out laughing.

The cold wind blew, and the curfew drums sounded. Outside the Datang Hotel, rustling sounds came. Li Shimin raised his eyes and saw several hurried figures wearing single clothes, shivering and trotting towards the end of the street.

When they passed by the Tang Hotel, they would take a curious look inside, then sigh and swallow their saliva before leaving.

"The weather is getting cold."

Li Shimin suddenly sighed.

This is Chang'an, and the people running outside the door are just poor people hiding in the Western Market. This winter, Yuan Tiangang said that the weather will be very cold. I don't know how those who can't keep out the cold will survive this harsh winter. .


Li Shimin sighed heavily, and the wine in his hand suddenly became like water. Compared with the hardships of people's livelihood, the strong wine was a little light.

"Why do guests sigh?"

Li Shimin shook his head and laughed at himself: "Little shopkeeper, you don't understand, it's cold."

"People's livelihood is so difficult. I don't know how many people will freeze to death."

At this time, Li Shimin heard a sneer: "What's the problem?"

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