Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 100 Dingfeng Ghost·Shang Yang

During the day, Yang Xunsheng turned around and saw, sure enough, at least 20 "Yin Liao" appeared at the intersection where he and Lu Zhihao had just passed.

It was quite difficult for them to move under the strong wind, but they still stretched their heads and necks extremely long and struggled to get here.

time is limited.

Bai Tianyang said to Lu Zhihao: "How many times have you been here?"

Lu Zhihao replied: "Three times."

"Did you randomly pick an evil ghost as the 'Fixing Wind Ghost' every time before, but it was always wrong?"


"Who did you pick?"

"Wang Zhi, Sun Ce, Gou Jian..."

"OK, now that I exclude these three people and choose one at random, there is a ninety-seventh chance of success...Eh? That's not right. The three people you mentioned were the evil ghosts who announced their homes just now. , why didn’t you hear it?”

Lu Zhihao said calmly: "The evil ghosts hanging outside are actually changing all the time. If you randomly find an evil ghost to rescue, the probability of success is less than 1%."

Bai Tianyang said: "So, is there a possibility that the 'Ding Feng Ghost' never changes? When you came here three times, the one hanging outside was probably the 'Ding Feng Ghost'."

Lu Zhihao shook his head and said: "No, I have been here three times, and the names of the 100 evil ghosts hanging outside are not repeated at all. There is another possibility that the 'Dingfeng Ghost' does not refer to one, but refers to a category, but they are just hanging outside. There is always only one.”

Bai Tianyang took a deep breath and looked up. The distance between those "Yin Liao" and "Wind Ghost Tower" was less than 50 meters.

In his anxiety, he suddenly realized that the strength of the strong wind seemed to have increased, and he was no longer able to stand firmly on his feet.

In desperation, Bai Tianyang hugged the top of the tower with his backhand.



The spire actually shattered and disconnected.

During the day Yang saw that there was a dark space below the tower spire.

But he could only "get a glimpse", because immediately, his whole body and the part of the tower spire he was holding were blown down, and suddenly hit the ground from high altitude.

Lu Zhihao was shocked when he saw this and rushed over to help him up.

Fortunately, Yang Yang moved his limbs during the day and found that he was fine - this is the case in the game, the protagonist cannot die easily.

But during the day Yang also discovered that the "Yin Liao" who was rushing at the front was less than 20 meters away from them.

Bai Tianyang said: "Climb the tower, climb up! I know where the 'Fixing Wind Ghost' is!"

Lu Zhihao was stunned, and followed Bai Tianyang to the "Wind Ghost Tower" and began to climb along the outer wall.

As the two climbed up, Lu Zhihao asked: "Who is the 'Dingfeng Ghost'?"

Bai Tianyang said: "None of these 100 evil ghosts."


During the day, Yang climbed to the second floor of the "Wind Ghost Tower". While climbing to the third floor, he looked back and found that "Yin Liao" was still about 10 meters away from the "Wind Ghost Tower".

"There are 23 evil ghosts hanging on the first floor." Bai Tianyang said, "19 on the second floor, 17 on the third floor, 13 on the fourth floor, 11 on the fifth floor, 7 on the sixth floor, 5 on the seventh floor, and 5 on the eighth floor. Layer 3, ninth layer 2, these 10 numbers are arranged together, do you find anything wrong?"

"They are all prime numbers, and they add up to 100. What's wrong?"

"They are all prime numbers, but their sum is not a prime number. Moreover, it happens that the 101 after 100 is a prime number."

"You mean, in addition to these 100 evil ghosts, there is another one hanging somewhere on the 'Wind Ghost Tower', for a total of 101?"

"Yes, only in this way can this 'Wind Ghost Tower' be a magical and perfect 'Tower of Prime Numbers'. Therefore, these evil ghosts hanging outside are not 'Fixing Wind Ghosts'."

"Ha! Why didn't I think of that! Where is the 101st evil ghost?"

"The top of the tower. If the spire hadn't broken, I wouldn't have thought of this level."

While they were talking, they had already climbed to the sixth floor.

