“Didi Didi, warning! Warn! Warn! Due to miscalculations, space-time wormholes are out of order. ”

A series of tooth-biting warning sounds sounded, and Luo Yuan, who was wrapped in a ball of light, slowly began to collapse.

“Open the emergency filing and probe the host’s needs.”

Luo Yuan, who was in a coma, faintly sounded a voice in his mind, as if asking what his dream was.

Luo Yuan, who was suffering from cancer, heard this question and couldn’t help but say it.

“Live and live well.”

Then the system flashed and began to understand Luo Yuan’s dream.

“Due to a system miscalculation, compensation to the host begins.”

Then a brilliant light wrapped Luo Yuan in it, as if it was transforming Luo Yuan’s body.


During the Zhenguan period of the Great Tang Dynasty, in a deep mountain and dense forest in the northwest Yumen Pass.


A deep and terrifying black hole slowly emerged, and then a smooth figure fell from it.


It slammed into the ground, shaking the earth.

For a long time, the figure in the pit slowly opened his eyes.


In an instant, within his open eyes, a blood-red flashed, and an evil bloodthirsty aura surrounded him.

The surrounding verdant grass instantly withered.

But after the young man regained consciousness, the force seemed to be controlled.

“Where am I?”

He was talking to himself, but he felt a foreign object in his mouth.

Reaching out and touching it, he suddenly froze.

Because the foreign object is nothing else, it is your own teeth!

Touching the sharp fangs, Luo Yuan swallowed his saliva with difficulty, what was going on?

“Ding! The crossing was completed, and the master successfully descended to the Great Tang Zhenguan Year. ”

“Due to the error of crossing calculation, the master’s body collapsed, and the system hereby compensated the owner according to the owner’s wishes.”

“Now the body of the owner has been transformed into an immortal zombie.”

“Zombie bloodline optimization has been carried out, not afraid of sunlight, but still need to ingest blood for survival, among which human blood is the best.”

Stunned, Luo Yuan was directly stunned.

In his previous life, he was a terminally ill patient, and at the last moment of his life, he got the system.

The system gives him a chance to traverse, and then reincarnate, able to get a new life.

And Luo Yuan’s words, love history, especially the history of the Great Tang, after thinking about it, decided to travel to the Great Tang. Because I thought about the reasons why I had a system, I found a rich family and became an only child.

Unexpectedly, when crossing over, there was an accident, the body collapsed and even the soul was torn apart, so naturally it was impossible to reincarnate and be reborn.

In the end, the system chose to compensate, that is, to transform Luo Yuan into a zombie and fulfill his dream of living.

After all, Luo Yuan in his previous life was a terminally ill patient, and his biggest dream was of course to live.

But now Luo Yuan is difficult to accept, he has actually become a zombie.

From then on, he was no longer human and lived on blood.

Silence, a long silence.

Luo Yuan did not blame the system, after all, he was already extremely lucky to give himself a chance to come back to another life.

It’s just that for a moment, it’s psychologically unacceptable.

In Luo Yuan’s previous life, he was terminally ill since birth. At the beginning, because of the fact that his parents were alive, the family situation was good, and Luo Yuan’s illness could be controlled.

However, with the death of Luo Yuan’s parents, there was no financial source in the family, Luo Yuan gradually stopped taking medicine, and finally came to the end of his life at the age of seventeen or eighteen, which is when he encountered the system.

“Forget it, the villains survived.”

“Moreover, the system also said that human blood is not necessarily needed to stay alive.”

Luo Yuan comforted himself with words, and then stood up, looked deep, and was just about to climb out.


However, when Luo Yuan bent his legs and exerted slightly, the terrifying power burst out, and Luo Yuan burst out in an instant.


Luo Yuan was sluggish, and at this time, he actually jumped directly into the air tens of meters.

Only then did he remember that he was not a human, but a zombie.

Although he is not afraid of the sun and does not have to jump stiffly on his legs to walk, the terrifying physical quality of being a zombie is completely inherited.


Luo Yuan suddenly landed on the ground and looked at his hands.

“This force is simply terrifying.”

“And this world is just a historical Tang, with the setting of zombie swords and guns, water and fire are invincible, I should be able to be safe and sound.”

This is good news, after all, if he did not follow the plan, he became the son and brother of the noble family and his life safety was greatly threatened.

And now that you become a zombie, it would be nice not to threaten others yourself.

“But this one is naked and hungry.”

Luo Yuan touched his stomach, and a bloodthirsty desire began to rise from his heart. Sniffing his nose, Chen Ye felt that his perception of life was acute to horror.

“That direction, it’s a human village, right?”

Luo Yuan’s eyes were a little longing, but Luo Yuan, who woke up in an instant, broke out in a cold sweat.

“Nope! The body has become a monster, but my heart is not a monster yet. ”

In the end, Luo Yuan suppressed the desire for blood, and then his body suddenly burst out.

Night fell slowly, under the moonlight, in a grass, there were several small animal corpses.

And the corpses of these small animals are all shriveled, and it seems that the blood has been sucked out.

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