Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 288 Li Shimin: The general who is supervising the road construction will not repair the crac

Since ancient times, in addition to food, many daily necessities are related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Today, Liu Xuan made such good sugar that many people in the Tang Dynasty can afford it. Tomorrow, Liu Xuan might make better salt...

I dare not think about it!

So Li Shimin must figure out what will happen to white sugar in the future. Liu Xuan is usually slow-tempered. Li Shimin knows that if he does not ask clearly at the first time, he may be interrupted and forget about it when he enters the Marquis' Mansion.

No matter how important the matter is, being interrupted by Liu Xuan will definitely make Li Shimin regret it after returning to the palace.

He had to do this today.

It was so cold outside the door, and Li Shimin shivered, which was very funny, but he just refused to go in.

The midday sun did not make people feel so comfortable. Every time it shone on his face, Li Shimin always felt that there was a knife in the sun.

Every time a carriage passed by the door, Li Shimin's heart was like being stirred by a stick, full but not full. ❃

Finally, when a familiar carriage appeared, Li Shimin's heart skipped a beat. Yes, it should be this one.

Li Shimin strode up and lifted the curtain directly, complaining at the same time: "Liu Xuan, you can actually make such pure white sugar, amazing."

The curtain was lifted, and Li Shimin's words stopped abruptly. It was not Liu Xuan in the carriage, but a face he didn't want to see.

Li Yuan.

Li Yuan sat lazily in the carriage, staring at Li Shimin, without saying a word.

"Father, why are you here..."

When he heard this, Li Yuan got angry.

"Such a rare thing appeared in your jurisdiction, which is of great importance, and you didn't know it?"

"I am Yaya's godfather, why can't I come?"

Li Shimin hurriedly bowed his hands and said yes.

"Father, I came here specifically for this matter."

Li Yuan smiled, then shook his head and sighed: "There are so many things in the world, you can't do everything yourself, right?"

"I don't know since when, you actually leave the palace for nothing, not handling government affairs properly, not governing the world properly, why do you come out to stroll? What's the difference between you and the street urchins in Chang'an?"

"I didn't give you these things back then, but I didn't let you fool around like this."

Li Yuan finally seized the opportunity, and he had to tease Li Shimin. When he spoke, his eyebrows were flying, and he was as proud as he could be.

But he still spoke in a serious tone, which directly confused Li Shimin.

Li Shimin felt bitter, but he couldn't say it. What he did here in Liu Xuan, it was impossible to tell Li Yuan.

But Li Shimin knew exactly why Li Yuan came here.

"Father, I just came here to ask Liu Xuan something."

Li Yuan stopped talking, and Li Shimin was embarrassed.

At this time, Li Shimin looked around. The people who built roads in Chang'an were too responsible, right? How come there is not a crack on the ground?

Damn the Ministry of Works, damn the General Construction Supervisor.

It doesn't matter who comes now.

Li Shimin felt that these few breaths were like several years, and his face was cold.

Li Yuan was also embarrassed at this time, and he kept muttering in his heart.

You have lifted the curtain, can't you put it down?

You don't want to come in? This is the roadside!

Forget it, I wanted to make a quick decision, but it seems that Erlang has some thoughts in his mind. This kid always thinks too much. If you had thought more in the early years, you can still have a family together now. Where did you go back then?

The two looked at each other awkwardly. The snow had stopped falling, and the air was filled with the cold breath of melting ice and snow.

"Old Li, what are you doing? Why don't you go in?"

Liu Xuan's voice came, and Li Shimin almost collapsed all over.

Why didn't you come back earlier!

"Who's in the carriage?" Liu Xuan saw a carriage from a distance, and a familiar figure standing on the roadside. You know, the alley in Xinghuafang is so cold when the wind blows. Looking carefully, isn't that Li Shimin?

At this time, Li Shimin turned his head to look at Liu Xuan and laughed: "Brother, you are back."

"It's okay, there is no one in the carriage, hehe."

He patted the horse's butt, and the next moment, the carriage ticked and slowly left towards the other end of the alley.

This operation directly made Li Yuan angry enough. No, why do you make decisions for me? It's the second time!

In the Marquis's Mansion, Li Shimin came here this time and was different from the past. He was worried and looked bleak.

"Old Li, it's so cold, you are not at home, and you always run to me. It's not right."

Liu Xuan didn't say directly that Li Shimin must have something to do when he came here, it should be because of sugar.

All the daily expenses of the ancients were strictly controlled by the state. Although sugar is not as important as salt, it is also a considerable tax.

"Haha, I was bored at home, so I came out to see you."

"You said that I was walking and walking, and I didn't know how I arrived at Xinghuafang, and arrived at your door."

Liu Xuan was embarrassed to say that the guards at home had already reported the situation to Liu Xuan, saying that Lao Li had been at the door for the whole morning, and the patterns on the bluestone slabs outside the door were flattened.

"Are you here to see Yaya?"

"Yaya, your godfather is here to see you."

Liu Xuan greeted Yaya directly.

Yaya and Dazhuang came out slowly in red robes. Yaya was better and looked festive. The candy store opened today, and she was the happiest. Starting tomorrow, Yaya would go to the candy store every day so that she could candy.

Dazhuang's red robe was already stained with mud. The first thing he did when he came back was to build a house and lay a wall. There is nothing more touching than a fool in the world.

Some fools like to lay walls, some like to watch ants, some like to be in a daze, some like to do math, and some like to write the Dream of the Red Chamber.

They are all said to be fools, but which fool doesn't have a story behind him?

"Godfather who gets drunk with one glass of wine, did you bring anything delicious for Yaya?"

While Yaya was talking, she didn't seem to be waiting for others to give her something as before, but took out a bulging purse from her pocket and put it in Li Shimin's hand.

Li Shimin's face was embarrassed. Yes, he was in a hurry to go out today and forgot some things.

But the next moment, Li Shimin took out a jade pendant from his back. This jade pendant was made by Li Yuan for him and Empress Changsun. It was a match made in heaven and had extraordinary significance.

The piece on Empress Changsun's body was given to Changle, so I'll give this one to Yaya.

"Thank you, godfather. Eat the candy quickly."

Li Shimin looked at the purse in his hand and didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Is there candy in this?"

"Yes, candy! I have a whole box full of it!"

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