Tuli also saw it at this time, and Zhao Ziyun was very close to them.

Tuli's mood is the same as Jieli's.

Feeling aggrieved!


Head bombing!

Several generals and his tiger and wolf riders around him all rushed over quickly when they heard the news.

The tiger wolf ride is very restless.

Their tiger eyes stared at Zhao Ziyun, who was not far from them.

The tiger eyes were hateful, and they all wanted to cut Zhao Ziyun under the horse.

But, they can't.

This man is the object of their gaze.

If it's a group of people, working together, it can stop him.

So both Jieli and Tuli were fenced off.

Zhao Ziyun was a gunman, so he came to them so gracefully.

The reason why Zhao Ziyun came to them so easily was because none of them could have imagined that this person was so bold and dared to go deep alone.

Another reason is that they only have a handful of people scouting the terrain in the mountains at this time.

The large army is still at the bottom of the mountain.

Helan Mountain has a vast landform and beautiful scenery.

Naturally, they can't help but appreciate it.

Zhao Ziyun appeared so unexpectedly.

If you don't give Jieli and Tuli nightmarish shock, they don't have a long memory.

"Jieli, do you still want to ambush us here?"

"Who gave you the guts of the dog?"

"Do you believe it or not, I let you all die here in an instant?"

Zhao Ziyun lifted the overlord gun and pointed at Jieli from afar.

In front of him were countless tigers and wolves.

Each is extremely fierce.

Jieli had already sent someone to investigate, and there were no soldiers from the Tang Dynasty nearby.

He's the only one.

That's reassuring.

"Zhao Zilong, are you here to send you to death?"

"Even a person dares to break into the hinterland of our army?"

"These tigers and wolves in front of me can break your body into pieces in a few moments!"

As he spoke, at his signal, a small group of people had already walked towards Zhao Ziyun.

They didn't go fast, they had all seen Zhao Ziyun's power.

"Just because of these people, you want to threaten me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

Zhao Ziyun deliberately revealed his identity, just to scare him again.

"Hahaha, aren't you Zhao Zilong?"

"Your brother died at our hands, now you should follow in his footsteps!"

Jieli had a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

He was so aggrieved that he wanted to clean him up.

Tuli beside him also had a bit of gloom in his eyes, and he didn't speak.

But he was always looking around, and he always felt that this person was not simple.

At this time, the tiger and wolf riders all slashed at Zhao Ziyun like crazy.

Suddenly, there was a sound of horses, and the black horsemen rose to their backs.

Zhao Ziyun's overlord spear flashed sharply.

With a loud shout, he fought fiercely with this group of men and horses.

In a few moments, I saw a corpse lying on the ground.

Zhao Ziyun's move was extremely fast, and everyone could only look at each other in shock.

"I said, these people can't keep me.

"If it weren't for the large number of people, you would have been caught by me again."

"I won't necessarily spare you this time. "

Besides, you think I'm me?"

"See clearly?" With

that, he took off all his disguise.

At this moment, the air seemed to be frozen.

When Jieli and Tuli saw his appearance clearly, their mouths were shocked into a zigzag.

"You...... You are...... Zhao Ziyun?"

"You're not dead?"

"How is it possible?"

Jieli and Tuli were both shocked.

Did the Grim Reaper come back to life?

They all saw the head of the dead Zhao Ziyun.

Why is the person in front of him exactly the same as Zhao Ziyun.

"You can't be him, are you a human or a ghost?"

"We clearly saw ......"

Jieli was shocked beyond measure.

"You saw a human head of mine?"

"Didn't you?"

"That's why you dared to go south again?"

"To tell you the truth, I am a god who has nine lives.

"If you take these chickens and dogs, I will chop them up like a pig in a minute." "

Zhao Ziyun is extremely arrogant.

"Archer, shoot this man, whether he is a human or a ghost. "

Jieli was really scared.

How can the dead be resurrected?

They never believed in the gods and thought that Zhao Ziming was just talking nonsense.

Countless archers around him, thousands of arrows fired at Zhao Ziyun.

"Hahaha, grandpa is gone.

"But Grandpa will come back."

"Jieli, remember to wash your neck at any time and wait for me!"

The purpose of this visit was achieved, and Zhao Ziyun quickly evacuated.

Countless arrows missed.

At the foot of the mountain.

The five tigers of Yanbei saw Zhao Ziyun return safely.

That's when I really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Hou, you are back.

"You've been gone for so long, we all thought you were ......"

Li Yungang greeted Zhao Ziyun with an excited face.

"Think I'm dead? I'm a god.

"Just now, Jieli and Tuli were scared by me and lost their souls.

Zhao Ziyun also admired his courage, and he didn't forget to brag about himself when he came back.

"Okay, I won't tell you more, where are Li Jing and them?"

Zhao Ziyun has been waiting for Li Jing's people.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to hit them their own.

"Master Hou, they will be there soon, will we attack immediately?"

Zhang Wanchang was always reconnoitring the movements of this friendly army, knowing that they would arrive soon.

Zhao Ziyun showed a happy look.

"Okay, when they rest for a while, we'll attack.

"This time, whoever kills this time will be rewarded with five hundred gold!" Yanbei

Wuhu was very excited when he heard this.

Last time, I said that they should behead a general, but they knelt down.

In the end, I had to go out to save people by myself.

After a while, Li Jing appeared.

After they rested for a while, Zhao Ziyun began to command everyone to attack.

"General Xue, you take a team of men and horses, attack first, and lead the other party down. "

General Li, you lead a group of men and horses, go down the path, and defeat them. "


After some assignment, Zhao Ziyun finished arranging.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, we are most familiar with this mountain.

"They dare to use this mountain as a base, they are simply looking for death.

"In this battle, we guarantee that they will lose half of their men again?"

On Helan Mountain, Jieli and Tuli were already pale with fright.

The obsession around him is even more dumbfounded.

Ashnasimo is slightly better.

"Khan, although we have the advantage of mountains and rivers, this is also our disadvantage. "

We are all cavalry, and we are not good at fighting in the mountains.

"Just now, Zhao Ziyun suddenly appeared, which shows that there are other paths here.

"I'm afraid that if the enemy comes out from behind.

"We don't have an advantage, it's the other side's advantage.

"So, please ask the Khan to order the withdrawal of the army at once.

Jieli woke up from a trance for half a day.

"You're right, we've got to get down and up. "

Pass my military order and evacuate immediately.

After Ashnasimo left, Jieli looked at Tuli.

"Do you say that this matter is a trick for us by Qi He Li and Datang?"

"Lure us into the army?"

Tu Li thought about it, and finally shook his head.

"No way, he wouldn't do that.

"Everyone is in the same boat, and what we saw at that time was indeed the real Zhao Ziyun.

"In any case, let's withdraw first.

"When I turn around, I'll send someone to get his head back and look at it again."

Only then did Jieli let go of what was in his heart, got up with Tuli, and prepared to leave.

"Report! Qiqi Khan, the back mountain found that Li Jing's men and horses were quietly coming towards us.

"Report! Qi Khan, Xue Wanche's men and horses have been found ahead, and they are attacking us. "

There were two wolf rider scouts, hurrying to report on the current situation.

"It's coming so fast!" Jie

Li sighed as he took a deep breath.

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