Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 36 Good News and Bad News

"What's wrong?" Liu Xuan originally planned to live in this new house on weekdays. After all, living in the store is not a good idea. He can just hire two guys to help in the store.

But Da Zhuang's words suddenly made Liu Xuan feel sad.

In an instant, Liu Xuan understood Da Zhuang's thoughts.

"Don't you want to leave them?"

They refer to Liu Xuan's original parents, who are also the ones who saved Da Zhuang alive.

Da Zhuang didn't say anything, but lowered his head silently and squatted on the ground. The ground here is all blue bricks, no soil, no ants, and Da Zhuang is anxious and sweating.

"Da Zhuang, listen to me." Liu Xuan sighed and said slowly.

"You can live anywhere you want, but I'm a little worried about you living there alone."

"I want to take them over. After so many years of suffering, we finally have a home in Chang'an, right?"

Da Zhuang still lowered his head.

"I'll get two waiters to look after the restaurant, and you can come and live here."

Da Zhuang raised his head: "I can't bear to leave the hotel."

Ah, you fool.

Forget it, in the new house, I'll keep Da Zhuang's room for him, and the rest is up to him.

Maybe after a while, Da Zhuang will get used to it.

Looking at Ya Ya again, it seems that there is no place for homesickness. No matter where it is, as long as Liu Xuan is there, it seems to be good.

After letting the maids sort out the various sundries in the courtyard, Liu Xuan took Da Zhuang and Ya Ya back to the Datang Hotel.

"Aye, don't we live in the new house today?"

"Yaya, wait a few days, no hurry."

Liu Xuan knew in his heart that if he wanted to live comfortably, at least Li Shimin had to find coal, bring it back, and burn it.

Now there are only some people who guard the house in the new house, and we will see these people in a few days.

The night is extremely difficult for people who are full of sorrow, because he knows that after this sleepless night, there will be countless sleepless nights waiting for him.

For people who are leisurely and have nothing to do, it seems difficult to fall asleep. After all, he doesn't know how long this confusion and emptiness will last.

People are animals that can't stand loneliness.

There is only one kind of person who sleeps well. That is heartless. They only live a good life in front of them and don't worry about the future.

These three days are the three most difficult days for Li Shimin.

Since signing the contract with Liu Xuan, everything has become different.

Every day when he sees the contract, Li Shimin's eyes will have bloodshot eyes. In the past, he would never believe that a merchant who met by chance could have such a magical method.

But since he ate the delicious food in Liu Xuan, he suddenly believed it.

Perhaps, this is fate.

In this life, Li Shimin has believed in all the people he should believe, and he will never believe in those he shouldn't believe in the future.

But Liu Xuan is an accident.

It had been three days since Liu Renyuan set out for Jinyang. Even if he rode at full speed, it would take three days to get from Chang'an to Jinyang. During this period, Liu Renyuan certainly could not rest.

There were few people in Ganlu Hall. Li Shimin drove out the irrelevant people and sat alone on the couch, waiting for that moment to come.

Dong Dong Dong...

The footsteps outside the door interrupted Li Shimin's thoughts.

"Your Majesty, you have to eat."

This was the seventh time that Empress Changsun sent food. Li Shimin did not have an appetite in the previous few times. Of course, there was another reason. After the baptism of higher-level delicacies, Li Shimin's tongue and taste buds had grown in experience.

It's like a woman who has seen the bright lights and wine of a big city, enjoyed the glitz and flattery, and you asked her to return to the green mountains and green waters, enjoy the embrace of nature, and live a plain life. She would definitely not be happy.

"Guanyin, I'm not very hungry..."

Empress Changsun looked embarrassed and sighed helplessly: "Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, and all the complicated things in the world are waiting for you to deal with."

"If you are exhausted, what will happen to the people?"

Empress Changsun also knew that Li Shimin would stand up when he heard about the people.

Sure enough, Li Shimin trembled, picked up his chopsticks and started eating without saying a word.

There was no atmosphere of enjoying food as in the past, only a ruthless eating machine.

Li Shimin didn't put down his chopsticks until a calm sound of footsteps came from outside the Ganlu Hall.

Yuan Tiangang came, striding with big strides, his clothes fluttering, and his immortal style.

"Your Majesty, good news!"

Li Shimin put down his chopsticks and stood up immediately: "National Master, what news."

"Your Majesty, I have thought of a foolproof plan to take black gold without touching the dragon veins or damaging the ancestral tombs."

Li Shimin was overjoyed, and his waist straightened at this moment.

"Hahaha, it's really good news, Imperial Master, if this is really possible, I will give you a big reward!"

Yuan Tiangang bowed and smiled: "Your Majesty's actions are for the people. Yuan Tiangang has only done his best. How can he be so shameless as to ask for a reward?"

"Your Majesty can give the reward to the people. In such a cold winter, if one more person lives, I only hope that the Tang Dynasty will have one more life."

Li Shimin looked at Yuan Tiangang and was very moved.

He is indeed a person from the outside world, with a fairy-like temperament and not caring about fame and fortune.

Empress Changsun sat aside and seemed to have heard some strange words.

What dragon vein? What ancestral tomb?

What is your majesty doing? Is he going to imitate Cao Mengde?

At this time, Yuan Tiangang let out a long breath: "Your Majesty, there is another bad news."

After talking about the good news, it is natural to talk about the bad news.

Li Shimin's eyes turned cold: "What bad news?"

"Your Majesty, it takes a lot of money to use manpower and soldiers to collect black gold. I have surveyed the black gold. The black gold on the ground is only enough for one year. If you want to collect it, you need to dig pits and wells and start from underground..."

Li Shimin's eyebrows suddenly spread: "Oh? No, this is good news!"

Yuan Tiangang's immortal appearance suddenly became uncalm.

Li Shimin danced excitedly and even improvised a paragraph.

"National Master, you mean that there is still a lot of black gold under the ground, right?"

Yuan Tiangang sighed: "Your Majesty, it is true."

"God blesses the Tang Dynasty and God helps me!" Li Shimin twisted his body, "Guanyin, come and dance with me..."

Chang'an rained, and the autumn rain was cold.

Liu Xuan was not in a hurry these days, but Qin Qiong always sighed when he came every morning.

It's such a good craft, but few people come to enjoy it. It's a pity.

The people of Chang'an are not rich enough to spend hundreds of coins for every meal.

Without customers, Qin Qiong couldn't find a chance to help with the work. After doing radio gymnastics, Qin Qiong felt comfortable all over and said goodbye to Liu Xuan.

Outside the door, Da Zhuang didn't see any ants today. The rice paste on the small stick in his hand seemed a little lonely.

"Da Zhuang, hahaha, is the young shopkeeper Liu Xuan here?"

Da Zhuang looked up and smiled.

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