Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 306: 20 cents for a book? Liu Xuan can’t accept it?

Li Shimin immediately frowned and looked at his teacup. There was a piece of sawdust lying inside. It was quite large and stained with some gray marks. It smelled like something burnt in the air.

The smell was hard to describe, but Li Shimin felt it was very familiar, like the smell of a battlefield.

It's like something I've smelled somewhere.

"Pah, pah, pah...puff, puff...what the hell."

Fang Xuanling kept spitting at this time and looked at his tea bowl with disgust.

Although Li Chengqian didn't spit, the sawdust at the corner of his mouth also explained the problem.

The thunderous sound just now seemed to be extremely violent. The bamboo tube exploded in mid-air and fell into pieces, as if struck by lightning, which shocked Li Shimin extremely.

"No, I have to ask Liu Xuan clearly about this matter."

"Chengqian, go buy two books and see what Datang Bookstore sells."

"Buy a few more copies."

Li Chengqian was sent away. At this time, Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling and said, "I'll make a bet with you. The books sold in Datang Bookstore today will definitely be very cheap."

Fang Xuanling frowned and looked at Li Shimin, and looked suspiciously in the direction of Liu Renyuan. At this time, Liu Renyuan kept handing over to others, saying something like "Please come here if you are the best, please go away if you are not good" and "Congratulations" Words like "get rich" are out of tune when you hear them.

"Sir, book production is extremely complicated. If the price is too low, how will the craftsmen in the world survive?"

What Fang Xuanling said makes sense. This is the current understanding of ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty. People cannot infer things beyond their own understanding, and neither can Fang Xuanling, but Fang Xuanling is good at thinking: "Master, you... I dare not accept the bet."

Li Shimin immediately darkened his face: "Old Fang, you must take it."

"Then I bet you are right?"

There were black lines on Li Shimin's face. He looked at Fang Xuanling for a long time and couldn't say a word.

Fang Xuanling didn't accept the move, and Li Shimin was furious. He still misses the ten coins.

"Lao Fang, you are so thick-skinned. I don't know when you became so shameless."

"Hey, sir, I learned this from you. You are my role model."

The arrogant Li Shimin decided not to argue with Fang Xuanling and sighed: "Old Fang, you don't know, I was worried about those things before, but these days, when Ma Zhou takes care of it, those people have no power to resist at all."

"I overestimated them."

Fang Xuanling was still frightened, thinking about how to answer after hearing Li Shimin's words.

Ma Zhou carries His Majesty's sword, and goes out just to kill people, kill chickens to scare monkeys, and use strong methods to directly replace them. If any family refuses to accept it, they will be directly annihilated. Under such circumstances, he is called the butcher.

Who dares to disobey the butcher?

The largest aristocratic family was taken care of, and the intricate network of connections in those places had no time to be used.

Fang Xuanling clearly remembers that in the first year of Zhenguan, the year after His Majesty lifted the table, His Majesty issued decrees to reduce agricultural taxes and show compassion for the people.

As a result, the aristocratic families used the tax reduction method from the bottom up to themselves. The people paid more taxes on their behalf, and they just enjoyed the benefits. The richer they were, the less they paid taxes.

At that time, His Majesty sent young officials to the place. As a result, the

As soon as he opened the door, countless officials came to the place in person, slapped his hat on him, used their power to suppress others, and even alerted the eunuchs in the palace at that time.

The reason why Fang Xuanling still remembers this scene is mainly because the net was so terrifying. Fang Xuanling only experienced it once and could not forget it.

Will it happen again now?

Probably not. In recent times, most of the reports sent back by Ma Zhou were about how to deal with local officials. They were all reports. If there were problems, Ma Zhou would have asked for help.

Besides, Ma Zhou had soldiers with him when he went there. Even if the soldiers were not in front of Ma Zhou, then Ma Zhou himself was not an idle person.

It is only natural for a man of the Tang Dynasty to be both civil and military.

Fang Xuanling suddenly realized that His Majesty might actually be able to do it this time.

If this is the case, from then on, the wealthy families in the world will almost cease to exist. Those wealthy noble families of the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes may one day fall apart and disappear.

Thinking of this, Fang Xuanling touched his beard and looked at Li Shimin.

At this time, Li Shimin squinted his eyes, changed a cup of tea, and silently commented. He was thinking about one thing, is the Journey to the West story exciting or not?

One more thing, I just saw someone coming out with two books in his hands. What could the other one be? Is it the way of Confucius and Mencius?

Among the people who appeared in Datang Bookstore today, Kong Yingda and Li Gang were relatively conspicuous.

When they appeared from afar, there were young scholars standing by to salute.

The news of the opening of Datang Bookstore spread very quickly, especially on Yuan Day. It spread like a plague among the gossipy Chang'an people.

Scholars gathered around very quickly, and young scholars were always full of yearning. They left their hometowns and went to Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty for a better future.

Seeing those scholars, Li Shimin suddenly felt relieved.

Fang Xuanling said: "Master, they are the hope of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin felt in his heart, yes, if these people are not, then who are?

"Father, a book, only twenty cents!"

"One Journey to the West, one Water Margin!" Li Chenggan's voice came with surprise.

Li Shimin's eyes were instantly filled with tears. Liu Xuan was really his lucky star. If he hadn't walked into the Datang Hotel that day, he might have missed this opportunity.

At this time, outside the Datang Bookstore, Yan Shigu was squatting on the stone steps at the door holding a book. His face was serious, but his mouth moved from time to time.

It was a story about Water Margin, and he was reading it with relish.

When Li Gang and Kong Yingda found Yan Shigu, it was already a little late. At this time, Yan Shigu was unmovable and couldn't be pulled away at all.

"Old man, do you still need someone to invite you?"

Yan Shigu glanced at the two of them, did not answer, but handed over the two books beside him.

It was very fast!

The three old men squatted on the stool outside the door, looking at the books in fascination, and became the most beautiful scenery in the West Market, outside the Datang Bookstore today.

In the attic not far away, Liu Xuan was watching this scene and was very satisfied.

"Yourong, you know, this is not a matter of two books, this is a matter concerning all the readers in the world."

"They have never seen such cheap books in their lives."

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