Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 88: This is also a chance encounter? Zheng Liwan is here too

Liu Renyuan followed Liu Xuan, holding his head high and chest high. He was a little embarrassed two days ago. When the emperor came, the brothers would smile awkwardly when they saw Liu Renyuan.

But today is different. Liu Xuan is not an ordinary person now.

According to your majesty, he became the earl of Lantian County yesterday. What kind of identity is that?

That is a noble of the Tang Dynasty!

Liu Renyuan himself is not a coward, but a good soldier in the army. What is the problem with following the noble of the Tang Dynasty, being ordered by your majesty and obeying Lord Liu Xuan?

Of course, he didn't know that Liu Xuan is now a marquis.

On the streets of the East City, Liu Xuan faced those complicated and vast shops neatly arranged, and began to fall into choice difficulties.

It's not that it's difficult to choose what to buy. After all, you can buy whatever you want now. What else do you need to consider when buying clothes for Yaya and Dazhuang? ✲✪

The reason why it's difficult to choose is that do you want everything? Or do you want everything and double it?

"Sir, the best fur, made into a cloak, can keep you warm in winter..."

"Sir, come in and take a look, the newly arrived Liaodong mink fur..."

Ya Ya and Da Zhuang's attention was not on the clothes at all. The weather was slowly getting colder, but Ya Ya was very active all day. A four-year-old child was jumping up and down, and her whole body was hot. Before the wind had time to blow, Ya Ya had already entered the house.

There were no cotton clothes these days, so fur coats were naturally the best choice.

Da Zhuang looked calm and composed, as if he was emitting amazing heat all over his body.

"Da Zhuang, try the clothes of this store with Ya Ya."

Liu Xuan pointed to a luxurious store and said slowly.

Da Zhuang grinned and carried Ya Ya in.

While the shopkeeper was still stunned, Liu Renyuan came over with a big fight.

"My Lord is buying things, why don't you go and receive him?"


The shopkeeper looked like he was still asleep, and the surprise on his face disappeared instantly. He reacted very quickly: "Oh, guest, please sit down, I will choose for you, how can I let you do it yourself..."

Liu Xuan smiled, watching Yaya and Dazhuang facing a pile of good quality and novel clothes, liking them very much, and his heart gradually warmed up.

Is this a foothold in the Tang Dynasty?

Even the most picky person in the world can't seem to find any faults, right? This foothold should be something to be proud of, right?

Even if a girl who is dating in the future comes to find faults, she can't find any, right?

"Liu Renyuan, you go pick one too."

Liu Renyuan shook his head shyly: "Sir, we don't really need it. We have official clothes for official business, and we have several sets a year."

Liu Xuan then remembered that this guy used to be Li Shimin's bodyguard, so he naturally had a lot of clothes all year round. It takes a little bit of skill to resist the cold outside in the cold weather. If he didn't have something to keep out the cold, he wouldn't be as delicate and tender as he is now.

"Liu Renyuan, don't say it. Old Li said you are a warrior, but I don't think you look like a warrior at all. You look more like those delicate and tender young men in brothels."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Renyuan blushed.

As a descendant of a famous family, it seems not an exaggeration to call him a young man.

"Sir, I've only been a guard for two years."

Liu Xuan nodded and patted Liu Renyuan's shoulder gently: "Don't worry, there's not much to do in our house, and you shouldn't always do the work of a guard. You should be like a steward."

"Ask Lao Li later what the stewards in the palace are like, and you can be the same as them."

Liu Renyuan felt as if a thousand pounds of force was pressing down on him when Liu Xuan patted him. He suddenly tensed his body and barely managed to bear it.

Even so, his shoulder was still aching.

Wow, Sir is so strong?

Just after he exhaled, he heard Liu Xuan's words. For a moment, Liu Renyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sir, Sir, there are eunuchs in the palace. How can I be the same as them?

I am the only son in three generations, the only child in the family, and I have to carry on the family line!

Liu Xuan led the team to buy clothes relatively quickly. After Yaya and Dazhuang had chosen, Liu Xuan left the money and prepared to go home.

The streets of the East Market are wider than those of the West Market. I think it should be because the shops are arranged in an orderly manner.

Liu Xuan walked in front with his hands behind his back. When he saw the pink attics on the roadside, he would ask Liu Renyuan.

"Sir, that place is not a good place. Men in our Tang Dynasty don't go there."

"That place is a casino. I heard that there is someone behind it. It seems to be the uncle of the king."

"Sir, that is... Jiaofangsi..."

Hearing the three words Jiaofangsi, Liu Xuan instantly became energetic: "Liu Renyuan, have you been to Jiaofangsi?"

Liu Renyuan's face changed: "Sir, I, Liu Renyuan, am a descendant of a famous family. I am upright and not close to women. I never go to that kind of place!"

"What's more, Jiaofangsi was a good place before, but now... it's not as good as a brothel."

Liu Xuan smiled. According to rumors, there are several specifications of brothels in the Tang Dynasty.

The brothel is a place where ordinary people can go.

The brothel is a place where rich people go.

The Jiaofangsi is a place where people of status go.

But after the third year of Zhenguan, something seemed to have happened. The Jiaofangsi is now very different from before, and it gradually seems to have disappeared from the eyes of patrons. The brothel has become a holy place in the hearts of men in Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, as more and more foreigners arrived in Chang'an, and the number of Hu people increased, some magical martial arts began to spread among the brothels and brothels.

With improved business capabilities, the latecomers naturally surpassed.

Today's Jiaofangsi is sparsely populated. Only those singing girls and dancing girls are constantly practicing singing and dancing every day. They are ordered by officials and appear at various banquets of dignitaries in the Tang Dynasty.

"Oh? Liu Renyuan, you know a lot about brothels!"

Liu Xuan said suddenly.

Liu Renyuan didn't think much about it, and subconsciously replied: "No, no, just a little bit."

"Uh... Sir, I mean, I often go to brothels to arrest people!"

Liu Xuan looked at Liu Renyuan with a smile, his eyebrows and eyes were like scimitars, as if saying: Don't explain, explanation is covering up, who is not a man.

Liu Renyuan looked at Liu Xuan's eyes and knew that he could no longer explain clearly.

The juggler on the roadside threw the porcelain bowl in his hand high up. The porcelain bowl flew very high. If it fell like this, it would definitely be shattered. But the next moment, when the porcelain bowl fell, the man's hand seemed to have eyes. He took the porcelain bowl lightly in his hand, and then took out a torch with his other hand and spit it at the torch.


Breaking fire!

When Yaya saw this, she immediately opened her mouth wide, and the drool at the corner of her mouth was covered by her little hand.

"Aye, he can spit fire from his mouth..."

Liu Xuan was about to speak when he heard a clear voice: "This is just a trick."

"We meet again, Shopkeeper Liu Xuan."

Following the direction of the voice, Liu Xuan fixed his eyes and saw Zheng Liwan.

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