Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 5 Li Shimin: I want to eat ten bowls

Liu Xuan also noticed this person, who seemed to be a butler among the three.

He didn't speak for a long time, but when he spoke, there was a sharp sense of oppression, as if he wanted to quarrel with others. Without more than ten years of quarrelsome experience, he would never have this kind of aura.

There is something wrong with these three people!

"Little shopkeeper, this is crispy, tender and fresh. I know that tofu is a delicacy accidentally made by Huainan King Liu An. But how do you explain the spicy taste?"

Liu Xuan smiled and narrowed his eyes. Normal people talk so much while eating. I am tired of pretending.

Just now, the man who looked like the owner of the house called the tall and thick man Lao Cheng, and the man who looked like a manager was called Lao Wei.

Liu Xuan squinted his eyes. Could these three people be the enemies in the court, plus the Demon King?

While he was thinking, Liu Xuan saw the big, thick, black-faced man named Lao Cheng slap his hand on the table.

"Old Wei, you are a person who only asks questions when you eat. You can't even keep up with the hot shit you eat!"

Cheng Yaojin's voice was like thunder, and his words echoed in the main hall of Datang Hotel for a long time.

Liu Xuan laughed secretly in his heart, it was definitely them!

Outside the hotel, there is a busy street. The people of the Tang Dynasty are very fond of gossip. They just watched the excitement of His Majesty the Tang Dynasty releasing 300 death row prisoners in the morning. Now they are worried that they have nothing to do at home. Suddenly they heard such a voice, His eyes lit up in an instant.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, his chest kept rising and falling. At that moment, he felt as if something was pouring into his forehead.

"Old Cheng, shut up!"

"Little shopkeeper, please continue!"

Li Shimin finally figured out that the little shopkeeper of Datang Hotel had special skills.

Liu Xuan was not in a hurry and took out three small bowls, three wooden spoons, and three pairs of chopsticks from the side.

"Who wants to try it first?"

Li Shimin's chest naturally puffed up. Needless to say, it had to be me, right?

"I'll come first!" Wei Zheng followed him out. He was good at everything. An Anjing watched Li Shimin show off, An Anjing watched Li Shimin show off his skills, but he just had this problem of interjecting.

"Master, let me taste it for you first to see if it's hot..."

Wei Zheng was very cautious. His Majesty went out without a eunuch. Someone had to do the tasting.

Liu Xuan nodded and guessed correctly, this aura and this tasting operation.

Tsk tsk, then I’ll let you eat the first bite of Mapo Tofu in the Tang Dynasty.

The spoon flicked the plate twice, and instantly, there were several pieces of tofu that looked like they were jumping around in the small bowl.

Wei Zheng took a deep breath: "Master, please take good care of my wife and children..."

"You talk a lot, eat it quickly!" Cheng Yaojin was anxious.

Putting the spoon to his mouth, Wei Zheng slowly opened his mouth. At that moment, he felt a hot breath hit his tongue.


Wei Zheng was stunned.

This taste is numb...spicy...soft and tender, without the harshness of tofu...The key is that there seems to be something on the tofu that makes it crispy in the mouth and melts when it sticks to your teeth...

Wei Zheng couldn't bear to swallow it. The spicy taste echoed between his mouth and his back. He couldn't help but start sweating on his back. He felt that his whole body was hot. His eyebrows stretched out and he shook his head repeatedly.

This scene immediately stunned Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin.

Yaya kept swallowing her saliva and grasped the corners of Liu Xuan's clothes tightly, her big eyes watery.

There were holes in the soles of his big feet, and he couldn't stop the squeaking at the corners of his mouth.

"Old Wei? How is it?"

No matter how well-mannered Li Shimin was, he became anxious at this time.

Good guy, going out today is just for fun, so you must follow me.

Now, if you want to eat something, you can just volunteer to try it, and just keep shaking your head without saying a word.

It was only a few breaths, but Li Shimin felt as if a year had passed, and he was sweating on his forehead.

I wonder what kind of delicious food in the world can make Li Shimin so anxious? This mapo tofu was so delicious and delicious, he felt like... he was going to explode...

"Master, the food was too little and I didn't taste it. Little shopkeeper, how about another bowl?"

Liu Xuan nodded and laughed secretly in his heart.

This upright and upright person who talks about whoring for free is reasonable and well-founded. By the way, it should be the number one bronze mirror in the Tang Dynasty.

On the rubble outside the window, Liu Renyuan felt that his feet were a little unsteady, his stomach was empty, and he was a hungry ghost in the world.

Mainly because I didn’t eat anything so early in the morning, so I went out with His Majesty.

The smell just now was so tempting that he started to feel anxious.

His stomach growled, but he had to endure it, and silently made a note of Wei Zheng's lesson in his mind: eating too slowly will be punished by an additional penalty.

After another bowl, Wei Zheng finally wiped his mouth: "Not bad, delicious!"

As soon as Wei Zheng finished speaking, Liu Xuan felt his eyes blur and the bowls and chopsticks in his hands disappeared instantly.

At the table, Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin had already begun to work hard.

"Have some rice!"

"one more bowl!"

"I want to eat ten bowls!"


Yaya and Da Zhuang swallowed their saliva at the same time, especially Da Zhuang. He was definitely responsible for the restaurant's closure.

"Master, I want to eat too..."

Yaya pulled Liu Xuan's little finger and patted her belly: "Aye, I'm hungry. Look, the two horns on my head can't stand up anymore."

Liu Xuan couldn't help but laugh. The world of children is always innocent. The two braids on Yaya's head were made by Liu Xuan for her. It's just that Yaya was not honest when she made a fuss, and it was a little scattered at this time.

Naive Yaya directly attributed the reason why her braids fell apart to not eating...

"Don't panic, after our guests have finished eating, I will prepare delicious food for you."

Li Shimin's eyes were red, and the hot feeling coming from his mouth came from time to time, as if there were insects crawling around.

The whole body seemed to be open, and every corner seemed to be breathing.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Li Shimin said three good words in a row, took a long breath, and found three or five empty rice bowls in front of him.

"'s so damn delicious!"

"Little shopkeeper, I thought you were just bragging at your young age. Now look at it, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. This Mapo Tofu is unparalleled in the world, and it truly deserves its reputation!"

Liu Xuan smiled and cupped his hands towards Li Shimin: "The guests praised it very much. If it tastes good, we will come back more often in the future."

Cheng Yaojin's mouth was full of things: "Hmm... little shopkeeper, you must come here often. This Mapo Tofu is so delicious! It tastes better than the chicken I stole from other people's houses! Another bowl of rice!"

Outside the door, I don't know when a lot of gossips have gathered.

There were many people in the Tang Dynasty who were busy all day long, and even more people who were idle.

Whether it is Chang'an County or Wannian County, there is never a shortage of melon-eating people.

"Who just yelled about eating shit?"

"Oops, why does it smell so good..."

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