Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 33 I made a decision that went against my ancestors

Qin Qiong's eyes were full of excitement. Not to mention the conditions, as long as he could cure his disease and it was not too much, he would agree.

"Little shopkeeper, do you want the medical fee?"

Cheng Yaojin suddenly spoke.

"You name the number. As long as we brothers can come up with it, we will definitely get it together."

"If you can't get it out, we'll rob the Ministry of Revenue's warehouse to get it together for you tonight!"

As expected of a trio of military commanders, once they heard that Qin Qiong's disease could be cured, each one became more active than the other, and even the idea of ​​robbing the household came up.

You can't say they did it on purpose, but if you say they didn't think about it, that's basically impossible.

"Ahem, it's not that serious."

"Today I got a new house, which can be regarded as a move to a new home. But now, the new house still lacks some maids and servants..."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Qiong's face relaxed a little. As long as he didn't violate his conscience, wouldn't it be simple?

Cheng Yaojin grinned: "Little shopkeeper, what's the problem? I'll go to Yahang in a moment and have them ready overnight. I'll bring you the best maids and servants tomorrow. You can choose as you like!" "

Liu Xuan was still thinking just now that Li Shimin had given him a house that belonged to the former dynasty. It was estimated that there were only some people in charge of the house and a few people had nothing to do to clean it. But once he moved in, there would be no need for daily living. There are too many people. After all, such a big house will be empty if it is empty, right?

What's more, Liu Xuan has a plan when he wants someone.

Datang Hotel, with such an impressive name, doesn't even have a greeter at the door. It can't be just Yaya and Da Zhuang counting ants at the door every time, right?

Besides, winter is coming soon, and the ants have all finished moving the food and gone back to spend the winter.

Qin Qiong raised his hands and said, "Don't worry, sir. Starting from tomorrow, Mr. Qin will come here every morning. As long as Mr. Qin lives for one day, Mr. Qin is in Chang'an. As long as he doesn't commit too big a crime, he can walk sideways!"

As soon as he said this, Qin Shubao, who was holding two maces, seemed to be back again.

The fire was warm, and in the main hall, Cheng Yaojin and others got a few more bottles of wine, and the laughter continued until late at night.

It wasn't until the third watch that Cheng Yaojin and others walked away with eight-step steps and hummed a little tune. Qin Qiong took Liu Xuan's "prescription" with him, and was naturally satisfied. When he left, he was still amazed.

Liu Xuan's prescription for Qin Qiong is nothing more than some animal offal recipes. When you drink porridge, it is reasonable to add cooked pork liver to it, right? Doesn’t taste good? Then I have no choice but to come to Datang Hotel to eat. Anyway, you will have to live with this disease for at least a few years.

As for the method of entraining qi that must be practiced every morning, it is naturally... the National Middle School Student Radio Gymnastics.

I didn’t know how to do gymnastics when I was young, and I was in mid-life crisis. Qin Qiong's anemia can be cured, and combined with diet therapy and radio gymnastics, it can be improved within a year.

After a few people left, Liu Xuan went into the house and covered Yaya with a quilt.

But he saw Yaya with wide eyes.

"Yaya, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Yaya pouted: "Aye, why don't you let that uncle twist off the big bad wolf's head."

Liu Xuan was silent, thinking about whether he should put him to sleep physically. After all, Yaya had already started to find a way to deal with the big bad wolf.

In Chang'an City, the nobles were active in the second half of the night.

Therefore, people call it half human and half ghost, which is just a joke.

In the night, the lights in the imperial city were still lit, especially the Manna Hall.

Li Shimin was lying on the couch, unable to conceal his excitement.

"Why can't I sleep?"

"Does that black gold really exist?"

"If that kid is lying to me, this house... Bah, if he dares to lie to me, can he live in this house? I have ten thousand ways to prevent him from living in!"

Li Shimin's vicious look is very much like the owner of a foreclosed property in later generations. As long as others dare to buy it, I will dare to torture you.

"Hey, that's the ancestral grave."

"If we dig it and damage the dragon's veins, what should we do?"

Li Shimin couldn't sleep, so he got up and sat by the desk to read "The Analects of Confucius".

It is said that half of the Analects can rule the world, but Li Shimin turned over it and could only think of Yaya's fierce look.

Suddenly, Li Shimin thought of a person. If the black gold thing could come true, if this person didn't come forward, he might not be able to do it in Jinyang.

"Do we really have to ask the ghosts and gods instead of the common people?"

"Do I really want to make that decision that goes against my ancestors?"

The palace was quiet at night. In one of the palaces, Li Lizhi looked at several different sets of clothes on display and began to look worried.

"Which one should I wear?"

"These items all seem to be quite good, and they look good no matter what you wear."

"I don't know if Liu Xuan likes this color."

Autumn has arrived, everything is yellow, and the white color is extremely dazzling. A dark green skirt seems to show off your temperament, and the light red dress looks cute...

For a moment, Li Lizhi fell into a dilemma of choice.

At this time, in another palace, Li Hui was rubbing her head and getting some exquisite accessories for her clothes to disguise herself as a man. She had completely forgotten that she was pretending to be a man.

After adding countless accessories, beads and flowers to the entire dress, she finally nodded with satisfaction: "This will look good!"

"I don't know what my sister thinks, but she insists on dressing up as a man..."

Also troubled is Li Shu.

At this time, Li Shu was dressed as a man, so she must have a sword, right? Since she was a man, she would have to bring some self-defense equipment if she encountered a gangster while walking in Chang'an? It was reasonable, right?

She kept looking at herself in the bronze mirror, and she seemed to have forgotten that she wanted to attract a man. Since he was a man, she had to use women's methods.

She thought that men were like heroes in books, and only liked brotherly feelings.

"Should I wear armor?"

This idea suddenly popped up in Li Shu's mind.

As long as people want to sleep, they can always sleep.

There is no such thing as how you can sleep at this age.

Especially for Dazhuang and Yaya, when the sun was high, Liu Xuan had already gotten up and cooked leisurely.

Even if he came to the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xuan didn't want to wrong himself.

"System, open the store."

A huge panel appeared in front of him. Liu Xuan nodded and swiped, ordering pepper, chili, grass fruit, beef, bone soup, starch, thin vermicelli, day lily, peanuts, fungus, tofu skin...

There are also a lot of ingredients.

Wouldn't it be boring for breakfast today without spicy soup? Make a pot first and save the rest for later.

Cut the beef into pieces and start to cook.

In another big pot, a lot of oil has been poured.

Da Zhuang and Ya Ya had already eaten up the meat and vegetable boxes last time, so let's make oil cakes for them this time.

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