Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 276 Money or Not Is Not Important

Yuan Tiangang was very happy. He didn't expect that in his peaceful life, he could still discover the truth hidden under the land during his lifetime. This was very satisfying to him.

It was not important what he got from digging the tomb. What was important was that in this process, everything he learned in his life was rigorously verified.

Looking at the hill in the north that looked like a grave, Yuan Tiangang seemed to have some insights.

"You guys continue to work here. I'll go outside."

Yuan Tiangang had a huge question in his mind. He knew that if he didn't get it done now, he might not have a chance in the future.

His goal was the direction of Lantian Marquis' Mansion.

When he came back from the Datang Hotel at noon, Li Shimin and Li Jing had already left. Li Jing asked Liu Xuan many times how to make money. Liu Xuan joked and finally said, "Of course, making money is robbery."

Li Jing collapsed at that moment, but it was very fast!

Li Jing seemed to have realized something, and turned around and began to conspire loudly with Li Shimin, saying that they would set up a team to protect the caravans and charge fees...

After returning to the mansion, Liu Xuan ate something casually, and saw Cheng Yaojin squatting on the ground and staring at Goudan.

Beside Cheng Yaojin, there was a naive young boy squatting. He was not very old, but the posture revealed by his body showed that he was a product of the old Cheng family.

Cheng Yaojin squatted on the ground, his back hunched forward, his feet facing outward, his hands drooping on his knees, his posture was familiar, indecent, and tasteful.

The boy was also like this next to Cheng Yaojin, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

You said these two people are not father and son, how is it possible?

Liu Xuan smiled: "Old Cheng, are you reminiscing with your brother?"

Cheng Yaojin did not turn his head, and his voice floated over: "Brother Liu Xuan, don't say anything nonsense, I just think that your dog is a little naughty, I have to torture it! Just like torture an eagle, Li Daliang personally told me how to torture an eagle."

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's serious attitude, Liu Xuan was embarrassed to point it out.

There are not many people in this world who can embarrass Goudan, and now Cheng Yaojin is one of them.

No matter where Goudan goes, what posture he makes, or what he does, Cheng Yaojin's eyes will never leave more than two meters, just staring at him, staring at Goudan, without any slack, and with a strange smile on his lips.

Goudan was already lying on the ground, burying his head in the fluff on his chest, and making low ambulance sounds from his mouth, as if accusing: I may not be a human, but you are a real dog.

"Chuxia, meet your uncle Liu."

Liu Xuan was stunned and waved his hand immediately: "Old Cheng, why do I feel old? I'm only sixteen years old, how can I become an uncle?"

Cheng Yaojin was still making love with Goudan, but Goudan had fallen asleep, and his sleeping posture gradually became more unrestrained.

"Why do you and I have to talk so much? The child calls you uncle, which means you are older!"

Cheng Chuxia, Liu Xuan has an impression of this name.

Among Cheng Yaojin's sons, this is the youngest one, and the last and simplest one.

Other sons either inherited the Duke of the State, or lay flat and did nothing, waiting to die, or became a big climate, became a son-in-law, did great things, and did not lose their reputation.

Only this Cheng Chuxia, he is just a Shelang of the Imperial Secretariat, and it is also an ordinary existence.

"Is this your youngest son?"

Cheng Yaojin did not answer, and Cheng Chuxia bowed his head at this time: "Cheng Chuxia meets Uncle Liu."

Liu Xuan was immediately shocked, old sly guy, you are making trouble.

Your child bows to me when he sees me, so shouldn't I give him a red envelope?

No, Cheng Yaojin shouldn't have so many thoughts, right?

But the next moment, Liu Xuan was stunned on the spot.

Cheng Yaojin stood up in a big way, rubbing his head and shoulders: "The child has bowed, you have to show your appreciation?"

"Don't say anything more, forget about money, it's too vulgar, the old Cheng family is not that vulgar, just accept the child as a student, after all, the child is so smart, if he doesn't follow you, it will be a big loss."

Cheng Yaojin is a smart man. Cheng Chuxia is young, and has not made any progress in many years of elementary school. Being young is not an excuse. Let him worship under Liu Xuan and become Liu Xuan's student. Who knows one day in the future, he will suddenly bring honor to the family.

For a child born out of wedlock, it is already a luxury to spend his life in peace and stability. If he can make achievements, it will be a great honor to the ancestral grave.

Liu Xuan looked at Cheng Chuxia and smiled. The child looked a little dazed, but there was a gleam of light in his eyes. He was young, but it didn't matter.

"How old are you?"

"Almost five years old."

Liu Xuan nodded: "It's the same thing. Old Cheng, you are always so polite."

"Since you've asked, I'll charge less. How about a million strings of cash?"

Cheng Yaojin immediately widened his eyes, stretched his neck, and looked at Liu Xuan with veins popping out. He didn't say a word for a long time.

Niu Jinda and Yuchi Gong were admiring Dazhuang's wall-building when they were suddenly disturbed by the sharp whistles coming from Cheng Yaojin's throat. When they came out, Cheng Yaojin looked like someone was pinching his neck.

"Old Cheng, what's wrong with you? You can't get hurt."

"Old Cheng, stay calm. I'll go find Dr. Sun. He's gone into the mountains to collect herbs. I'll go find him!"

After Niu Jinda and Yuchi Gong finished talking, Cheng Yaojin let out a long breath, looked at Niu Jinda, and then glanced at Yuchi Gong.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine."

"Even if there is something wrong, I'm afraid you won't see Dr. Sun until the beginning of next spring when you go to the mountains. If there is something wrong, can I still hold on until next spring?"

Cheng Yaojin took a deep breath: "Brother Liu Xuan, you are still good at making money."

Cheng Yaojin was about to cry.

Cheng Chuxia hadn't figured out what was going on yet. When he heard about money, his mouth suddenly raised: "Father, don't worry, let's go and steal the birthday gift!"

I fucking...

The yard of Liu Xuan's house became a place for Cheng Yaojin to educate his children.

Goudan watched this scene excitedly, watching Cheng Yaojin spank Cheng Chuxia, wagging his tail excitedly, lowering his eyebrows and looking pleasing, as if he had a yearning look.

When Cheng Yaojin stopped, Cheng Chuxia stood there without saying a word, his legs trembling. How could a child withstand Cheng Yaojin's slap?

Even if Cheng Yaojin was holding back, Cheng Chuxia was still very uncomfortable at this time.

Liu Xuan sighed: "Stop talking, 10,000 guan, isn't that a lot?"

Cheng Yaojin, who was furious, suddenly relaxed his face, was happy, his voice was calm, his eyes were firm, and he ignored Cheng Chuxia's existence.

"Brother Liu Xuan, you are such a joker, how can 10,000 guan be enough? I'll add 10,000 guan. The money is not important, the important thing is the child's education."

"Let's go inside and have a drink."

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