Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 95 Empress Changsun: Liu Xuan, it’s time for you to get married

Liu Xuan's mansion, in the backyard.

The sound of a person drooling is very small, and if you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all.

When a group of people are drooling, the movement becomes louder.

At first it was just ticking, but later it seemed to connect into a line, like gurgling water.


Empress Changsun tasted such delicious food for the first time today, and she was filled with confusion.

There is a shortage of cattle in the world, but Your Majesty actually eats cattle here?

After looking at Cheng Yaojin and others, Empress Changsun felt even more uncomfortable, wondering how to deal with the suffering of the people.

At this time, Da Zhuang no longer did so many fancy things. He picked up the plate and walked quickly from the kitchen to the stone table in the backyard in three steps.

After a few rounds, the entire stone table was filled to the brim.

At this time, Li Shimin suddenly thought of something. Since today was a free meal, should he get back the money he had spent before? After all, Cheng Yaojin has already spent money today. If you pay for it yourself, Liu Xuan, you want all the money. That's too much.

One code equals one code! Isn't this what Liu Xuan said yourself?

"Ahem, dear brother, since Lao Cheng is treating us, can I get my money back?"

Li Shimin spoke immediately. There are not many things in this world that require an overnight stay.

Liu Xuan looked at Li Shimin in surprise, with disbelief on his face, and then pretended to be confused: "Old Li, what did you say?"

"I can't quite understand why."

Li Shimin lowered his voice: "Money, bag, that money."

Liu Xuan slapped his thigh: "You said that money! Didn't you spend it all?"

"The daughter who is married is the water that is thrown out, the money that is spent, and the ashes that are thrown away."

"Old Li, you are not kind..."

Cheng Yaojin and others swallowed hard and lowered their heads, especially Qin Qiong. He had not been in court recently and was doing radio gymnastics at home every day. Not to mention, his health was getting better.

"Liu Xuan, one code equals one code."

"Lao Li, you're wrong. Didn't we all agree that you have the final say on spending money, and everything is spent, and I have the final say on collecting money, and everything is collected..."

When Empress Changsun saw this posture, she shook her head helplessly: "Master, you are really picky. Eat something quickly!"

The sun shone on the beef feast, and Empress Changsun's thoughts about farming just now were all gone, and she looked at Liu Xuan's eyes with even more appreciation.

This kind of cooking skills has never been encountered in the palace.

The royal chefs in the palace are all top-notch cooks, and Empress Changsun herself is also good at cooking.

But in front of Liu Xuan's cooking skills, whether it was the former imperial chef or Queen Changsun, who was known to be skilled in cooking, they were like floating clouds in the wind and like duckweeds in the water, not worth mentioning.

"Boiled beef, Madam, please try it."

Liu Xuan smiled: "You are all regular customers. You have eaten most of these dishes and are familiar with them, but my wife has never tasted them."

Queen Changsun nodded, boiled beef, the name sounds like the result of boiling beef in water.

"Madam, this is beef offal soup."

"This is beef brisket noodles..."

The entire backyard was filled with the smell of meat.

Yaya and Da Zhuang were far away from each other. They were obviously playing happily in their new clothes, but suddenly they were pulled over by Queen Changsun to eat together.

"We are all family members, no need to be polite, let's eat together!"

Liu Xuan was not afraid of Da Zhuang and Yaya eating. Today was indeed a good day. Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin and others ordered a lot of Erguotou with a wave of their hands, each one more exciting than the other.

The main reason is that I am worried that Da Zhuang will eat too hard and the others will not be able to eat.

The grown men ate delicious food and drank fine wine, and naturally Queen Changsun began to chat with Yaya Dazhuang, picking up a bite of food from time to time and savoring it for a long time, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Yaya, have you, Aye, been studying since you were a child?"

Yaya still doesn’t know what reading is, but it’s what you say. There are a lot of oil stains on her face, and the maid beside her keeps wiping them off.

"Dazhuang, you said that your young master just memorizes the Analects of Confucius when he is fine. Do you recite other books?"

Da Zhuang was holding a cow bone and suddenly stopped. His big head kept shaking, as if he was trying hard to think about something.

"Honey, the young master has memorized a lot of books..."

Da Zhuang suddenly became mysterious. He put down the cow bone in his hand and approached Queen Changsun: "My lord, let me tell you a secret."

Queen Changsun's eyes lit up, and curiosity arose in her heart.

There are no people in the Tang Dynasty who don’t gossip.

As the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, the mother of the world, she is also the person who is at the center of gossip. She is either gossiped about by others every day. It is the Empress of the East Palace who bakes big cakes, and the cakes pile up in mountains, or what kind of rouge and gouache the Empress uses, and so on, there are countless , both good and bad.

Queen Changsun also likes to eat other people's melons. After all, who doesn't have a way to adjust the joy of life?

"Dazhuang, tell me quickly."

As she spoke, Empress Changsun beamed: "This child is so sincere. Come on, I gave this to you. Take it, but don't let anyone snatch it away."

Empress Changsun gave Da Zhuang a golden hairpin...

Da Zhuang looked at the golden hairpin and began to be in a daze.

"The young master is not honest when sleeping, especially the past few days. He talks every day while sleeping..."

Queen Changsun became more and more excited.

"What did you say?"

Da Zhuang tried hard to recall, seeming a little entangled.

"Fragrances from afar invade the ancient road, and the grass is full of farewell feelings..."

"When people are born, their nature is good, and their natures are close, but their habits are far apart..."

"Corrupt officials are treacherous, and honest officials are also treacherous, and they are more treacherous than corrupt officials..."

"Come out and fight, have you ever seen people being chopped off..."


It took Da Zhuang a long time to finish a sentence, and he spoke very slowly.

But the horror in Empress Chang Sun's eyes was getting heavier and heavier. The score on the Lili Plain was something she had never heard of before.

Liu Xuan, he is really talented!

Da Zhuang seemed to be chopped back, and it was a bit difficult for him to say a few more words.

At this time, Yaya, who was eating beef brisket noodles on the side, suddenly spoke. The soup at the corner of her mouth was wiped away by the maid. Yaya put her hands behind her back: "Auntie, I know!"

"Aye always said that I have a good memory. I remember what Aye said when he was sleeping... Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon..."

Empress Chang Sun felt pleasantly surprised, but at the same time her heart was full of disappointment.

The surprise was that these were things I had never heard of or seen before.

The disappointment was that as the empress of the Tang Dynasty, she was the mother of the country and had seen a lot since she was a child, but she had never heard of these things. How could the civil and military officials in the court know what Liu Xuan meant by these words?

The nonsense in the dream was so profound and so strange.

"Liu Xuan, let me ask you, you must be sixteen years old, right?"

Liu Xuan sat aside, smiled and nodded.

"Since you are sixteen years old, you should marry a decent wife, right?"

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