Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 105 Zhao Jun is murderous

"Bah!" A Qin Army soldier next to Bai Tianyang spat viciously on the ground, and then glanced at Bai Tianyang warily. Bai Baiyang noticed that he had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and he was probably an officer. .

But the officer quickly lowered his head, and Bai Tianyang glanced at him a few more times out of curiosity.

"What's going on?" asked the Zhao Jun soldier next to him, "You keep looking at him. What's so special about him?"

As the Zhao Army soldier spoke, he also looked at the Qin Army officer.

Bai Tianyang said: "It's nothing...this man is from my hometown and owed me a lot of money before."

The Zhao Jun soldier cursed and kicked Tian Yang hard.

The Qin Army officer next to him cast a grateful glance at him.


Not long after that, during the day Yang sat doing nothing and fell asleep drowsily.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the injured area of ​​my right leg and left shoulder, waking up Tian Yang.

The pain was so severe that cold sweat suddenly ran down Tian Yang's face.

He even couldn't help but scream "Ah", causing the people around him to pay attention to him.

Is someone treating Lu Zhihao's wounds?

And soon, Bai Tianyang felt that the pain at the wound gradually weakened, and finally turned into waves of coolness.

It made him feel slightly refreshed.

Oh, the person who treated Lu Zhihao was actually a miracle doctor.

In the sky, the faces of those watching the melons almost disappeared - they all seemed to have gone to rest. During the day, Yang himself and the surrounding Qin troops were also sleepy.

Some of the Zhao soldiers who were guarding them were also dozing off, while others were restless.

"Why no news yet?"

"There will be no more than three people around Ying Zheng."

"Shall we go capture Ying Zheng too? Maybe the great credit will be ours."

"The old general said, we have to watch these Qin wolves!"

"Er Buleng, come here, I'll tell you..."

Next, the two Zhao Jun soldiers began to talk quietly.

Soon, the other four Zhao Jun soldiers were also pulled over, and they were talking secretly together.

"He's going to kill us."

The Qin Army officer beside Tian Tianyang said softly.

Bai Tianyang was a little sleepy at first, but when he heard these words, he immediately became energetic.

"Keep pretending to be asleep," the officer said. At the same time, Bai Tianyang felt the other person's two hands tied behind his back reaching out and stuffing something into his hand.

It's a stone with sharp edges.

When their eyes met, Bai Tianyang immediately understood that the other party was asking him to use a stone to break the binding rope.

During the day, Yang began to cut the rope hard while paying attention to the movements of the Zhao soldiers next to him.

Soon, half of the rope was broken.

"It's sunny! It's sunny!"

Suddenly, Lu Zhihao's message came to Bai Tianyang's head.

"How are you?" Bai Tianyang was delighted.

"I'm fine now. How are you?"

"I'm about to die!"

"Be patient! Have you ever seen a tall guy, about 1.65 meters tall, with a big face, bright eyes, and thick eyebrows? There is a mole on his face near his neck."

"No...oh, yes! Next to me is a man with a big face, bright eyes and thick eyebrows."

"Ask him if his name is Meng Tian!"

"Meng Tian? That general under Qin Shihuang?"


Bai Tianyang couldn't help but glance at the officer and said softly: "Are you Meng Tian?"

The other party was slightly startled and nodded slightly.

Bai Tianyang immediately used brain waves to send a message to Lu Zhihao: "He said yes!"

"Ha! Just wait!"

Next, no matter what message Tian Yang sent, Lu Zhihao never responded.

At the same time, two Zhao soldiers suddenly came over, grabbed a Qin soldier by the collar, and lifted him up.


Without saying a word, the Zhao soldiers lifted him aside, forced him to kneel down, then pulled out his sword and raised it high.

"Don't wait to die!" "Meng Tian" beside Bai Tianyang suddenly shouted in a high-pitched voice, "Fight!"

As soon as he said this, 7 of the 9 Qin soldiers jumped up suddenly, shook off the ropes on their bodies, and rushed towards the Zhao soldiers - it turned out that their ropes had been broken long ago.

The Zhao soldiers were caught off guard. Before two of them understood what was going on, their weapons were snatched from their hands and they were killed immediately.

However, the soldiers of the Zhao army were also well-trained. After reacting, they immediately surrounded the Qin army with their numerical advantage and cut the Qin army into two parts. The two Qin soldiers whose ropes were not broken were immediately killed, and the rest were surrounded.

Bai Tianyang was kicked to the ground by a Zhao Jun soldier.

He threw himself to the ground, and then felt a powerful foot stepping on his vest. The Zhao soldier who kicked him down said coldly: "Qin Lang deserves to die!" This was accompanied by a "clang" sound.

This guy is drawing a knife!

Bai Tianyang knew that his life was at stake. He used all his strength to finally break the rope, and then he threw the stone back hard on the legs of the Zhao soldiers.

The Zhao army soldier screamed in pain, his body posture deformed, and the knife struck the ground in front of Bai Yang's head.

Bai Tianyang escaped, twisting his body hard to get out from under the feet of the Zhao soldiers.

But the muscles in the legs of Zhao Jun soldiers were too strong, and Bai Tianyang couldn't break free at all.

It can be seen that there is the shadow of the Zhao Jun soldier on the ground next to him. His second knife has already struck less than half a meter away from Bai Tianyang's neck!

At this moment, UU Reading only heard a "swish" sound.

An arrow shot from a distance and hit the Zhao soldier's head.

The Zhao Jun soldier lay down straight on his back.

During the day, Yang Yang stood up and found that the soldier had been hit by an arrow in the eye, his body was twitching, and he could no longer survive.

Bai Tianyang picked up the bronze sword in his hand, only to see that the surrounding area was already being slaughtered.

A team came from nowhere. Their armor looked different from that of the Qin army and the Zhao army. They were so large in number that they had the upper hand for a while.

"Are you from Qi? Why are you helping Qin Lang?" a Zhao soldier shouted.

Bai Tianyang was still wondering: Are the people from Qi coming to help the people from Qin? It's amazing. Is it possible that the strategy of distant friendship and close attack has such great influence?

Suddenly, with the sound of "Dede", a black war horse rushed in. The man in black on the horse, holding a long sword, rushed left and right, killing several Zhao soldiers.

Bai Tianyang recognized that it was the man in black who rescued Lu Zhihao during the day.

He should be Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Meng Tian is here! Meng Tian comes to the rescue!" The man in black shouted.

Bai Tianyang was stunned: Are you Meng Tian? Then who is the "lord with bright eyes and thick eyebrows"?

The man in black rode up to the "lord with bright eyes and thick eyebrows" and got off his horse.

"The master with bright eyes and thick eyebrows" was not polite and mounted his horse immediately. The man in black was under the horse, wielding his long sword to kill Zhao Jun and clear the way for the former.

Only then did Bai Tianyang realize: The man on horseback is Ying Zheng, and the man in black is his general Meng Tian!

Unexpectedly, the person sitting next to him just now, sitting obediently under the threat of Zhao Jun's sharp blade, and even handing him a stone to sharpen the rope, was Qin Shihuang!

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