However, just after turning a corner, there was a sudden "swish" sound, and an arrow passed by Bai Tianyang's ear and was nailed to a wooden pillar nearby. The tail of the arrow trembled uncontrollably.

During the day, Yang Yang was so excited that he quickly rolled to the ground and hid in a nearby house.

Bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Just as he hid in the room, seven arrows were stuck on the ground at the door of the room.

Bai Tianyang bit the knuckle of his right thumb hard and cursed in his heart: Bullshit Fang Hao! What the hell is this place?

But then, he discovered that the ground in the house was covered with yellow millet.

Moreover, these millets are arranged in a line of words:

"Task 1: Meet up with companions (failure condition: own death)."

Bai Tianyangxin said: "It's a bit creative."

He looked around and felt that this house was completely like an ordinary house. When he came in just now, he passed through the door. He could try climbing out through the back window.

So, he ran to the window, pushed open the animal skins on it, and planned to dig it out.

Unexpectedly, there were two bangs and two flaming arrows pierced the window. Bai Tianyang immediately let go.

Immediately, there was a constant "bang bang" sound, and it sounded like a large number of arrows falling on the windows and the outer walls of the houses.

Moreover, these arrows were all flammable, and within half a minute, the house started to catch fire.

During the day, Yang had a heart and rushed out, but both the door and the windows were sealed by arrows.

He saw a water tank in the corner. He was so worried that he jumped into it with a bang. Then he rushed out the door while he was soaking wet.

But as soon as he reached the door, arrows were fired like locusts, and one of them almost passed by Bai Tianyang's shoulder.

During the day, Yang could only retreat into the house again: Could he be trapped alive and burned to death like this?

At this moment, there was a loud "crash" sound, and the wall at the back window of the house suddenly collapsed.

Two horses rushed out of the burning bricks.

The two strong chestnut horses were burned by the flames and screamed, but they continued to rush forward.

When Bai Tianyun rolled away, he realized that what the chestnut horse was pulling was a carriage, and sitting on the seat of the carriage was Lu Zhihao.

"Get in the car, hurry up!" Lu Zhihao shouted at Bai Tianyang while whipping the horses hard with his whip - the two chestnut horses were obviously panicking in the fire.

Tian Tianyang tried hard to jump onto the carriage, but as soon as he stepped on the pedal, the carriage started suddenly. During the day, Yang lost his balance and fell off the carriage.

But Bai Yang's feet were still hanging on the pedals, which meant that he was being dragged along by the carriage.

Lu Zhihao looked back at Bai Tianyang, gritted his teeth, and let the chestnut horse speed forward.

Bai Tianyang shouted: "Don't! Stop, stop!"

Lu Zhihao ignored him and the chestnut horse quickly ran out of the house and ran wildly on the road.

Arrows rained down like rain, and what was even more terrible was that Tian Yang was dragged crazily, almost to death.

In desperation, he used all the strength of his waist and abdomen to curl up his upper body and actually lifted up his upper body, reaching the pedal at once.

He was ecstatic: I am so good in the game?

At this moment, Lu Zhihao suddenly shouted: "Look ahead! Look ahead!"

Bai Tianyang turned around and saw that about 50 meters ahead, there was a well protruding from the roadside. If he didn't climb onto the carriage as soon as possible, he would hit his head on it.

He reached out, grabbed the pedal, and tried to pull his foot out of the pedal, but failed after several attempts.

My head is less than 30 meters away from the well!

During the day, my face was red from holding back the sun, so I finally pulled my foot out of the pedal!

But in this case, his legs dragged on the ground, which was equivalent to being dragged by the carriage. Soon, a sharp burning pain came from both calves.

On the carriage, Lu Zhihao shook his body and called out - the two people's brains were connected at this time, and Lu Zhihao could also feel Bai Tianyang's pain.

What's even worse is that during the day the sun is less than 15 meters away from the wellhead!

"Hush! Hush!"

Seeing that Bai Yang was about to die, Lu Zhihao finally decided to rein in his horse. Unexpectedly, an arrow from behind hit the horse's butt. The chestnut horse neighed miserably and galloped like crazy.

Bai Tianyang shouted, using all his strength, he finally pulled himself onto the carriage.

The moment he put his feet in from outside the carriage, the carriage passed by the well just now.

Then there was a loud "bang" sound, and the protruding wheels at both ends of the carriage's axle hit the well. The whole carriage shook violently. Bai Tianyang once wondered whether the carriage was going to fall apart.


With a loud noise, the wheels of the car that hit the well broke.

Fortunately, the axle was intact, and the whole car shook violently a few times before continuing to move forward.

Bai Tianyang was still in shock, turned around and yelled at Lu Zhihao: "What the hell do you want to kill me?"

Lu Zhihao shouted: "If it weren't for me, you would be dead! Hurry, there are bows and arrows in the carriage, help me shoot the pursuers!"

Bai Tianyang looked back, and sure enough, many cavalrymen wearing helmets and carrying armor were chasing him along the narrow streets in the city.

He picked up his bow and arrow and shot two arrows backwards. The arrows either flew a few meters and fell softly to the ground, or they flew to an unknown place.

On the contrary, many of the arrows fired by the pursuers hit the carriage.

Bai Tianyang was very anxious and shouted: "It's my first time to shoot an arrow, but I'm not good at shooting. Hurry up and run!"

Lu Zhihao said: "It's your first time to shoot an arrow, and it's my first time to play with this kind of carriage. How fast do you think I can run?"

The pursuers are getting closer and closer, and the arrows are getting denser and denser. During the day, Yang Yang secretly thinks: Is it really going to be Game Over?


The cavalryman who was chasing at the front swung his Chang Ge over, and the head of the Ge slashed hard on the rear fender of the carriage, splitting the wooden fender.


At this moment, a shrill horn sounded.

All the chasing cavalry were obviously stunned. UU Reading Two of them, who had raised their bows and arrows and were about to shoot again, suddenly stopped and looked at each other.

But soon, they turned their horses' heads and retreated quickly. Only the last two riders were left staring at Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao. After the large forces had withdrawn, these two riders left as quickly as possible.

In less than 2 minutes, all the pursuers were completely withdrawn.

Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao looked at each other: Anyway, they can finally take a breath.

"Capture Ying Zheng alive, Ying Zheng is here!"

Suddenly, an earth-shattering shout came from behind.

Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao looked at each other: Qin Shihuang?

Bai Tianyang said: "I remember you said that Fang Hao asked Qin Shihuang to fight in single combat and group fights with the monarchs of the six countries he destroyed at the 'Monster Fighting Platform' every day? Is this right here?"

Lu Zhihao nodded: "I have seen the design concept drawing..."

At this moment, a gust of wind rose from the ground. Bai Tianyang suddenly discovered that the dust on the ground formed a line of characters under the influence of the wind. "Mission 2: Rescue Ying Zheng. (Failure condition: Ying Zheng dies)"

During the day, Yang pulled Lu Zhihao and pointed out this line of writing to him.

Lu Zhihao looked up to the sky and laughed: "Aren't you kidding me? What should I do? Kill him back?"

Bai Tianyang thought for a while and said, "If we drive this carriage back again, the target will be too big and we will be shot into hedgehogs every second. Abandon the carriage and sneak back quietly."

At that moment, Bai and Lu abandoned their carriage and headed in the direction they came from.

Just as they jumped off the carriage, two words appeared at the top of their field of vision - "Ying Zheng", followed by a blue health bar.

The meaning is obvious. Just like in the game, if "Ying Zheng" encounters danger and his health bar is drained, the mission will fail.

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