At the same time, "Yin Liao" had also arrived at the foot of the tower and started climbing up.

All the hanging evil spirits let out angry and shrill roars.

"Get away!"

"Get out of here!"

When Yang climbed to the 8th floor during the day, a "Yin Liao" had already climbed to the 7th floor. Its head and neck suddenly grew, biting Lu Zhihao's pants, and dragged Lu Zhihao down.

At the critical moment, Bai Tianyang stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Zhihao's hand, but he immediately discovered that "Yin Liao" was too strong and he was about to be ripped off altogether.

"Forget it, Game Over is Game Over. Now that you know how to solve the problem, read the disk and try again." Bai Tianyang said, with the intention of letting go.

"No, Duan Changling is about to enter the computer room on the ground floor. We may not have time."

When Bai Tianyang heard that it made sense, he felt anxious.

Next to him, another "Yin Liao" jumped up.

At this time, the evil spirit Li Shidao suddenly opened his mouth and bit the "Yin Liao"'s neck.

The "ghost officer" opened his mouth in pain and finally let go of Lu Zhihao.

Lu Zhihao immediately climbed up several steps.

At this time, the other hanging evil ghosts also started to make trouble for "Yin Liao". Some opened their mouths to bite, and some stretched their legs to kick. For a while, the whole "Wind Ghost Tower" was filled with strange screams.

Bai Baiyang and Lu Zhihao took the opportunity to climb to the top of the tower. Bai Baiyang looked into the dark space exposed after the tower tip broke, but could not see anything.

At this time, the head of a "Yin Liao" stretched out and bared its teeth at Lu Zhihao.

"Go down and fish out the 'Dingfeng Ghost'!" Lu Zhihao shouted, grabbing the "Yin Liao" by the neck.

Tian Tianyang was cruel, gritted his teeth and jumped down.

There was a sharp pain when the body landed on the ground, but it seemed that the distance to the ground was not too long.

"It's amazing that you actually found me."

In the darkness, a faint, male voice came.

Bai Tianyang said: "You...are you the 'Dingfeng Ghost' here?"

"Yes." The man said quietly, "You can also call me Gongsun Yang."

Bai Tianyang took a breath of cold air: "Are you Shang Yang?"


Two minutes later, Bai Tianyang led Shang Yang out of the "Wind Ghost Tower" tip. UU read www.

In an instant, the strong wind that could almost blow away people's souls stopped.

At this time, Bai Tianyang glanced at Shang Yang curiously and found that he was originally wearing white linen clothes, and his hair and beard were already gray, but there was still a heroic spirit and majesty between his brows.

The "yin officials" howled and dragged Lu Zhihao to the bottom of the "Wind Ghost Tower" and swarmed towards Bai Yang's feet.

Bai Tianyang looked at it, his expression slightly changed.

But Shang Yang waved his hand and shouted: "Take in these evil beasts!"

In an instant, all the windows on the "Wind Ghost Tower" were opened, and a large number of imps and evil spirits poured out. Together with the evil ghosts who had been hung up and suffered before, they tore, bit, and pulled these "ghosts".

In a moment, all twenty-seven "Yin Liao" were dragged into the "Wind Ghost Tower", the windows were closed, and disappeared.

The surroundings returned to deathly silence, except for the intermittent whining of a few evil spirits.

"Drink some water."

"Who can come to my rescue?"

Shang Yang led Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao to the intersection on the west side of "Fenggui Tower".

"Congratulations on passing the test. Next, are you going to the 'Monster Fighting Platform'? Just keep going straight ahead."

Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao bowed to him and turned away.

After walking out for about 100 meters, Bai Yang suddenly heard another strong gust of wind.

Looking back, about 50 meters behind the two of them, the strong wind picked up again, violently blowing the evil ghost hanging on the "Wind Ghost Tower" and the surrounding land.

Shang Yang stood there, looking at them indifferently, his body gradually faded and disappeared.

At the same time, the missing spire of the "Wind Ghost Tower" was gradually restored.

It seems to be waiting for the next solver to arrive.

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