Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 254 You count backwards to twenty

The words "Ya Ya is still young" directly broke the peace in the hearts of Li Shimin and Xu Shiji.

"Brother, you rest well at home, I'm going back."

"I must have a good talk about this matter, I can't just let it go."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, Xu Shiji also added: "Such audacity must be severely punished."

Liu Xuan looked at the two and planned to continue to add fuel to the fire.

"Well, it's just the two of you, forget it, they should be a big family, a big force, I am the Marquis of Lantian, I can't afford to offend them, let alone others."

"Old Li, don't look at you as a relative of the emperor, but whether the emperor will buy your face is another matter."

"Old Xu, you are a doorman, what are you doing, just do your job steadily."

Li Shimin and Xu Shiji looked at each other, saluted to Liu Xuan, and then rushed out.

Outside the Marquis's Mansion, Liu Renyuan and Xue Rengui saw Li Shimin and Xu Shiji rushing out, and their faces were full of confusion.

"Old Liu, why do you always look at that Li?"

Liu Renyuan covered Xue Rengui's mouth: "Shhhh, don't talk nonsense."

"He is Old Li in the Marquis' Mansion, but when he leaves the Marquis' Mansion, he is..."

"Anyway, remember, he is a very big, very big person."

Xue Rengui looked confused: "I have read books and read history, and I know he is very big. Hehe, who is he?"

"Uh, I can't say, I can't say, you can guess it at will, feel free to guess boldly, but don't say it's me who said it."

In the carriage, Li Shimin's eyes flickered: "Xu Shiji, go and call Fang Xuanling, Qin Qiong, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, Niu Jinda, Yuchi Gong and others to the palace."

"Oh, by the way, find Mr. Li Gang, Kong Yingda, and Yan Shigu."

These three old men can't run away.

Outside the imperial study, Li Shimin just came back in a hurry and saw Fang Xuanling who had been waiting for a long time.

Fang Xuanling's face was calm, his eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he was different from his usual elegant and gentle appearance.

"Prime Minister Fang, when did you come?"

The moment Fang Xuanling saw Li Shimin, his face couldn't hold back.

"Your Majesty, my goddaughter has been bullied!"

Li Shimin's mouth twitched twice, and he waved his hand: "Come in first, I also came back for this matter, and I was planning to go to the East Market for a walk."

The Zheng Mansion at night is one of the few large houses in Chang'an City.

The old man lay in the house early, enjoying the warm atmosphere in the whole house.

"The stove is a good thing, but it's a pity that the coal burned in the stove is not our business."

When the old man spoke, Zheng Youlai was serving him on the side.

"Grandpa, they haven't come back yet. Will there be any accidents?"

"Hehe, little guy, he is just a Marquis of Lantian. It's already a great honor for Zheng of Xingyang to come to him."

In their eyes, Zheng of Xingyang is the most prominent family in the world. Even the current emperor has to be wary of them.

"I'll go there tomorrow morning. What if..."

Zheng Youlai was indeed a little hesitant.

At this moment, there was a hurried sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a servant hurriedly delivered a letter to the old man.

The old man opened the envelope and saw several names.

"Oh? So many people, did they write the same letter?"

Continue to read down, the more he read, the more excited the wrinkles on the old man's face became.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"I have checked this Lantian Marquis Liu Xuan. He is just a commoner and a merchant. I don't know how he suddenly became the Lantian Marquis of the Tang Dynasty. He has no background or power. Could he be a member of the Hedong Liu family?"


Zheng Youlai heard the old man of the Zheng family in Xingyang muttering to himself, and his uneasiness became more and more intense.

"This is stirring up a hornet's nest..."

In the night, Zheng San was being interrogated by Liu Renyuan and Xue Rengui in the firewood room.

Liu Xuan pushed open the door, and the dusty smell in the firewood room made him a little unbearable.

"Haven't you said it yet?"

Liu Renyuan grinned: "Marquis, this man has been a soldier, and his bones are a bit hard."

"Hard? Hard bones, or hard mouth." Liu Xuan smiled and waved his hand behind him, "I knew you couldn't do anything. It just so happened that I just drew water from the deep well and added something in it."

The pepper powder was mixed in the water, and soon the whole bucket became a deep red.

Zheng San had marks of whip on his body, but he still refused to surrender.

"I just entered unintentionally, without any other purpose. If you force me to confess, my master will definitely stand up for me when he comes!"

Zheng San was still thinking about someone coming to save him.

"Still stubborn, still stubborn."

"Liu Renyuan, pour a bucket, don't waste it."

Liu Renyuan had never seen this red water before, and for a moment he stretched out his hand curiously, dipped it, and put it in his mouth.

Oh my goodness, in an instant, he felt a burning sensation in his mouth, making him want to find a place to get in.

"My Lord, this..."

"Just use it."

Liu Xuan patted the dust off his body, stood outside the door with his hands behind his back, and waited. A stick of incense was lit. If Zheng San could hold on for a stick of incense, it meant that he was a real man.


Liu Xuan knew the taste of pepper water. When he was in college, Liu Xuan cooked for his ex-girlfriend and washed his hands several times after cutting peppers, but it was still hot.

It was not until the next day, when his ex-girlfriend had difficulty walking, that Liu Xuan realized that peppers were difficult to deal with.

That was just a little pepper, and it was an ordinary screw pepper. Now, it is a real red pepper powder. It was introduced in the system that this is Chaotian pepper.

Xue Rengui squatted at the door: "Lord, is this thing useful?"

It is obvious that Xue Rengui does not know what is inside.

"Do you know what that red thing is?"

"I don't know."

"Do you remember that when you eat, there is something that makes your tongue hot?"

Xue Rengui suddenly realized: "Lord, I understand."

"It's peppers. You told me last time."

Xue Rengui said here, and suddenly realized something: "Lord, you asked me to cut peppers last time, and said that it can't touch the wound...hiss..."

Liu Xuan nodded: "Yes, it was the time when you didn't wash your hands and insisted on going to the toilet."

Xue Rengui couldn't help but clamp his legs together. He didn't want to experience the taste of peppers again.

In life, there are always some pains that are unbearable, but the burning pain that is like a stick of fire attached to the bones, although not particularly intense, is like the body is burning, and the feeling of thousands of insects crawling, he does not want to experience it again in this life.

"My Lord, I bet he can't last more than an incense stick."

Liu Xuan shook his head: "An incense stick? You overestimate him."

"Count down to twenty..."

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