Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 301 Three girls, there is a lot of knowledge involved

"Think about it. I heard that what Lan Tianhou is doing here is making glass, sugar, and other things. We don't know much about this."

"But uncle, your achievements will definitely be many. In less than half a year, you will definitely be promoted to Chang'an. When the time comes, please ask your uncle to support your nephew."

After Luo Wangu finished speaking, Yang Liufang also said: "Yes, uncle, you may not know what Lan Tianhou is doing here."

"This white sugar is a kind of icing sugar. Compared with the gray sugar and stone honey currently available in the Tang Dynasty, it is a hundred times better and extremely sweet. It only costs more than ten cents per tael, and it will even become cheaper in the future."

"We know about Marquis Lantian. He opened the Datang Hotel in Chang'an. His cooking skills are unparalleled in the world and he is extremely low-key."

"Such a person is deeply appreciated by the current Holy Emperor, but he only wants to lighten the burden of the people. Everything that such a person does in Lantian has your support, uncle."

Liu Yongshou has never felt so comfortable as he does today.

When someone flatters someone, they slap the horse on the butt. His technique is very unique.

The people who come here in Lantian are all from poor families. Once they come here, they cannot leave. Even though this place is close to Chang'an, they have been here for a lifetime. Do you want to be promoted? impossible!

The children of truly wealthy families all go to far away places to become rich and travel to harsh and cold places. When they return to Chang'an, they will be their immediate superiors.

There are only miserable people from poor families, and Liu Yongshou is one of them.

"Two worthy nephews, do you know the Marquis of Lantian very well?"

"Well, I don't think I know you too well. Uncle, let me tell you, Lantian Hou Liuxuan is a genius..."

The two of them boasted about Liu Xuan. Standing outside the factory, looking at the flow of people walking back and forth, Luo Wangu and Yang Liufang felt as if their hearts were filled with blood. The cold wind blew all morning, and their mouths were dry. Don't want to stop either.

Moreover, the two of them also noticed something. The merchants who were queuing up to pick up the goods were all very nervous, and the queues were quite long. Some of the surrounding villagers had heated rice porridge and came over to sell it. After a while, a large pot of rice porridge appeared. Just wipe it out.

"Uncle, no, Lord County Lord, you see, the people have benefited, Lantian has become more stable, and taxes have increased. If you don't get promoted, who will get promoted?"

Impacted by the sweet fantasy, Liu Yongshou felt like he was about to take off.

But the next moment, he suddenly realized, what if Lan Tianhou didn't give him these achievements?

Luo Wangu raised his hands to the sky and said: "This Lantianhou doesn't like the excitement, doesn't like to be greedy for power, and likes low-key people. If the county magistrate can be a little more pragmatic when Lantianhou comes, just like he does on weekdays. , don’t be rigid and rigid, the effect will be better.”

Luo Wangu and Yang Liufang were not stupid. When they challenged Liu Xuan, they also warned Liu Yongshou that if they didn't follow Liu Xuan's ideas, they would definitely have no chance of promotion.

However, at this moment, Liu Yongshou did not realize that not only was he going to be promoted, but he might also be promoted directly to the household department.

"You two always give me some surprises."

"I'm already old. It doesn't matter how much I get promoted. It's enough to leave my own sweat and govern a place in this land of Lantian."

Liu Yongshou's idea is also realistic. With his age, what if he went to Chang'an?

Why not make some money in Lantian, a place that is about to get rich?

"By the way, can we go in and have a look?"

Luo Wangu and Yang Liufang smiled: "That's natural, let's go and report it now."

At noon, when Liu Renyuan came back, he muttered: "Master Hou, that Lantian County magistrate went for a walk in the factory. He was yelling while walking. He has never seen the world."

Liu Xuan smiled, "Liu Yongshou, Liu Xuan still remembers the name of this man, but he has never seen him. I heard he is quite old."

"Since he has a heart, we can't forget him. Remember, let him go and visit as soon as possible, and mobilize the people of Lantian, as well as the people of our fiefdom Zhuangzi, to learn some crafts and work in the factory."

Liu Renyuan nodded. This is true. If he could work in a factory, the people in Lantian would have more money.

"Master Marquis, you are truly the greatest good man in the world."

Liu Xuan immediately became unhappy. Good people are honest people, and honest people are abusive.

"Liu Renyuan, tomorrow is Yuan Day. Go and see if Da Zhuang's strength has increased."

Liu Renyuan immediately trembled: "Master Hou, I...I won't go."

"Okay, then shut up."

Outside the door, a sound like a silver bell came.

Liu Xuan looked up and saw Li Lizhi, Li Shu and Li Hui.

The appearance of these three women in the Hou Mansion today is no small matter.

Especially Li Lizhi, who was walking in front, while Li Shu and Li Hui behind her seemed unwilling, with a kind of resentment in their eyes.

"Liu Xuan, I'm here."

"Miss Li, you're fine. How are you these days?"

"It's very good, but I can't taste Liu Xuan's cooking. I feel a little uncomfortable. What good food do you have today?"

Liu Xuan smiled. In the past two days, he had prepared a lot of things to eat during the New Year. They were all prepared casually. From things like short crispy pork, to fried pancakes, to delicacies like fried hairtail, to all kinds of snacks and desserts, Liu Xuan prepared them all. Prepared well.

In addition, Yaya and Da Zhuang are both greedy, so there are all kinds of delicious food.

"Miss Li, it depends on what you want to eat."

"I want to eat... chicken... beggar's chicken!"

Until now, Li Lizhi has been thinking about the beggar chicken she ate last time.

"I came here today to ask you something, Liu Xuan. I am not young anymore. My father said that the three sisters are a little ignorant. What do you think we should learn?"

When Liu Xuan heard that the three sisters of Li Lizhi wanted to learn skills, he thought of a lot of interesting things in an instant.

For example, explosives, such as muskets and artillery, these things Liu Xuan knows very well. He once had an ex-girlfriend who was an iron weapon fan. When she was dating Liu Xuan, she almost taught Liu Xuan everything in her mind.

Later, the girl went to the military camp. I don’t know how she is now. I hope everything goes well for her.

This is the girl Liu Xuan admires the most. She never relies on being a woman to ask for this or that. She has only one belief: rely on herself.

It’s a pity that if Liu Xuan hadn’t traveled through time, he might have gone to find the girl.

"Three girls, there is a lot of knowledge here. I’m afraid you can’t grasp it."

Liu Xuan reminded.

"I can hold it, I can hold it."

Li Shu was so excited at this moment.

Li Hui also nodded.

"I have a few interesting subjects here, they are not important, let's start tomorrow?"

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