Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 303: Thunder exploding in the sky?

The Tang Dynasty was full of youth, passion, and lofty sentiments.

The Tang Dynasty was like a young man who suddenly roared at this moment.

Liu Renyuan ran away without even having time to dodge.

"Chiu..." ♦✶

When the first dull sound appeared, Liu Renyuan let out a long breath. This sound seemed acceptable. He looked up instinctively. There was suddenly a black shadow in the sky. He was already ten steps away from the firecrackers, so he should be safe.

But the next moment, it was as if something suddenly appeared in the night sky, and a flash of light illuminated the night sky.


The huge movement that followed was like a pause after the light appeared, and it was late.

The huge movement directly frightened everyone in the Marquis' Mansion.

Liu Renyuan staggered, his feet were unstable, and he fell directly.

The huge noise not only frightened Liu Renyuan, but Xue Rengui was suddenly alert. The loud noise just now was like thunder in the sky.

Even Xue Rengui, who was strong, had never seen such a scene.

"My Lord... Is it thunder?"

In the mansion, the screams came out very slowly. The maids only realized what happened now. They were terrified and hid behind the huge pillars, staring blankly at the top of their heads and rubbing their ears.

The most excited ones were Dazhuang and Yaya. Dazhuang stood on the wall he built, looked up at the sky, and when he saw the bright light, it was like seeing hope.

Yaya, who was standing by, covered her ears, but she didn't show any fear at all: "If I had this thing, I wouldn't be afraid of the big bad wolf."

The worst was Goudan. Today, Goudan saw the dangers of human society. Goudan, who was lying quietly at Liu Xuan's feet, had an innocent face and exposed his belly, wanting to be touched by Liu Xuan.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar exploded in the sky. In an instant, Goudan's hair stood up and he screamed. The more sensitive his ears were, the more uncomfortable he felt.


It was not until a moment later that Goudan calmed down and crawled out from behind the pillar. There was still a wet silk thread dragging on the ground. He was scared to death.

Liu Xuan smiled and waved to the maid to come over and wipe Goudan's body.

"Just take it back and cover its ears."

The maid was trembling and did not dare to approach the center of the courtyard.

"Liu Renyuan, continue!"

As soon as the voice fell, the roar continued.

The sound of firecrackers ended the year, and the spring breeze brought warmth to Tusu.

It was a pity that this year's spring had not yet arrived. The weather was still cold, with snowflakes fluttering and the north wind whistling. There seemed to be constant thunder in the sky of Chang'an.

Those who were far away were better, but those who were close, especially in Xinghuafang, were frightened at this moment.

The mansion next to the Lantian Marquis's Mansion has two big characters written on it: Wang Mansion.

Wang Mansion is not the mansion of the prince, but the owner's surname is Wang.

Fifty-year-old Wang Nianhua drank a little wine and got into bed with his concubine early.

The concubine is graceful, young and beautiful. She comes from a humble background, but she is hardworking and simple. Wang Nianhua plans to do something with the concubine. If she can have a child, that would be the best.

"Yun'er, do you know that I may be promoted this year?"

The girl called Yun'er had already covered herself with the quilt and blew out the wind and pulled her.

The night was just right and the room was warm. Why did the master suddenly talk about such a thing?

"Master, you were promoted once last year, and once again this year, which is a cause for celebration."

"Hey, you don't understand. Now our Taiyuan Wang family has found a position. Your Majesty was a bit ruthless this time. He has basically cleared out all the people who should be cleared out a few days ago."

Wang Nianhua said this with lingering fear. The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was the supreme existence, but since ancient times, the imperial power would not reach the county level.

After all, local forces have long been natural. Even if you are the king of heaven, you will lose some meat when you fight against the local snakes.

In the past, the wealthy and powerful families relied on such entangled forces to deal with the imperial power.

A good policy of yours may arouse civil unrest when it reaches the local level.

But your original purpose is not to target the people, right?

If any disturbance in Li Shimin's taxation provokes the wealthy and powerful families, then those people represented by the wealthy and powerful families will start to use that big net to roll and stir, turning your beautiful policies into harsh policies against the people. If things go wrong, rebellion will often happen.

This is also the difficult side between the imperial power and the aristocracy.

But this time, everything is different.

Wang Nianhua clearly remembers that this time there were not only officials responsible for execution in Taiyuan, but also some people in the army.

They carried the imperial sword of His Majesty. In the local area, no matter who it was, as long as the gentry said one more word, they would definitely be arrested directly.

In the past years, the Taiyuan Wang family did not worry that someone would be dissatisfied with them. Even if the emperor was dissatisfied, the minions under his hands would do something.

This time is different. Those people are obviously well prepared and aggressive.

Even the old man in the Taiyuan Wang family mansion in Chang'an has not been seen for several days.

I heard that when I didn't come back a few days ago, I was taken away in the middle of the night.

Afterwards, Wang Nianhua received an order from the head of the family to show goodwill to His Majesty.

The Taiyuan Wang family and the Taiyuan Li family had lived on the same land. At that time, the Li family was not yet a force to be reckoned with, and could only rely on the famous families with the surname Li in history to maintain their reputation.

"You won't know if I say too much. Anyway, I have done some things, and I will definitely be promoted."

After compromising and taking out real money, Wang Nianhua felt that with the temperament of the current emperor, he just wanted to be submissive!

Afterwards, he would definitely be promoted, there is no doubt about it, and he would set an example for the submissive families.

His hands began to be dishonest. Thinking of the promotion, he felt that his body began to become hot. It is said that power is the best aphrodisiac for men, and this is true.

Yun'er also became soft all over.

Everything was just right. Wang Nianhua, who was restless all over, did not realize that he was already fifty years old. At this time, he felt like he was back to the year when he was twenty years old.

Just when he was excited, suddenly, it seemed like something suddenly exploded in his ears.


There was a loud noise coming from nowhere. In the quiet night, it sounded like thunder, as if it was exploding next to his ears.

In an instant, he seemed to be stimulated. He jumped up suddenly, naked, sweating all over, staring out the window with wide eyes.

"Who? What happened? Why is there a thunder explosion in the middle of the night?"

The next moment, less than a few breaths later, the second thunder was heard from the sky.

This time, he trembled.

The third, fourth... the tenth...

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